Se despertó muy confundido por el alboroto. Estaba seguro de que aún no empezaba su turno de vigilancia. Un vistazo rápido hacia la escalera, le aseguró que el faro estaba bien custodiado. Pensó que quizá se trató de un mal sueño y subió la manta hasta la cara para dormir de nuevo; pero la pelea que ocurría en la punta del faro era innegable. Echó mano del rifle que ocultaba bajo su catre y subió sigilozamente, resuelto a poner fin a esa disputa que llevaba días interrupiendo su descanso.
Acomodó el rifle en la ventana entreabierta de su cuarto, encontró con su dedo índice, el gatillo de su viejo rifle. Pero no tenía las gafas puestas, vio siluetas en el techo del faro. Observó esas siluetas borrosas, y las imágenes de la guerra, los sonidos de la guerra, el humo de la guerra aparecieron en su mente.
-La guerra!!!- dijo
-La guerra te hizo malo, la guerra mata!
Bajo el rifle, todas las visiones aterradoras de esa vieja y salvaje guerra, se desvanecieron como de costumbre.
English Version
He woke up very confused by the shock. He was sure his guard duty hadn't started yet. A quick glance up the stairs assured him that the lighthouse was well guarded. He thought maybe it was a bad dream and covered his face with the blanket to go back to sleep, but the fight that broke out at the top of the lighthouse was undeniable. He reached for the rifle he hid under his coat and crept up the stairs, determined to put an end to the dispute that had been disrupting his rest for days.
He placed the rifle in the half-open window of his room and found with his index finger, the trigger of his old rifle. But he didn't have his glasses on, he saw silhouettes on the roof of the lighthouse. He looked at those blurred silhouettes, and the images of war, the sounds of war, the smoke of war appeared in his mind.
War!!! said
War made you bad, war kills!
He put down the rifle, all the terrifying visions vanished as usual.
Continúa... la historia 2 de abril de 2022 aqui