April has arrived and with it, the second quarter of 2022. We are in the middle of spring. The capricious spring, which changes moods like a quinceañera with great ease. Thus we see it as splendid blue or melancholic grey; caressed by the sun or whipped by hurricane winds, withered by the harshness of the sun or repopulating in branches and flowers. This is spring, but always full of life, always a winding path between winter and summer. It is time to pause to observe ourselves exhaustively, to penetrate our most intimate recesses and question ourselves about the path to follow, to decide where we want to go .
It is time to focus our conscientious gaze on the outlined life plan. are we still faithful to him? Have we abandoned it? Has life broken it into several fragments and will it be necessary to rework it? Who will accompany us on the road? Are they still there? Do we feel good about our performances? These are just some of the questions we might ask.
Your spring awaits your choices, but whatever path you have chosen remember, take it decisively and ...go be happy!!. Happiness is not just around the corner, happiness is within you. Whatever the chosen path, whatever the load, alone or with company, happiness is in you!
Take your life project, reset it and revitalize it. No matter the age, there are always dreams to achieve, there is always some burden to carry. There is always something that did not turn out as expected, but along the way the loads are straightened and pain is part of life; absences are never fully forgotten but the pain is muffled. So whatever happened, get back on track or choose a different one and Go be happy!!
Banner elaborado por @miriannalis, con imagen de Pixabay
Imagen propiedad de @holos-lotus
◘ Ésta es una publicación original de @mllg para @holos-lotus. La Nº 8 de la Serie "Desde mi mapa" ◘Las imágenes tienen su fuente indicada. ◘Los separadores de párrafos son propios. ◘Para la versión en inglés utilicé el traductor Google.
◘ This is an original post by @mllg for @holos-lotus. The Nº 8 of the Series "From my map" ◘Images have their source indicated. ◘Paragraph separators are their own. ◘For the English version I used the Google translator.