How I spent this Wednesday

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11 06 2 0 2 3
How I spent this Wednesday

"No preamble today" — none

Today I decided to write to this community. I haven't written in the hive for a very long time, so why resume this practice from such a cozy community...
The fact is that last Wednesday I spent as a pedestrian. The wife took the car, and I gave the bike to the service.

The morning started with the service. The place where bicycles are repaired turned out to be quite remarkable. It looks like the realm of the ruler of bicycles. A huge number of spare parts, handlebars, wheels and bicycle frames. What can I add to the story about the bike service? The price for the maintenance of the bike was extremely high. It was almost equal to the cost of the bike itself.
Then I went to a nice place to have a cup of coffee there. I met friends in a cafe. We chatted for half an hour, discussed the strange weather and the latest news. The conversation was in the English style.

After the cafe, I went to meet with a client. I was walking along a familiar street and came to a meeting of a group of cats. The meeting participants were divided into two factions. The party of the left consisted entirely of red-haired beasts, the right party was represented by multi-colored participants. I greeted the participants of the meeting and moved on...
The meeting with the client, as expected, did not last long. We discussed intentions and parted ways.

The day turned out to be busy. I visited many locations, met with many people and members of the cat parliament.
The evening ended with a beautiful sunset.

That,s all for today.

Stand by

Sincerely yours





A pity the bike repair was so expensive but its an amazing looking shop

and I loved the old style phone box as well

  • Ye-e.... Kingdom of the bicycle king
  • Unfortunately, the phone box does not work ... the last one was removed two years ago

Phone booths are very rare to see here as well

I heard that in the US in some desert there was a telephone booth. People (tourists) went there and waited for someone to call them...

that sounds interesting i have not heard of it

I'm amused by the story of the cat meeting. I can't help but wonder what they were discussing. Were they arguing about who gets to sleep in the best spot on the couch? Or were they planning their next attack on the bird feeder?

Anyway, I'm glad you had a good day. And I hope you have a great rest of the week!

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the bike repair shop looks like a very aesthetic museum, i really like to see the places you share

Yay! 🤗
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As a guest curator for @ecency I have accepted your boost to this article as it's creative, the pictures are good and it's a honest overview on your day