There are some disorders that are a bit taboo in our society. Today, I wanted to talk to you about erectile dysfunction.
It's a bit taboo, and at the same time it's a very important issue, because I recently came across some statistics which showed that a large part of the sales of herbal medicines concerned plants which were reputed to promote erection.
This means that many men have erection problems. And indeed, after 40, most men have erection problems.
There's a kind of inevitability, as it's presented, that after a while... there's more of a hardness to it, and then you have a hard time holding your erection.
The truth is that things are much simpler. We still need to do a little physiology. The male sex is composed of three qualities. There is the urethra, and then there are what we call the two corpora cavernosa, which are like sponges. At rest, when the sex is not erect, these sponges have expelled all the blood, they are not swollen with blood. And then when an arousal happens, these sponges swell with blood.
The adrenal glands produce a neuro-hormone: adrenaline. Adrenaline is responsible for increasing the contractions of the heart and allowing the heart to push more blood and make an extra effort. We think we need plants that come from the depths of the Amazonian forest, with bird names...
When it is simply a matter of exhaustion, because the adrenal glands are responsible for the production of neuro-hormones, particularly adrenaline. Adrenaline is able to increase cardiac contractions and increase the power that is exerted by your heart and bring blood to the peripheral parts.
When there is a particular solicitation, it is the adrenal glands that will produce adrenaline, and that will allow you to make a particular effort.
For example, if you get down and get up again. There, there was a particular effort, an adaptation effort, and your adrenal glands produced a little adrenaline, so as to be able to carry out this effort, to feed the muscles. And so, all the time, these adrenal glands are being called upon.
The problem is that they do not have an infinite resource. They can produce a certain amount of adrenaline, but they also need time to rest. And they need to be fed, those adrenal glands.
So we are given less and less time to rest. The current, modern rhythm of life means that we are constantly stimulated. Stimulated visually, stimulated because we are put under pressure, as such, and therefore we put pressure on our adrenal glands.
We are pressured at work, in sports, in all our activities, and there is no sufficient time to rest. Moreover, this stress, this demand for adaptation, is permanent because we are also bathed in electromagnetic radiation, all the cell phone zones, the WiFi, which create stress for the organism, and which make our adrenal glands constantly produce and produce again.
So for a while, as long as you're young, your adrenal glands are able to hold up. You are living on your capital, you are depleting your capital, but they manage to hold up. And then at a certain point, when you get to your forties, your adrenal glands start to put up the white flag, they can't take it anymore.
That's what happens. Simply because the adrenal glands can't handle the shock. So erectile dysfunction is nothing more than exhaustion, it's just exhaustion.
And it's not for nothing that it happens around the age of 35, 40, 45... Because you're in the middle of your active life, and your active life consists of literally being wrung out, you have no energy. So you try to take stimulating plants!
But the stimulating plants, what will they do?
They're going to whip the adrenals to get out the last drop of energy they have left. But the adrenal glands have specific needs. These needs are, firstly, to have sufficient rest time, not to be constantly solicited. Secondly, to be nourished, a healthy and natural food full of micronutrients. Vitamin C, for example, is excellent for adrenal function. Parsley is also very beneficial for adrenal function. We are really talking about the regeneration of the adrenal glands.
But all these erectile disorders have only one origin: it's exhaustion, this generalized exhaustion that physiologically there's not enough blood coming to the sex, there's not enough blood coming to the brain, there's not enough blood coming to the hands and feet, there's not enough blood, and most importantly, there's not an ability to react fast enough from our adrenal glands to be able to adapt to all the stressful situations in life.
That's why there's a moment in your life when the solicitations will come from everywhere, and you're there... you just want to lock yourself away, just disappear, you burst into tears at the slightest solicitation, all of a sudden you're overwhelmed. Why?
Because your adaptive system, which is based on those famous adrenal glands, those two small glands that cover the kidneys, is no longer functioning as it should.
Erectile dysfunction is just another illustration of our exhaustion, because our current society leads us inevitably to exhaustion by the permanent solicitation which is not adapted to us, by the fact that we are bombarded by electromagnetic radiations, by these waves of the cell phones, and which makes that our system is in permanent stress.
Stress, stress, stress at all levels. The response to stress is done by the adrenal glands. If the stress is permanent, it means that they are working permanently, and this cannot work.
So we can go and get all the supplements we want, we can go and get all the substitutes and subterfuges... In the end, this will not replace the fact that we are exhausted, and that all our physiological functions linked to the normal functioning of the sympathetic nervous system are declining.
So we really need to engage in a profound reform of our lifestyle, because we have simply understood that we have broken some basic biological laws.
The law of action and rest, for example. There is a law of action and rest which says that you cannot have permanent action without having an appropriate rest which will balance this action.
And if we accept this law, if we accept the path that is proposed to us to come back to a little more wisdom, to logic, at that moment, the erection will become hard as concrete.
Erectile dysfunction is just that.
But unfortunately there is an extremely profitable market on dietary supplements, on anything that prevents us from facing reality, the reality of our lives.
Good regeneration!