The Book Of Longevity In Skateboarding are a couple of simple tips to improve health in our life and in our Skateboarding. As mentioned in chapter 5, it is not enough to learn how to fall. An important area to work on are the arms and wrists, they are usually the first to take the impact and suffer when we fall.
Wrist injuries are often long lasting and that is why we see some skaters wearing wrist braces.
Shoulder injuries may require surgery and years of training to get back in shape, training our body is more than important if we want to skate for years.
The recommendation is that you make physical training part of the fun when you go skating, if it is an ordeal for you your mind will reject the training and you will not train and that will make you get old faster.
In the video we see how to train the arms and wrists by doing a series of simple exercises. We can do some, we can do all or we can do more, it's just a series of exercises, do what you enjoy and you are comfortable doing once a week.
Published by Miguel Urbina via Skatehype.com