Mojo & Dojo

in #hive-1707983 years ago



Mojo and Dojo sat in the open that evening, they were kilometers deep inside the forest of Kata. A place of fallen slaves.

They both sat on the ground that night eating mushrooms and telling stories. Mojo was Dojo's grandfather and he had taken care of him since he was born.

Dojo lost his mom and dad the day he was born. Their village was attacked by slave hunters on a cold February's eve. Mojo had gone hunting, he was deep in the forest of Kata when it all happened and he blamed it on himself for the rest of his life.

He took it upon himself to take care of his grandson till he died.

That night he was telling Dojo a short story.

"It was 6 o'clock in the morning, there was a fire in the streets. Burning and burning, that's all they wanted to see" .

"They said we suffered from schizophrenia or some kind of disease. They made us, but black doesn't crack" . Mojo continued.

"Once I finish telling you this story, witnesses will convey just what I mean, I have felt this way since I was 16 years old". He said.

"We are Africans, we are black and so black like the moon, we are heritage from a very small village but a great one, our residence came from the bottom of mankind. Our hair is nappy, our head is big, our nose is round and wide, and they hate us because of that".

"They hated our people and their plan was to terminate our culture, they acted so evil towards us. But I want you to never forget that you are a proud black boy". He continued as he got up and stared deeply towards the moon.

" They vandalized our perception but they never succeeded in taking style from us, remember that this is just a confession my son".

" You might seem irrelevant to the community and society for now and the penitentiary might wound up the only one to employ you. Don't get deceived by fake prophecies calling you a slave in your own head".

"Although we are institutionalized, manipulated and lied too. Reciprocation of freedom only lives in our eyes" . He said finally as he walked up towards his grandson.

"It's time to get going my son" , he said.



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@silentbot star 3

I love the wisdom the grandfather shares with his grandson in this poignant story. He doesn't shield him from the dark history and the painful past, but instead gives him the beautiful gift of pride in who he is. Well done, @milezofplay.

One should take pride in their traditions and culture. There are certain facts which matter more than where you come from or what's your background. A nice one!

This story relates a personal event between a grandfather and his grandson, but it symbolizes a trait that drags humanity from the most ancient times. The world of good feelings hopes that Africa (the cradle of humanity) will understand, as Mojo says that "freedom only lives in our eyes", heal this wound that was inflicted on it and leave the pains in the past. In the future it will become clear that we are all Africans.

it's the first time I read a story like this, with this theme, it's very good.

Hmm... This was a really short story.i wish I had more context but the issue of slavery is a topic a lot of people are afraid of talking about. I am not. Nice one

Thank you so much for writing this short story on theinkwell, @milezofplay. You touched on an important topic and one that many people need to talk about because it contains painful elements. Literature can have a balm effect.
Thanks for keeping up the interactions with fellow writers.