Hello everyone 👋.
Having my usual problem, connectivity issue using ecency. So now, I am again trying to beat the clock to enter this wonderful #phonography contest initiated by our good friend @untilwelearn and team, with thanks! 🤗
Green, we like this colour don't we? In crypto world, it's a fun time. Doesn't green also symbolize growth and wealth? When we're out in nature, our eyes will thank us. That freshness, restful and relaxing colour is just soothing. When it comes to food, we immediately think of our overall well-being. Do you enjoy your greens when you're having a meal? Or I guess, first question should be, do you incorporate vegetables in your main meal? I am trying my best to do that. I hope you're doing the same for good/better health.
This is my ultimate green juice. I put in a juicer 1 green apple, half of a large green pepper, 1/3 of a large bittergourd, half of medium cucumber and 2 stalks of celery to make a glass full of this health juice.
I didn't drink this myself because I deliberately made this for a person needing it more. A family friend's 13 year-old daughter had been diagnosed with leukemia and I thought this health juice could boost her immune system. Apparently, she loved it along with her sister. She shared her sister who is also feeling the same way but no proper diagnosis. Because of that, as long as I can get ingredients as they're not always available in the lowland where I live, I intend to do this again. In fact, I made another glassful for her which I'm sure she had shared it with her sister. I just feel pain for their parents. 😔
Doing something that we can do for others big or small, can truly make us happy. 🥰
Looking at this, I couldn't resist treating myself a glass of this green juice.
Phew! With patience and perseverance I managed to upload photos. I needed to wait for a few minutes each photo to get uploaded... worth the wait.
Thank you all, hope you're having a great weekend! 🤗🌹🌹🌹