Today in Rising Star, I decided that I would make it a bit of a slow day. After all, I was only 15 missions away from completing 900 total. Why not savor the journey a bit? I started off the day as I normally do, leading with a Demo mission. Alternatively, I could have also focused on making this a music lesson day as my ego has crept its way back up closer to my skill count.
900 missions later:
Aaaaand there it is. At long last. Its been a constant struggle to get here recently with a lack of energy available, but I could have also just as easily focused on getting missions out of the way by grinding out early missions nonstop. While it does seem tempting, I just don't have enough energy to last me throughout the day if I wanted to. Especially when Pizza drops are nowhere in sight.
Planning missions:
As I approach closer to my first big fan milestone, I realize that I've switched up my rotation of missions quite often. How I've gone from a bunch of smaller missions to a few big ones. I've been bouncing around between each of them and I'm still not exactly sure with what path I want to take. Overall, I think it's just going to come down to the number of cold slices and pizza boxes I have.
It's something I want to experiment with more, but I think I should just worry about getting as many starbits as I can right now in order to get my 5000 fans. I'm about 8 cards shy from hitting that goal. The pizza can wait for now.
This probably took a lot longer than it should have, but I have hit 900 total missions completed, +15 from yesterday. I'm surprised I even got 15 done as it felt like an extremely unproductive day. With that being said, I didn't really want to focus so much on total missions completed. Mainly for the fact that after 1000, the mission count to hit the next level jumps up a whole lot more. I know already that will make it feel like a slog.