When life happens... music saves!

in #hive-1928062 years ago

Are you familiar with the feeling represented by the two following words: life happens?
When your pretty normal and positive day takes a completely different direction? Unplanned, of course.

Well, something like that happened yesterday, when I received a phone call from my son. If you have a teenager, you know - those calls don't always mean good news. And a few times you finish in the emergency department of the closest hospital or healthcare centre. Not the first time, either it will be the last one, just four buckles that he got as a gift for his head. And me stressing out. In the end, we joked that those are a few piercings he can have now, for a week or more.

The additional catch in the situation was that today that same young man had to participate in a performance, as a part of a small string ensemble accompanying the local choir. In one hermitage, every year on the next Monday after Easter, a ceremony is held. It is a celebration that gathers three small towns, as the hermitage is exactly between those three municipalities. This celebration every year takes place outside of the small church, and the musicians are invited every time.


This time I was not required to play the piano, I was free! I went just as a listener, but I was present at the rehearsal before the performance, as well as during the ceremony. The young man with the newly got piercings felt well enough to go and play his part, so we went.


The members of the choir were still just talking when we arrived. Later they took their place, around the conductor. As the instruments had to tune, the oboist gave the tone. In orchestras, it is always the oboe that gives the pitch. It is pretty hard to change its pitch, so all the other instruments have to tune according to the tone the oboe plays. If there is no oboe in the ensemble, then the piano dictates the pitch (also, if the piano is the part of the ensemble).


As you can see, it was very sunny... too bright and too warm. And if you are wearing all black, and play for one hour in the rehearsal, the exhausting feeling must have been at the top level. However, the visitors arrived, and the members of this small choir and ensemble combination got a few minutes of rest. Lucky moments.


An interesting interlude was the scenery when the local group that preserves the tradition arrived in the typical Valencian costumes. The girls wear colourful skirts with several layers and a white short cloak over the shirt. The hair is always tied in a bun and decorated. Their walk was accompanied by traditional music played on a kind of flute, called Dolcaina and drums. This instrument is typical just for this region, so I am sure it is difficult to imagine how it sounds. But I will try to explain; in my perception, I hear that maybe there are similarities with the oboe's sound... but sharper. Though not as refined as the classical instrument gives. Well, you should come one day to this region of Spain to listen to the sound of it and determine do you like it or not.




The procession finished, the ceremony started and the music coming from our small group filled the air. How good it was this year, without so much wind. Last year, I remember the struggle with the music scores, as you know, if you play outside the chances your scores will fly away are pretty high. Just because there is always that Murphy's Law that intervenes in those situations. However, all went good this time. Just in case, clips and cloth pegs were prepared on the music stands. There was just a nice breeze that made the day more pleasant.


Full playing, singing and conducting, is how the small ceremony finished. With great applause, of course. Smiles on everyone's faces and good feeling. I am glad another successful performance is done, and it served very well to distract a bit from the possible pain and the healing wound. What better could we ask for? We see that music was the main protagonist of the morning and noon and all went much better with such a nice event.


So, what about you? Did you have such a situation when you were injured or sick but had to perform at a concert or have a business meeting, an exam or a similar event? How did you overcome the conditions and tuned yourself to give your best?

Isn't good motivation or love and passion for something the best way to push more and forget about the not so perfect status you find yourself in? In my opinion, it is, but if you want to share your point of view, I will gladly read it!




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Luckily all went further well. And you had a free day.
I can imagine they must have been exhausted all in black in such a clear sunny day.

Scary phone calls that can be 🤗

I had a free day, yes, well the last one of my vacations.
Today I have to go to work... I will not complain, it was a nice spring break, and we had a great time. Though it could last a bit more, life happens haha. So work happens too!

All black, and the rehearsal started at 11, but we were a bit earlier there. The ceremony was at noon! A bit of D vitamin production came well :))
And about the phone calls, well there were some of these ones, but that's the age. We were all in those years. :D

Thanks for reading @littlebee4 😇

Hi @mipiano 👋🏻😊

That’s nice to hear, that it was a good spring break. Yes, life happens (as it always does) and you have to go back to work.

That’s a tough one, so early there for rehearsal in the sun.

I can imagine it is part of a certain age. I remember being young hahaha 🤣 doing thing we shouldn’t have been doing.
You are welcome, always happy to read your stories 😊
Have a great first working day 👋🏻

I can imagine it is part of a certain age. I remember being young hahaha 🤣

hahaha, I know, I remember too :D

It is just not the same looking from the eyes when we were young and looking from the angle as a parent 😅

I always ask myself how did my parent cope with me? 😂😂😂

Have a great first working day 👋🏻

thank, the week went ok 😇🎶

Yes, that is so different as a child or parent yourself. 😎

Good to hear the week went ok.
Have a great Sunday today @mipiano 👋🏻☀️😁

huge difference, indeed :D

or should I start using from now indeedy :)))

Yes, why not… maybe the word gathers traction. And people start using it more and more and hahaha
That would be something… lol 😆 🤣😎

Those temporary piercings are not very nice 😅, but certainly serve as a lot of experience, I had several when I was a kid, more than I would like.

In my past experience playing live music I did not have to go at any time with any blow or condition, although not directly applicable, we got to perform some Hive Open Mic entry with fever and headache because of covid-19, not nice at all.

You took great pictures my dear, the day looked perfect. We send you a hug!

I hope he will learn things from these experiences, life is the best teacher. I can talk and talk, but you know, the age he is in now just makes a wall between what enters his hearing and the mind :D

That is good that the live music all went without issues for you, but I imagine it was not the best feeling to sing & play even for a video with a headache and fever. I remember once I had a migraine attack but recorded my hive open mic entry. It was a long time ago. What happened in week 105, when it was my topic, I missed publishing the video because my headache started to give signals. Also, I was not satisfied with the quality of my introduction, so I just couldn't record it once again, so I left it without publishing... meh .-.

Thank you for reading dear friends 🤗

Very interesting read... Music is exactly what you've expressed it to be here, i know it is for me sometimes. I can imagine your panic with you kid too hahaha, there's only so much you can do sometimes, i guess.

Ok, so I'm wondering if i saw him in one of the pictures, i had hoped to spot the resemblance, but you kept him hidden... It's all good though :) At least i got to learn about the Oboe today!!

I recently saw a musical performance too, but it was for a wake keep i travelled quite a distance for. The most sort after musician of the Izon Nation, his name is Izon-ibe. You will meet him soon :)

I was surprised I didn't panic a lot, but it was scary. The intuition pushed that we had to stay calm. But once in the emergency room, when he was in good hands I started to feel very bad and weak, I actually can not see a lot of blood, and I had to go out, sit and breathe deeply. He stayed brave though.
All finished well!

Probably you could recognise him, I will give you a hint - he wears all black hahaha :D

You will meet him soon :)

It sounds as a hint that we will see a report from a performance? Will we, will we? :)))

You were very brave for keeping your calm as well as you did, it must have been traumatic I imagine... I’m sure he’ll be fine cuz he has a mom like you. Plus I wish I could work some magic to be in his position twice a week for piano lessons 😂

Probably you could recognise him, I will give you a hint - he wears all black hahaha :D

Yeah, very helpful… I’ve spotted him though, but it’s going to be our little secret so others won’t find out :)

Plus I wish I could work some magic to be in his position twice a week for piano lessons 😂

I have tried in the past, but it didn't work lol
now he does ask by himself when he needs some help with the piano (he has piano lessons too, not with me hahaha)

Yeah, very helpful…


(he has piano lessons too, not with me

What a waste!!🥲
It might be better this way though…

It might be better this way though…

It is better, as I had high expectations from him and he didn't have that patience to do the thing well hahaha

now he asks when he needs help, so all good :)) 🎶🎶

That’s brilliant then, nothing more needed there. I have no doubt he will be as good a musician as you hope.

It sounds as a hint that we will see a report from a performance? Will we, will we? :)))

Sure! It might not be as awesome as yours, but I do have a story to tell of one.

Sure! It might not be as awesome as yours, but I do have a story to tell of one.

Never ever say again, that your one is not that awesome as mine.

Your story was more than awesome, you know?


Never ever say again, that your one is not that awesome as mine.


Your story was more than awesome, you know?

I guess it was pretty awesome… It didn’t feel awesome cuz it was a spin-off of yours, but I’m happy to get the opportunity to write more than I usually do. At this rate, I see myself writing good original stuff in the near future 😊… plus it’s an excellent way to improve creativity

I'm glad your son was okay and the injury wasn't too serious. Sounds like he will have a cool scar to show people afterwards.

The event sounds like it went well other than the heat in the black suits. That would be quite warm and uncomfortable I bet.

I like the traditional attire of the procession. It's nice when places preserve such customs.

I can't think of a situation like that for me. I guess that's a good thing though.

Yes, it went well, though the first sign was a bit scary. The scar will be covered with hair. Well, one day if he will want to be bald, the scar will shine there hahaha

It was warm, but the black is the most elegant for classical performances, so no choice there. And it was the time to get a bit more warmth after a rainy period :) What for example bothers me more when I have to play in open-air events is the brightness so I like to wear sunglasses.

It is good you didn't have similar situations. Maybe you had them but you didn't pay a lot of o attention to the negative circumstances, just focused on the positive ones. That is excellent :))

I have a very fresh memory when my mom called me as a teenager, those calls were never good. :D Seems like you won't get rid of that feeling never! - scary.

Photos are nice, but I doubt musicians were enjoying the sun all the time, call the manager!
But I like minimal and colorful decoration, cozy warm atmosphere.

My last expirience proved me that there is a thin line between being professional and doing a sacrifice, paid one,but still. Last year was a roller-coaster, I broke my right elbow and that's it... I couldn't do nothing. :)

Last days of wearing plaster cast I got an offer to shoot some 18.Bday celebration. I don't do these kind of gigs, but I was broke, already was cooperating with the host in the past blabla so I accepted it.

Murphy happend that day, first I forgot SD card at the studio, full equipment was around 2kg heavy, my arm didn't like it, I didn't like the atmosphere nor the spoiled brat only kid host behavior.

On the top of everything comes next.

Usually while I'm photographing I'm checking what I made so far, what moment should be framed etc... All photos were there.

In the morning, my SD from some reason formated and erased all content. Did I panicked? I was freaking out!

I spent all what I earned that night, until I found program that recovers everything. Meanwhile they threatened me, threat for real and accusing that I am hiding photos of their precious, that was the scariest moment and final regret I accepted it.

I didn't even wanted to take their money, just to leave me in piece and never contact me again.

Almost dropped the most important one, music at the party took ma back when I was teenage celebrating Bdays. Honestly I was expecting trap beat playlist, but '90s will be' 90s.
If anything was good, it's a play list.

Oh, no, @alt3r, you think it is not just a phase hahaha? It will last...forever? lol

I am reading your story, a broken elbow for a professional photographer is not a good thing. Neither would be good for a musician.
How is your elbow by now? Can you hold the camera without problems, or does it still hurt a bit?

The birthday party - Murphy visited you, for sure. Forgotten SD card, lol it happens to me too sometimes, but I am not a photographer, so it doesn't count. Well, forgotten music scores and realised it when arrived at a competition... it does count in my profession (but it happened to my son, not to me lol)

In the morning, my SD from some reason formated and erased all content. Did I panicked? I was freaking out!

Oh, dear! that sounds terrible, panic attack plus freaking out is a must in those situations. But, in the end, you recovered the photos? Wow, their threatening dont sound good, I suppose I would regret too. But you know what, you learned a lesson probably. If you don't have the intuition you have to go and shoot an event, then you refuse!

P.S. at least you enjoyed the music :D

Oh, no, @alt3r, you think it is not just a phase hahaha? It will last...forever? lol

You got me worried about that. :D

Broken elbow isn't good for anyone, recovery lasted a bit longer than I was expecting, but let's mention that I was also expecting some nicely cream I can put on for a few days and puf it's gone!

But no it took months, now I'm finally ok, I can announce weather change now, basically I got a super power. Doing a gig when you are half mobile is triple heavier, but what disturbed me the most was actually their unprofessional behavior, I mean treating to someone cause of the Bday photos is a serious issue. If I was a bit more 'normal' at that time, maybe I would even sue them for 48hrs of psychical torture.
Photos are saved at the very end, sent and deleted from my sight 4ever!

No more Bday parties for me, babies only, I can handle them. 😂

babies only, I can handle them.

haaha, yes, babies are easier to handle 😂

What a trooper to just get on with it! ha ha.. Good for him!
Is he the one playing the violin?
Can't spot any blood dripping, and he seems to enjoy himself... lol

Lovely pictures.. those costumes..! 👌
Yes, looks like, Valencia should go on my list to visit..

No blood there anymore haha
the thing happened the evening before, and I already called the direction to inform them there is a possibility he is not coming. But he felt well the next morning, so we made everything so he looks "normal" and can make his first violin role :)

Valencian Community is nice. There are gorgeous villages in the mountains, not just the coast is what is interesting :)

... so he looks "normal"... 😂

So lovely that he plays violin! I bet you play together?
A little bit of chamber music? He looks as if he's grown out of that age, where it's not cool playing with Mum.. haha

Maybe we get to hear some if you do...? that would be brilliant!

Yes, we play together. Though a lot more when he was smaller, but now sometimes too.
It is even a surprise when I hear him practising 😂

He played just once with me here at hive, but it was already some time ago... It's the age that is the most tricky now :)

Ah, ok, not grown out of it yet, then.. haha..
I'll sit back and wait patiently for that special post then..
Even if it may be some time yet.. 😉

Can you link the post here, maybe? or is it too far back?
Don't worry if you can't..

Actually, recently he became a bit more active, and we are even playing with the idea to form a duo 😎
It is just that we both are too busy during the week ( as I work and he has school + conservatory (here they call that the music school), + extra maths, physics, chemistry lessons) we almost never see each other - just for lunch /dinner and evening. We would need some time to practice together but he is sightreading very well, me too, so in a day we can easily put together a repertoire.

Well, I think I put on private the video from the post, as he doesn't really want to appear in public right now :D

again, tricky age 😅

I don't remember any times when I was very sick, but I do remember this one time when I was in choir in high school. I was never any good at balancing, and we had to file onto those little folding platforms that choirs always use. I guess I was feeling weaker that usual because I almost fell off several times. I mad it though.. barely. :P

That's a nice looking ensemble there. I've never seen a double reed flute like that..

Oh, those platforms for the choirs are always dangerous. Seriously.
A few months ago, from this same choir, one old lady fell. Luckily nothing happened, no injury, but still. Those are not very safe platforms usually to stand on.

uh oh.. yeah.. they are so unstable! :(

..and dangerous

so, the conclusion is:

singing in a choir is a considered an extreme sport 😂

I donno what is better in such hot circumstances: To be suited up in black or to be fully dressed like these folks with the big dresses. Orrrrr to be nailed in the head and perform {LOL}

Being nailed and performing, definitely the best 🤣

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thank you so much and more of that, @ewkaw 😇 🎶

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Having a son brings so much worry and uncertainty, I can't even imagine what awaits me. 😊 I hope your son is well now. I wish I could attend a ceremony like this. I really like the Valencian traditional costumes because I love colorful clothes. I see it for the first time. And I would love to hear how Dolcaina sounds. When we are motivated by love for something, there is nothing stronger. Many times I felt bad but I was highly motivated and strong even though I was physically weak to do something I wanted to do.

Oh, yes, and you know the saying

small child small problem
big child big problem

hahahaha, I don't want to scare you, but there is truth in that :D

Yeah, he is more than well, it was a scary moment but all finished well!

The Valencian traditional costumes are nice, thank you for noticing :)
Motivation - a very important step in life walk, we could not achieve many things without it!

Thanks for stopping by @jelenaa

This saying was often mentioned by my father. "Malo dete mala briga, veliko dete velika briga" 😊 I believe so, and I will soon see for myself. 😊 I am glad that your son is well and that everything ended well.


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thank you @stickupcurator :))

I am glad he was okay enough to play, also, you being free just showed that it was meant to work out.

I once had my final papers but fell sick, I decided to push and go write it because I couldn't miss it, I ended up acting all strong, going to the hall and start throwing up which meant I had to leave.

It was totally crazy, but it all worked out because I passed in the end.

Wow, you pushed yourself there, but I know, I would do the same.

I have never missed an exam, I went in every condition! Though it never happened any serious illness, like your situation. Good you passed it in the end :)))

I think the reason I got sick was due to the exam even, usually, I am not affected by exams but at least it worked out.

Well, you might be right.
When I was studying and had the period of many exams, I was a bit nervous + I wanted to lose weight (don't ask hahaha) so I was avoiding eating and proper meals... it didn't finish very well...with a stomach ulcer.

I don't need to ask, I've been there, wanting to lose weight and starving, I also ended up with an ulcer.

I guess exams do bring so much tension, sometimes I wonder why it's so crazy.

Wow such a beautiful ceremony. the women's local clothes are very similar to the local clothes of some cities in Iran. and even the city where i live. it feels very good that the concert is held in the city and people can visit.

Regarding the question you wrote in the final part of the your caption, i must to say that yes!!! for some time my soul was very injured and i needed an ointment, and the treatment of those mental problems was possible only with music. music can always help me in the most difficult of moods, either by playing the guitar or listening to music that gives me confidence.

Thank you so much for sharing this post 👌💯🙋😊🌹

The local traditional clothes are also similar to the ones from my hometown. Seems that the colourful skirts with many layers are a must :)
In any country, if the traditional values are maintained well among people and they pay a lot of attention to educating the next generations, they will not be forgotten. That is nice!

Soul injury.... it is also a damage we tend to forget when we focus just on physical appearance. But we should not forget it. Those who went through some kind of mental harm know that. Time is also needed and a lot of support from friends, but the most helpful is when the person works on himself. Through music also, one can find a real relief in expressing the struggles through the sounds of his/her musical instrument. 🎵

Thank You so much for reading and your attention @discouragedones 😇

You're welcome my dear friend 😊

That sounds like a great way to spend the day, and to be in the audience for a change so you can relax. What instrument does the young man play?

Luckily, I can't remember being injured or sick and having to take part in an important event. Though I remember when I was taking exams in my younger days, I always had this urge to go to the toilet. It was a real pain walking in and out of the quiet exam hall, plus losing valuable time to answer my paper

It was nice indeed, and you are right, I enjoyed it more than the musicians as I was walking around and enjoyed the whole act, not just sitting and playing. Though the sun shone for all of us in the same way! My son is playing the violin, I would say he is the one in black, but everyone was in black :D (the second musician from left)

Wow, the exams. That losing valuable time just looking at the paper is familiar. Though my exams were mainly of a practical type, playing the piano, or in an ensemble, or sight-reading the music and similar, the theory subjects were held in written form, yes. So, my exams were also accompanied by being a bit nervous and cold hands (sometimes with cold sweating)...
When you start to play and relax a little, things are getting better. We forget about the jury and focus on music 🙂🎶

Wow... We've got some lovely pictures here, I really do have no knowledge how the Oboe works so I wouldn't even want to go further to the traditional Instrument dolcaina, maybe Google can help.. I have once experienced this kind of moment where I had to play the trumpet for an occasion despite how bad catarrh was disturbing me, it was actually a bad one for me that day cause I hardly was able to escape my ass from the whole event and I've made it my opinion never to force it again whenever in such condition, I felt I was supposed to enjoy music while I play a not the other way round. Well, I suggest the condition of your state of health and the type of Instrument you play matters. If I am a keyboardist and have fracture on hands I certainly need a break and that was how I felt with the trumpet but wanted trying the brave Mind in me. It was really an unpleasant experience for me actually.
@mipiano I didn't know I have a brother (your son) till now...🥰🥰 sending my warm regards 🎶🎶🎵❤️💞🎤🎺🎺🎺🎺🎤🙏🥰❤️

The oboe is very well known to me, but that traditional one, dolcaina is something just here can be heard. They usually play in these types of processions, and it is easy to hold. The musicians can hold it and walk through the streets of the village.

Oh, wow, I can imagine playing the trumpet while having a cold, sore throat or running nose is similar to a nightmare. You are so right, it very much depends on the kind of illness or injury you have and does it affect the instrument you are playing. With a broken finger or arm I would not be able to play the piano. With a cold, yes.

Thank you for your great comment @ovey10, I also send my greeting to you 🎶🎶

Its my pleasure... @mipiano

Wow, eso se llama amor por la música definitivamente, estar en esa condición y igual tener un concierto, admiro a tu hijo por eso.

Si me ha pasado también, no tan grave como un accidente con heridas pero si con otro tipo de malestar más emocional y sin embargo salir a tocar o cantar, como dicen por ahí El show debe continuar

No conocía sobre la Dolcaina, es interesante conocer sobre nuevos instrumentos. Cuando viaje a España me gustaría escuchar alguna interpretación con este instrumento.

Por cierto los vestidos típicos de esa región están muy lindos, las chicas parecen muñequitas.

Esto último si me ha pasado y me dió mucha risa al recordar

if you play outside the chances your scores will fly away are pretty high

Tuve muchos conciertos al aire libre con el atril y las partituras y siempre una que otra vez se volaban las partes, pero luego me iba preparada con ganchitos y clips para protegerlas jeje

Sí, le gusta paricipar en conciertos y tocar el violín. Ya etsba mejor, yo le estaba preguntando todo el rato si está bien, pero él decía que sí! Perfecto!

Malestar emocional o miedo... nervios, o solamente tristeza, todo cuenta como "estar herido" pero sí, Show must go on, lo sé.
mi profesora me decía, que si una mosca aterizza en mi nariz, no puedo prestar attención a ella, solemante seguir tocando sin despistarme. La actuación simepre debe continuar, sí!

jejeje, sí, las chicas parenecen muñecas. Son lindas

Oh, y las partituras. Ahora siempre llevamos pinzas y ganchos y todo. Todo se aprende en esta vida :D