Do I really need all of this? [EN/PT]

in #hive-1538509 days ago

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In today's way of life, where almost everything is digital, cell phones have become an incredible tool that brings efficiency to our daily lives, whether because of their usability or the possibility of using a multitude of applications for some purpose. But faced with so many useful and necessary options, there are always those useless apps that end up being forgotten and taking up space on our phones.

There are so many app options that sometimes it confuses us, and there comes a time when we have to ask ourselves: is this really necessary? Or what was I thinking, downloading something like this on my phone? It's normal to get carried away with something or to believe that certain apps are really useful, but we're often wrong. Lately, I've been filtering a lot of what I download and what I don't download on my cell phone, and I always do a fine-tooth comb to find out what I'm really using and what I'm not.

I've been doing this periodically and, at the moment, I don't think there's anything as useless on my phone as conventional Web2 social networks. I think I have at least four different social networks on my phone and, to be honest, I rarely post anything personal there. If I think about its usefulness, I might change my mind when I think that some pages with information and specific studies on subjects I like are more accessible, but for the real purpose of socializing, it's practically zero.

So I can say that social networking apps are pretty useless to me compared to their real purpose. But it doesn't compare with apps I've had before. I remember recently downloading an app that, despite being very interesting, I rarely used. It allowed you to point the camera at the sky, aim at a star, and the app would show you the scientific name of that star. Is there anything more useless than that?

I could say that some of the games I own are also useless, but it depends. There are days when my head is full, I'm stressed and anxious, but these games help to distract me at some point. The problem is when it distracts me too much and prevents me from focusing on other more important things. But, in general, I think I know how to dose it enough so that it doesn't get in the way of my life, and the right dose helps me when I need it.

On the other hand, I know that I've had many apps that I shouldn't even have because of their complete uselessness, and I know that many people have the same problem of thinking they'll need them at some point. We could say that the problem of people accumulating things may also be associated with a new scenario, where they become attached to these apps and are afraid to delete them. But I don't mind these things too much and, whenever I realize that something isn't being used or is hindering me in some way, I make a point of deleting it from my phone. I think people who can't do this should seek help, and I don't mean that in a joking way.


Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.


No modo de vida que levamos hoje, onde basicamente quase tudo é digital, os celulares se tornaram uma ferramenta incrível que traz eficiência para o nosso dia a dia, seja por sua usabilidade ou pela possibilidade de utilizar uma infinidade de aplicativos com alguma finalidade. Mas, diante de tantas opções úteis e necessárias, sempre temos aqueles aplicativos inúteis que acabam caindo no esquecimento e ocupando espaço em nossos celulares.

São tantas opções de aplicativos que, às vezes, isso nos confunde, e chega um momento em que devemos fazer aquela pergunta: será que isso é realmente necessário? Ou então: onde eu estava com a cabeça para querer baixar algo assim no meu celular? É normal que a gente se empolgue com algo ou acredite que certos aplicativos são realmente úteis, mas muitas vezes estamos enganados. Ultimamente, tenho filtrado bastante o que baixo e o que não baixo no meu celular, e sempre faço um pente-fino para saber o que realmente tem sido usado e o que não.

Essa ação tem sido feita periodicamente e, no momento, acredito que não tenha nada tão inútil no meu celular quanto as redes sociais convencionais da Web2. Acredito que tenha, pelo menos, umas quatro redes sociais diferentes no meu celular, e, vou ser sincero, raramente posto algo pessoal por lá. Se for pensar sobre sua utilidade, talvez eu mude de ideia quando penso que algumas páginas com informações e estudos específicos sobre assuntos que gosto são mais acessíveis, mas, para a real finalidade de socialização, é praticamente zero.

Então, posso dizer que aplicativos de redes sociais são bem inúteis para mim, se comparados com sua real intenção. Mas não se compara com aplicativos que já tive outras vezes. Lembro-me de recentemente ter baixado um aplicativo que, apesar de ser muito interessante, eu raramente usava. Ele servia para que você apontasse a câmera para o céu, mirasse em uma estrela, e o aplicativo te mostrava o nome científico daquela estrela. Tem algo mais inútil que isso?

Eu poderia dizer que alguns joguinhos que possuo também são inúteis, mas depende. Tem dias em que estou com a cabeça cheia, estressado e ansioso, mas esses jogos me ajudam em algum momento a me distrair. O problema é quando isso me distrai demais e me impede de focar em outras coisas mais importantes. Mas, de modo geral, acredito que sei dosar o suficiente para não atrapalhar minha vida, e a dose certa me ajuda quando preciso.

No mais, sei que já tive muitos aplicativos que nem deveria ter por sua completa inutilidade, e sei que muitas pessoas têm esse mesmo problema de achar que vão precisar deles em algum momento. Podemos dizer que o problema de pessoas que acumulam coisas pode também estar associado a um novo cenário, onde se apegam a esses aplicativos e ficam com receio de excluí-los. Mas eu não me importo muito com essas coisas e, sempre que percebo que algo não está sendo usado ou está me atrapalhando de alguma forma, faço questão de eliminar isso do meu celular. Acho que as pessoas que não conseguem fazer isso deveriam procurar ajuda, e não falo isso em tom de brincadeira.


Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


We can never get to use all the apps on our phones. Even if the app is not useful today, we usually think that someday it could be useful.
For me, I left a lott of such app on my phone with the believe that they would become useful soon.

Yes, at some point they can be useful, but until that moment, they can be useless haha!

Many of us no longer use the web 2 networks to socialise, just to study and never post anything special.

Yes, social media ends up being unnecessary in the end

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Bzzzrrr! So relatable, @michupa! I'm all about pruning my digital hive, decluttering and buzzing off unnecessary apps! Zuuzz to a streamined phone experience #hivebr

I believe Apps are just like any other product. Their utility comes with the services they offer. There are Apps that have been on my phone for ever because they cover a certain need. Translation or calculation of currencies are those. I totally agree with the Social Media Apps or Social channels. For business I was told only to feed two channels and always have a clear purpose. That helped me very much to shape my insta channel. Which I now will link to #ecency for the back story. Thank you for your article - it just reminded me to set up my linktree and add it to my profiles. At last!

Yes, if social media has a purpose, it fits perfectly within the aspect of utility. I have a few accounts on Instagram that have already earned me money for advertising. The real problem is that many people use social media just for frivolity, but that's okay!

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Apps that are not used at the moment should be delete, there is no point of keeping them, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏


Thank you 🥰🙏

Generally, people download apps that they will never use, they allow themselves to be seduced by visually attractive advertising or suggestions that it will really be useful to them. Marketing eats their brains, especially nowadays hahaha. It is very common for it to happen. Currently it has happened to me, checking my phone I realize that I have 9 apps that I do not use, taking up space there unnecessarily. Space that in my case is very valuable because my phone is low-end, and space is vital for me, since I need the banking apps since I pay for services, food, etc. through there.

Anyway, Felipe, you don't have to be distracted by unnecessary aps. For games, I go to a website from my cell phone and play from there. Without having to download any games, this way I avoid being distracted by the phone, and that has given me good results.

Actually, I only have one game on my phone that I've been playing for about 5 or 6 years haha, but it's just something to distract me during idle moments haha. Thanks for commenting!

Some people are found in downloading lot of app on their phones which they barely use, while some are found at keeping useless apps on their phones eventhough they are not using it.

That happens frequently.

Jogos nao sao inuteis se vc os usa heheheh eu tenho uns que nao uso!!

Principalemnte na hora de cagar, é sempre bom ter um joguinho nesses momentos husahs

No meu celular são aplicativos de jogos e alguns bancos, tenho a conta e tudo mais, mas raramente uso, so que fico naquela se eu desinstalar e precisar de novo, vou ter que ir no banco cadastrar tudo de novo e affs, esse processo é chato demais kk


Mas nesse caso, são bem úteis haha

sim kkk

My girlfriend told me to stop singing Wonderwall to her
I said mayybeee...

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@michupa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox



@michupa! @shiftrox likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @shiftrox. (2/20)

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Você falando da inutilidade dos apps das redes sociais da Web2 depois q eu fiquei horaaaaaaaaaaas pra recuperar seu instagram, que ingratooooo kkkkkkk

Ue, não deixam de ser inputeis kk

Rede social é tudo meio inútil mesmo, mas isso na #web2, se a gente para para pensar aqui tem muito potencial. Eu mantenho o facebook devido a usar o market place para comprar e vender. Vendi meu roteador esses dias, e foi por ali.

A sim, para esses casos é bem interessante ter redes sociais!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@shiftrox(1/15) tipped @michupa

Some people find it difficult to delete some apps in their phone... hoping that one day, it will be useful even when they haven't used same app in the past 8 months....what's the need of it occupying my phone?
I don't hesitate to delete useless ones after what happened to my phone last Time

Yes, it's important not to get attached to these apps, after all, they are just apps and can be downloaded again if necessary