
That's a scorpion on the back for sure. But Vivek, Patrick, and Elon surely knew it was a scorpion when they picked them up. Problem is that the candidate pool isn't just anyone that can decide they want to run, but those that can gain the support of the Musks and Thiels, the Jamie Dimons and Janet Yellens that actually run the country. Those pick the figureheads they want reading the teleprompters and telling their lies to the electorate. That's why we ended up with a choice between Harris and Trump, perhaps the two most despised people in America in 2024.

Maybe there are some serial killers more despised than them, but I don't actually think so. No one every was accused of having John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy syndrome, and damn near half the country had Trump syndrome in recent years. I suspect Kamala Harris was even more despised than Hillary Rodham Clinton, even if not by much if so.

There's a lot of people less despised than them. But politicians as a class are utterly despised, and for good reason. They're all liars. Vile, deceiving, corrupt, and larcenous, to a man/woman. That's why they're elected, because those are the qualities the real management of the country want in their puppets, and whom they allow the sheeple to choose between as candidates for office. Only the equally vile tendency of most sheeple to cast aside reason and integrity in order to join an ingroup, like Republicrats or Demoblicans, enables them to swallow their pride and enthusiastically cheer for the duplicitous minion of overlords on their team.

I really hope I'm right about decentralization, because eventually that will end the cult of the Big Man and political power and restore society to a relatively egalitarian meritocracy, where folks as do what is necessary to provide them have the blessings of civilization, and associate with other folks of equal merit, and groveling sheeple, duplicitous minions, and parasitic overlords will be eschewed because of their nature as scorpions.
