Monomad: Sun and Architecture in Downtown Calgary

As we all know, light plays a very critical part in photography. It is what we are capturing when we see something we like and want to frame it in our viewfinders or screens. As I go around looking for the ways the light creates a certain look or feel to something, sometimes its shadows and highlights, other times its reflections. The sun itself can be captured in ways that give a different feel or look to an image.

I learned the rules of exposure so that I could consistently challenge and even break these rules to capture the views that captivate and inspire me. I think it helps me creatively to be able to see things in other ways; maybe it involves going to the same place at different times of day to see how the light might fall on things. Even the reflections in windows can vary from morning to afternoon to evening, it can be a helpful way to stir up creative juices by seeing what you usually see in all its various forms. Find new ways to frame it and move around to keep the sun at different angles. Trying stuff never hurts anything, so I just keep searching for something I haven't seen or caught before in familiar places.