Turkish Lira Lost Half of Its Value in Three Months

in #hive-1503293 years ago


Nowadays, the Turkish Lira is constantly losing value and no one can predict when this meltdown will stop. At the time of writing this article, the Turkish Lira has lost 6% of its value compared to the previous day. The US Dollar/Turkish Lira exchange rate, which was 11.29 a month ago, is now 17.44.

High inflation is not a foreign phenomenon in Turkey. In the 1990s, we were used to inflation rates above 50%. After the economic crises in 1999 and 2021, a serious struggle against inflation started, accompanied by the IMF program. Thanks to the economic reforms carried out, inflation was reduced to single digits. Inflation rates were in the range of 6%-10% between 2003 and 2017 in Turkey. As of 2018, the Turkish Lira re-entered the inflation-devaluation spiral. In 2018, 2019 and 2020, inflation was 20%, 12% and 15%, respectively. In November 2021, inflation was measured as 21%.

In the last three months, the Turkish lira has lost half of its value against almost all currencies in the world. 30% of this astronomical increase in the exchange rate is expected to turn into inflation in 2022. Since there was 21% inflation at the end of November (according to official figures, which no one believes), it is not difficult to predict that Turkey's inflation in 2022 will be above 50%.

So why is the Turkish lira losing value nonstop? One of the reasons is that banks give negative real interest on Turkish lira deposits. The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey reduced the short-term interest rate to 16% with its meeting on November 18. The interest rate announced by the central bank greatly affects the interest rates given by banks to deposits. This means that the real interest rate of the Turkish lira is minus five percent. Turkey is not the only country that applies negative real interest rates. The problem is that nobody trusts the official inflation announced. By increasing the minimum wage by 50%, the government actually accepted this fact.

Savers are turning to foreign currency and cryptocurrencies to protect the value of their savings. The Central Bank is trying to prevent the excessive volatility in the Turkish lira by intervening in the market in the direction of sales. Since the Central Bank's foreign exchange reserves are known to be negative, market actors do not care about these interventions. After declining for several hours, exchange rates are rising again. Economists agree that what needs to be done is to raise Turkish Lira interest rates.

The problem is that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that interest rates are the cause and inflation is the result. President Erdogan persists in his thesis that low-interest rates will reduce inflation, although the data suggest otherwise. He dismissed three central bank governors on the grounds that they had not cut interest rates as quickly as he wished in the last two years.

The turmoil in the economy causes Ak Parti's already declining vote rate to decrease even more. It would be a mistake to think that President Erdogan is not aware of this situation. I do not agree with the comments that his health problems prevent him from thinking properly. I think that he continues to insist on low interest in order not to damage the image of a strong leader who does not take a step back. It is extremely important for politicians to appear strong in societies such as Russia and Turkey, where the influence of feudal values ​​persists.

Although the rapid depreciation of the Turkish lira creates a profitable situation for crypto investors, I am not happy with what is happening. The poor masses who support President Erdogan will suffer the most in this crisis. Meanwhile, the middle class, which is opposed to Erdogan, will also be adversely affected by rising prices.

Currently, the only solution seems to be an early election. Opposition parties have been expressing their demands in this direction for some time. However, the AK Party government insists that the elections be held in 2023 according to the normal calendar. Turkey is a country where balances can change very quickly. Sülayman Demirel, one of Turkey's former prime ministers, used to say, "There is no government that an empty pot cannot overthrow." We will see what the next days will bring.

Thank you for reading.


This is a sad situation. One man should not let pride becloud his judgement especially at the expense of people's lives. It's not a thing of shame to admit to being wrong sometimes. No one is perfect so it's really sad to see that the President doesn't want to admit to having his analysis/prediction of the economy wrong.

Bunun daha başlangıç olduğunu düşünüyorum

Baslangıcı böyleyse eyvah ki ne eyvah

Maalesef bu batışın başlangıç evresi hele ki ohal ilan edilirse eyvah eyvah

euro 20.42 ye gelmiş. Gram altın 1053 tl. dolar 18 tl @muratkbesiroglu

This is a huge crisis, much hunger and ill effects will no doubt fall on the people of Turkey. I pray that it will not be severe. I wonder if the government would ever consider adopting Bitcoin or a Stable coin as legal tender to stop this free fall?

After I wrote this article, the government decided to make an indirect interest hike. So the value of the Turkish Lira USD rate is 12 right now, and things have settled down right now. The government's attitude toward crypto is not positive, so I don't think that they would like to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender.

Beliki burdada ölmeden fatihayi okuyanlar var. yaziklar olsun..!! Ölmemis birini Gömek gibi olmus..!!

Bu yorumdan bir şey anlamadım. Kim kimi gömmüş?

Türk parasinini kast ediyorum zaten konu o degilmi arti yorumlari. Murat abi burda yazdin iyide ben dis ülkede yasadigim icin her kötü haber ne olursa olsun dis ülkelerdekileri cok sevindiriyor. belki sen istemeyerek yaziyorsun bunu ama madem türkparasinin düsüsünü yazdin bide geriye cikisinida yazda bi ozaman yorumlari görelim.

İlk yazdığın yorumdaki üslup doğru bir üslup değil.(yazıklar olsun kısmı) Türkiye'de son aylarda müthiş bir pahalılık ve geçim sıkıntısı oluştu. Her siyasi görüşten insan bundan dolayı sıkıntı çekiyor. Bunun temelinde de faiz politikası var. Yazımda bu faiz politikasını eleştirmistim. Şu ana kadar bu faiz politikasını beğenen tek bir ekonomiste rastlamadım. Sen belli ki aksi görüşü savunuyorsun. Herkesin görüşüne saygı duyuyorum. Yeter ki eleştiriler özenli bir üslupla ifade edilsin.

Ben Türkiyecigim ve türkiye ilgili hic bir kötü haber kabul edemem, Yaziklarinda yaziklari olsun...!!!
Ben hic bir ülke vatandasi bizim Türk denen cakma sahizlarindan baska Memleketini Sozial medyada asaladigini görmüyorum bu birtek bizde var. bunada yaziklar olsun. Dis-ülkeye benim Memleketimi kücük düsürene ne kadar kötü de olsa karsi cikarim. Madem sikinti yasiyorsun begenmiyorsun gel abim gel almanyaya gel de Memleketinin degerini anla gör tat . Istedigin herseyi yazabilirsin ama benim memleketime laf ettirmem ne kadar kötü veya iyide olsa. Ha Memeketini savunan insan hemen AKP ci oluyorsa senin dedigin gibi ozaman ben AKPcinin 1 birincisi en önde olan kisiyim. Hemen böyle birini akp ci yok chpli kategorilerine sokmaklar yokmu iste onada yaziklar olsun. Belliki artik hani herkez diyorya vatanbölünmez diye böyle laflari duydukca vah vah bölünmüsde kimse görmüyormus onada yaziklar olsun böldünüz memleketi. Birsey deyince hemen bir partili kategorisine sokuluyorsun bu nebicim bir tavir bu nebicim bi düsünce. Cok güzel bir laf var tam da uyuyor simdi Ya Türkiyeyi SEV ya Terket abi. Bana sorarsan ben Memleketime dönüyorum sende nereye gidersen git ozaman terk et memeketimi böyle bölücülerle bir Memleketimde yasamak istemiyorum. sikinti diyorsun ama burdan steemleri dollarlari götürüyorsun lapur lupur cok sikinti cekiyorsun abi utanmadanda benim memlektimi disariya kötülüyorsun abi sen ne kafasin ben anlayamadim??? Senin tuzun kuru hem steemden hem burdan dollar aliyorsun bide sikayet ediyorsun sen ne kafasin abi ???

Neyi yazıp neyi yazmayacağıma sen mi karar vereceksin? Beni kendi ülkemden kovmak senin ne haddine? Terbiyesizliğin gereği yok.

Ben sana özellikle suçlayıcı bir ifade kullanmamaya dikkat ettim. Sen maşallah saydırmışsın. Gelişme eleştiri ile olur. Gelişmiş ülke vatandaşları da kendi ülkelerinin yöneticilerini en ağır biçimde eleştiriyor.

Dolar birikimim olduğu halde acaba dolar değer artışını neden eleştiriyorum? Ülkemi, vatandaşlarını ve ülkemin para biriminin değerini önemsediğim için olabilir mi? Ama yok ülkeyi sevmek senin tekelindeydi, değil mi?

Abi sus hic gerek yok devam konusmaya seni allaha emanet ediyorum, ne sikinti cekdik yaziyorsun simdide 50 bin dollar portfoliodan post atiyorsun sen ne yazdigini okuyormusun? tmm ne ben yazarim sana ne de sen yaz ama benim memleketimi disariya Kücük düsürme...!! pat diye cikarim akpci diye karsina

Neyi nasıl uygun görürsem öyle yazarım. Eleştiri ve hassasiyetleri de dikkate alırım ama saygı çerçevesinde ifade edilmek kaydıyla. Ben de seni Allah'a emanet ediyorum.