Good news - bad news!

in #hive-1838412 years ago

When someone asks you what would you want to hear first, the good or the bad news, what do you usually say?

Most of the time I opt for the bad news first, and later, the good ones can come and save the mood! In this post, we will be faced with some pleasant and unpleasant situations, but before I start with those bad ones, as an intro, I want to show you the first flowers of the fuzzy plant for this year.


Ruby Blush usually blooms in June in my place, at least my one does it always around this time of the year. So, it started to bring the first flowers, as we see in the first photos. I have now three pots with Ruby Blush, two big ones and one with some cuttings that I obtained when the big one jumped from the stand and broke. The two big pots occupy half of the big stand now, full of long branches that go everywhere. In free mode. I predict more new pots as they are growing like weeds after the rain.



Prepared for the bad news?

Oh my, I should just keep quiet and show the next photo. What comes to your mind if you see alcohol, cotton swabs and plants in the same photo?
Those who have succulents or other plants know it very well. The first word that would come to mind is mealybug. The nasty mealybugs.


They colonized my lucky bells. I saw them on my Aeonium some weeks ago and I took the tactic of removing them with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. I knew I would have to check the other plants too but there were so many other things going around. My care for the succulent world on the balcony became just watering once a week, and I totally neglected the inspection part. I was not checking if there are bugs so in the meantime, the mealybugs made their family a huge one. So many of them lived a happy life, sucking the essence from my poor plants.



I don't have a macro lens to make better close-up photos of them, but I think the bugs still can be seen. All those white creatures on the stem are mealybugs. So I started. Cotton soaked in alcohol and removing them. It is enough to touch them and they die immediately. One, two, three, five, ten cotton swabs, and still, there were mealybugs around. A never-ending story to remove them. And then, I checked under the surface, in the soil. OMG, they were there too!



In the soil, I have found some white male pupa. Well, when I saw it I didn't know what it was. But then I found another one... and more... I thought that this thing had to do something with the mealybugs and their life cycle. And I was right. It was a male pupa.


They have several stages, and males and females are not the same. Take a look at the next photo:



When I saw those things in the soil, I removed the plants, checked thoroughly around the roots, saw more mealybugs and threw away that soil. The plants were waiting to be repotted, with new soil and in new pots. I took out all the lucky bell plants, the Portulacaria Afra and Gollum Jade (Shrek ears plant). All those where I detected the mealybugs I mechanically removed the bugs with alcohol and took them out from the soil.


The Shrek ears anyway needed a bigger pot. It was all roots just in the pot ( actually a tea mug where it lived until now). It got a new home, a bit bigger one with some fresh soil.


I am thinking about how to prevent the next mealybug attack from my plants. We know that adult females lay many eggs, a few hundred small eggs protected by that waxy cottony-appearing mass. When I saw it for the first time, several months ago or more, I asked @ewkaw what is that cotton-like, spider web thing that I found on one cactus and the underside of leaves of some succulents. She was the first who introduced me to the existence of mealybugs. And the alcohol treatment.

Now I am dealing with them again and I had to find some other answers too, as I think they like to come back. We could pray them with a mixture of water and alcohol, but we should be sure not to harm the plant. If the plant is sensitive, the alcohol could burn the leaves maybe. Neem oil seems to be safe and very recommendable. I found a recipe for a homemade pesticide here.

It is an easy process of making this liquid to spray the plants affected by these nasty mealybugs. Put 1 garlic bulb, 1 small onion, and 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in the food processor. We should blend it into a paste and add 4 cups of water. Leave it for one hour and then strain it and add 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. Mix it well. We can spray the parts of the plants where we see the bugs. The liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, if we have to repeat the spraying.

I think that nothing can go wrong if I try this (I don't have cayenne pepper at home right now, so first I should buy it) and if it helps, it will be reported in one of the next updates on this topic.


Ready for the good news?

Half good news, as for some of them I am a bit late. Many of the succulents brought their first flowers. The jelly plant has a very long stem with small white flowers. It was not easy to take a photo of it, as they are so small and in that long stem, they are lost.



The yellow flowers of this plant, which I don't know the name of, are already blooming for a long time, so that is why I am saying that I am late for them. Some are already drying, but it still grows new buds and new flowers are in the process of opening. They are like yellow stars.




Another one I don't have the ID for is having a lot of buds, I suppose they will be white flowers, probably in the shape of stars. My succulents decided not to bloom at the same time. Why would they bloom at the same time, anyway haha? It was just me who wanted to see them all blooming here, but they have their cycle.


Here I already planted the Shrek ears in the new pot. I bought some white small rocks to place on the top of the soil in the pots. Though I wanted smaller rocks, it was the tiniest size that the flower shop could offer me.

So, bad news, good news... We always have them both in the world of plants!




I always thought succelents are very easy to grow as my sister has loads of them. So glad you managed to deal with the problem and hopefully that will get rid of the mealybugs now. I learnt an awful lot off other people on Hive about gardening, including neem oil last year. It's just amazing how much help you can get here. Good luck with your succelents

Succulents are indeed not that difficult to grow, I am always bragging about how they have survived last summer without me, being alone in the balcony.
But when the pests come, there is some work to be done to deal with them. I had to do this earlier, I know, but these last weeks were hectic so my poor plants had to wait. In the meantime, the mealybugs enjoyed their lives 😂

That is awesome we all learn and keep learning from hive and people willing to help and share knowledge. No better place for it :))

Good morning 👋🏻☀️
O no… mealy bugs I so don’t like them.
Hope you got them all after your intense treatment 🤞🏻🤓

The flowers on the different plants are great. None of mine are developing flowers yet, but they are still young 😉
Have a wonderful day further dear @mipiano 😊

Good morning little girl ;)

Yeah, mealybugs are not so loved 😂
We complain for our plants, but they can do much more damage to citrus trees and fruits of them. And they like this warm climate.

I hope too that I removed all that I saw, but that spraying will come also.

None of mine are developing flowers yet, but they are still young

Yay, young succulents you have!! Well, mine are not too old either, I got these ones last year as babies, and they bloomed for the first time now 😊

Have a great day you too @littlebee4 🌟

No they are not loved, and they just thrive in our climate.

Yes, a few… I’m holding off at buying or creating more… as with the move I can not take any plants. But it is just taking so long now… it keeps getting moved forward, plans change in the company that needs to come first etc. we are planning it since October now, but we are getting there.
And on the other side I just have to start over with new plants. I will miss my plants though… 🌱🪴 but we will get a garden and I finally can have loads of fun there.

Thank you kindly 😎😊☕️

Sounds so exciting, you will have a garden soon!! And new plants.


If you can not take teh plants you have now, well, you know the recipe :)
Walk and search for cuttings hahaha

there are so many around, at least I suppose that is the same in the South of Spain 🌵

🤓 in Spain yes. You can get so many cuttings and just a quick walk around anywhere...
But that is not where we are going 😉 I’m sure I can get cuttings in the new place too. Far far away… hahaha 🤣

So beautiful dear I never saw


This post has reminded me to seek out a bonsai plant. Ive wanted one for ages but felt it would be a doozy to take care of. Now I gotta worry about mealybugs, has no idea those things existed. Some interesting plants you got there dear.

A bonsai plant? Sounds cool!

The mealybug would not necessarily appear on your future bonsai tree. And with regular checks and inspections, the plants can live without these pests.

It was me who had to take care when I saw the first bugs and check all the plants. Lesson learned :))

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

thank you Ewkaw 😇 🌵 🙌

Neem oil is indeed very good only it stinks quite badly. At least this was my experience with it

Oh, probably the bugs also think that neem oil stinks hahaha, so it is effective at least :D

Beautiful plants!

These pests are causing a lot of trouble.

They are causing trouble but we can be also persistent in fighting them :))

At least, we are never bored while taking care of our plants, right? 😉

O yeah!
There is no time to be bored with them!

We should expect bad and good news everywhere including our plants but doing the needful to protect our plants is very important. About the mealybugs, you just have to keep taking them away from your plant so they don't harm them.

I think instead of using alcohol with cotton bud, you can prepare the easiest method of cayenne pepper, garlic and onions. This might be helpful than the first method that may damage the plants.

Yes, I am open to bad and good news, as it is just the reality :)
And taking care of plants in time is for sure better than waiting for so many mealybugs hahaha.

Will see how will this homemade thing work, it will be a lot faster and easier to spray the plants than to take them away one by one.

A whole afternoon of activity hahaha :))

Wow that looks like a lot of work to get rid of the mealybugs. I've never heard of those bugs before but they sound like they can really damage the plant.

The garlic and cayenne pepper spray is an interesting home remedy. I'll have to keep that in mind.

I usually take the bad news first as well. I like to get really worked up about things before I listen to anything good. It's probably the eternal pessimist in me.

Hahaha, pessimist. This reminds me of a joke...

Do you know who is a pessimist?

An optimist with experience 😂

So, I am now also an experienced optimist with mealybugs, I kind of know it is difficult to get rid of them, but that homemade spray will have to be tried. :))
So, maybe I go back to the optimist side :D

Perhaps they don't damage so much the plant if discovered on time... I had to take these measurements earlier, there would not be so many of them.
In orchards, they can make more damage indeed, as far as I read they especially like citrus trees.

That's a good joke lol. I've never heard that one.😂
It makes quite a bit of sense lol.

Good thing you caught them early 👍

So 6 days from this comment, ok, not that bad lol

I sprayed the plants with that homemade pesticide (onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, dishwasher liquid combo) I saw one or two mealybugs before that... I didn't want to remove them to see if they would die from that liquid.

I think they didn't die 😂😂😂

Maybe I have to repeat or go back to the alcohol manual removing tactic when I see them

I am definitely an optimist with experience now 😂

5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.

Hello @mipiano

Your fuzzy plant looks gorgeous.
Mealybugs are a pest. They often arrive on my plants and I use to remove them with a cloth soaked in water and dishwasher soap. But now that I read your post and that you use alcohol, I will try to see if it is more effective.

Good luck with your plants and have a lovely day 😄🪴

Yes, you just have to touch the mealybug with the top of the cotton swab soaked in alcohol and they immediately die. The only drawback is if there are a lot of mealybugs, it takes time to find them all. And they also move, ok, they are not so fast, but it happened that while I was taking a new stick and soaking it, the bug I saw just moments before walked away and played hide and seek with me hahaha

Spraying with a liquid (mix of water and alcohol) or with onion, garlic, cayenne and dishwasher soap mixture is easier. Dont know how will this latter be effective or not. I will hopefully report the results :))

Thanks, have a great day you too @coquicoin 👋

Thank you very much for the recommendations. Mealybugs are a pest in my little lemon tree in a pot. They keep coming back again and again, and sometimes I think I should give up. I will try alcohol now.
Thank you 😊

Hi @coquicoin

To inform you, I tried the homemade liquid. There were not so many mealybugs, but those that were there when I sprayed seemed that survived.
I will have to give it another try.

At the moment, alcohol is the most effective thing


Hello @mipiano!
Thank you so much for the update. I'm planning to try the alcohol this weekend with my little lemon tree. I hope it will work. Have a good night 🤗

Good luck with getting rid of them @coquicoin

Hope you will have success 😇

Thank you 😄🙏 and good luck to you too with that :)

thanks 👋

5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.

I wish I didn't have to introduce you to those little suckers though :p

I am curious to know if that magic cayenne spray works. So far I use (when I remember) the Neem. But I am not good in consistency and that has to be repeated. It's good that I can water plants with it, so I hope it deals with the buggers in the soil too.

Another one I don't have the ID for is having a lot of buds, I suppose they will be white flowers

Not Aeonium? Well... want more bad news? :P
The rosette that blooms now will die after (I feel like doing the evil laugh right now). That is the only thing I don't like about Aeoniums. Why can't they just grow?

I like your Shrek and the Jelly :) Looking really good!

Someone had to tell me the bad news, don't worry :D

I am curious too, to see doest the cayenne thing will make any effect to the suckers hahha

Look, I just took the photo, seems that it is starting to bloom today (the one I said I don't know what it is. SO, it is also Aeonium? I think we didn't determine this one when it arrived as a baby to my home 😇 )

Shrek and jelly are nice, well I like them all 😎


Aeonium haworthii I think :)

Aeonium haworthii

Yeah, I think you are right, just checked now some photos with Uncle Google. Seems that it is 😃