in #hive-1688693 years ago


The hardest thing about exercise is to start doing it, once you are doing exercise regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it


Before now I Was not a fan of Erin grey unlike Jim ryun. But this Particular write up of Erin grey made me go ahead and read his books and his words of motivation. Now I can probably say i am a huge fan of Erin grey.

I would have said it a wrong move going to pay for gym sessions. But it was never such.
I do complain about my weekends being fixed up with work activities instead of me having an ideal weekend just as @galenkp do encourage us.
But there was a time I fought the process and enjoyed my weekends at home. eg; staying indoor, watching movies, going to recreational venues and others. It was really an ideal weekend. But as time goes on I did not know when I backslided from the ideal weekend thing and end up being choked with work activities during weekends like before.

But this past weekend I made up my mind to go back to my ideal weekend phase .
I decided to ditch anything work, fact being that we student of the federal university of Nigeria are on strike .
My plan is to focus on what gives me joy and less stress.This past weekend entails more of me.

For a smooth ideal weekend that I wished for, I made sure I switched off my work smartphone in other not to get called for a job I won't want to let go. Some of us here know the drill.
It was Saturday morning, I woke up early as usual. I think my body system has gotten use to the early morning routine. I woke up around pass 6am on a Saturday morning but slept back.


I woke up back around 7am and decided to hit the gym. The gym is few distance from my residence. I decided to jog there since jogging is part of me burning unnecessary calories.
I got to the gym, did my workout and was about leaving the gym when a colleague saw me and was amazed of my body shape,
saying how did I go about the packs and arm strings.


I smiled and explained to him my workout routines, after our conversation I left the gym around past 10am in the morning.

I Came back home to freshen up because I already have a sweet start which is going to the gym to work out. I got home and toasted bread for myself with a soft drink attached.


I took that and was feeling relaxed and sleepy. I took a nap and work up minutes later.
All was in my favour because there was electricity. I put on the TV and it's devices to ease up and continue the day.
I was there watching different programs and listening to the new afro music jams not knowing time was far spent. I even forgot to eat at noon time.


To wrap it up.I stood up and left the house for music rehearsal since it Saturday. We made music till later evening.
It was nice and worth doing again and again. I enjoyed the weekend and wished for more of it.

Thank you for reading through my blog