An Unplanned Day | Creative Nonfiction

in #hive-1707982 years ago

"Bro, our tour got cancelled."
Explained all the shit that happened.
"WTF, not again, what to do now?"
"You still wanna go? Let's go, no matter who is joining or not. Are you with me?"
"Definitely, I am always ready to rock."

It was a conversation in the evening as our long-planned tour was cancelled over a dispute scheduled to happen within two days.

So yeah, as per our last moment plans, our tour is on, but instead of six to ten, it turned into two, just me and my friend, the rest of them are not going. They just dumped the whole plan, and only we stuck to it. The plan will definitely be modified as a duo tour can't go exactly as a group tour goes. The question was, would it be too hectic and troublesome for us or not? Both of us were determined enough to tackle any unplanned circumstances in our way and make this happen.

The next morning our journey began. It was so early in the morning that the sun was not seen yet, and we made our move. Took our first ride to reach near a public transportation station. Unplanned tour, so everything is going to give us a different experience. We weren't getting any bus to go to our destination and lately one came and we had to run for almost two minutes to get up as that bus won't stop at that station and the guard was chasing us as the bus was slowing down to take us. What a run it was! Me, my friend, and the guard, all three of us were running, and the bus was moving slow enough for us to get up and vanished once we stepped in. My breaths were faster than before, so fast that I had to take a few minutes of silence to calm myself. See, the adventurous journey begins.

Our bus continued going through the unknown roads that we had never explored. The sun rays were coming through the window and trust me, it was too warm and adorable because I scarcely get to enjoy this early morning fresh sun rays. So much freshness in the air that you feel like breathing on and on. We took the third and fourth vehicles to reach our final destination. And when we got down, our faces reflected the joy and satisfaction we had planned for. Come on, both of us made a journey of around five hours to reach here, a completely unknown and first-time experience, all that tiredness vanishes when you achieve what you had worked hard for.

The city we visited is famous for the natural beauty of mountains and tea. As tea lovers, I first said, "Bro, let's sit somewhere and enjoy a cup of tea while staring at this scenic beauty."


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"That's the first thing on the checklist. Can't wait to taste their tea and find out how it is tasted in the heaven of tea." my friend said.

Actually, that city is the sole producer of tea in our country, dominating the world share too. And here, we get to feel the raw taste that is later tuned to meet the outside demand. The same thing happened, the taste in them was identically different, not like the regular ones we take in our daily life. A rich fragrance and taste were clearly identified. Both of us were impressed. These tiny moments, along with the bigger ones, made our journey meaningful and worthy.

We roamed, roamed, and roamed. Every step of ours was a new experience as we hadn't visited this place before. He was always like, "Let's try it, we will see what's there and act accordingly." This 'act accordingly' doesn't mean that we would be able to act perfectly, but we would react based on what is presented, and mostly it would be good as per the situation.

We explored here and there, it would have been a whole different and more enjoyable if the rest of the gang had been there with us. Still, life is not always what we plan for, so we had to extract whatever was served before us, and we were exactly doing the same.

When it came to our food, yeah, both of us were foodies and we had to give a check on our pockets to decide what we should ask to serve. I was like, "Mine is good, agreed to pay for A1 service." "Hehehe, mine is on the same boat," he said and ordered whatever our eyes got stuck to taste. Hey, on such tours budget and spending should always be calculated, and that's why we were having thoughts and giving freedom to taste after consulting with the pockets.

We started for other places too. I was the one handling google maps to explore nearby places and he was the one scanning the surroundings to guide me on the necessary steps. We roamed like free birds in the unknown city and extracted the best we could do in a single day. In the evening, we started our return journey. Both of us were so tired that we almost fell asleep midway. There comes a funny incident of luck. Our bus was to cover many cities in one go, and our destination was in the middle of its roadmap. Suppose we have roughly ten or twenty kilometers to reach our destination and exactly on such a distance it gives a dinner break. We were like, "Shit man! Literally, we would have been in our homes by the time they finished their break." somehow, we controlled our 'fast & furious' emotions and waited for it to start again.

Another funny part is that my mother called me just before the break to ask how far I was to reach home. I didn't know about the break, so I said, "We will be entering the city in a short moment, almost there. Twenty minutes max to reach home." After more than thirty minutes, she called again to check why I wasn't at home by this time as I told I had to tell her the same once again as no distance was covered in the meantime.

Finally, we reached home, physically too tired when I spread my arms on the bed but mentally, I was so enriched with the whole new experience of the beautiful scenic beauty I had enjoyed throughout the whole day.

That's how it was spent, one of the thousands of memorable days of my life. If you have 'A Day in the Life' to describe, join this week's prompt from theinkwell community. Announcement Post


It's always worth investing some time to get to some unknown scenario, @minhajulmredol. That experience brought you and your friend together in a particular way, through the memories of what you experienced.
Thank you very much for writing this story. Thanks also for the comments on other posts.

Indeed, I got to know that I have a 8like-minded friend who will be available in any last minutes help i need.

Welcome and thanks to you too.

This was a great example of how a cancelled plan can turn into a great experience.I had similar kind of experience bro. A couple of weeks earlier we wanted to visit the Northern part of my country, especially Rangpur area. It was a great journey, and I'm glad that me and my friend were able to make it happen. We had a great time exploring the city and enjoying the natural beauty. It was a great reminder that even when plans don't go as expected, there is still a lot of fun to be had.


planned ones are good but the unplanned ones turned out to be the best often. Most of my tours are like this, suddenly planned. All we need is just willpower and a few like-minded people around us who would jump with the same enthusiasm.

Thanks a lot for stopping by.

Best Wishes!

Let me guess the place first.
I guess you visited sylhet. Right?

In my opinion except academy to its hard to make a pre-planned tour. In case of pre-planned tour several friends started to find excuses to deny it.

Yes, it was Sylhet 😁
Our primary target was Bholagonj and then explored the city.

In my opinion except academy to its hard to make a pre-planned tour.

Exactly, or any official ones.