What are the benefits of using Peakmonsters? [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-133233 years ago



Hola a todos y bienvenidos una vez mas a mi Blog, antes de comenzar quiero dejar en claro que nadie me esta pagando por esto, lo que quiero decir es que no voy a hablar sobre lo bueno que es utilizar @peakmonsters porque ellos estén patrocinándome o algo asi, el servicio que ofrece su pagina es de una calidad tremenda y aun mas útil, así que solo por eso es que quiero traerles esta especie de reportaje, asi que aun no estas utilizando esta pagina aquí te dejare un montón de razones por la cuales deberias hacerlo. Dicho todo esto, vamos a comenzar!

Hello everyone and welcome once again to one of my post, before I start with this I want to make it clear that nobody is paying me any extra for doing this post, what I mean is that I am not going to talk about how good it is to use @peakmonsters because they are sponsoring me or something like that, the service offered by their site is of tremendous quality and even more useful, so just for that reason is that I want to bring you this kind of report, so if you are not using this site yet here I will leave you a lot of reasons why you should do it. Having said all this, let's get started!


Conociendo la interfaz.

Puedes ingresar al portal a través de este enlace e iniciar sesión con keychain, es 100% seguro y de inicio solo necesitas dar autoridad Posting así que no debes preocuparte por nada sobre tus activos, una vez inicies sesión veras el toolbar que es bastante fácil de usar:

Getting into the interface.

You can enter the portal through this link and log in with keychain, it is 100% secure and you only need to give Posting authority to start with so you don't have to worry about anything about your assets, once you log in you will see the toolbar which is quite easy to use:


  • 1: Mis cartas

Aquí puedes encontrar información sobre las cartas que posees en tu cuenta, bien sean tuyas o alquiladas, también puedes ver a quien has rentado cartas si es el caso y el filtro de la derecha tiene un montón de categorías para organizar las cartas y que así siempre veas todo exactamente en el orden en que lo que quieres ver.

  • 1: My cards

Here you can find all the information about the cards you have in your account, whether they are yours own or rented on someone else, you can also see to whom you have rented cards if that is the case and the filter on the right has a lot of categories to organize the cards so you always see everything exactly in the order you want to see it.



  • 2: Mercado

Uno de los principales atractivos de Peakmonsters es justamente su mercado de cartas, que muestra información muy completa sobre el precio mostrando una tendencia de valor de mercado y algo unico del sitio. Las Bids, que son ofertas de compra automatica que podemos pactar para cuando una carta llegue a un precio especifico elegido por nosotros, simplemente colocas la bid y si en algun momento alguien lista una carta al precio de tu bid, compraras esa carta automaticamente. ¿No es genial eso?

Pero no acaba ahi la cosa, y es que las herramientas que veras a tu derecha te van a ayudar a conocer a fondo todos los datos de las cartas en cuestión, puedes filtar tus busquedas por nombre, edicion, rareza y tipo de carta, y ademas las opciones de Bids por rareza, donde puedes poner una bid no a una carta en especifico si no por rareza, esta es la herramienta mas completa que he visto para comprar cartas.

  • 2: Buy

One of the main attractions of Peakmonsters site is precisely its chart market which you can access by clicking on BUY, which shows very complete information about the price showing a Market value (trend) and something unique to the site. The Bids, which are automatic purchase offers that we can agree for when a card reaches a specific price chosen by us, you simply place the bid and if at any time someone lists a card at the price of your bid, you will buy that card automatically. Isn't that great?

But that's not all, the tools you will see on your right part of the screen will help you to know in depth all the data of the cards in question, you can filter your searches by card's name, the edition (or several editions at the same time), the rarity and type of card (Regular, Gold Foil, Summoner), and also the options of Bids by rarity, where you can put a bid not to a specific card but by rarity in a whole edition, this is by far the most complete tool I've seen to buy cards.



  • 3: Rentar

Si el mercado de cartas te pareció genial solo echa un vistazo a la zona de rentas, de nuevo tenemos un filtro muy completo a la derecha donde vamos a poder buscar las cartas que queramos, además en la lista de detalles de cada carta puedes ver sus estadísticas, edición, rareza, el mejor precio (el mas bajo) su nivel, el CP que te otorga y la relacion entre CP/DEC, ademas el mercado se optimiza en tiempo real asi que no te preocupes por tus RC que no se van a gastar en vano con rentas que no se completan, y por supuesto tambien hay un sistema de Bids, tanto para cartas especificas como para CP en general.

  • 3: Rent

So if you thought the card market was great then just take a look at the rentals area, again we have a very complete filter on the right part of the screen where we will be able to search for the cards we want, also in the list of details of each card you can see their statistics, edition, rarity, the best price (the lowest) its level, the CP that gives you and the relationship between CP/DEC, also the market is optimized in real time so do not worry about your RC that will not be spent in vain with incomes that are not completed, and of course there is also a system of Bids, both for specific cards as for CP in general.



  • 4: Explorar

No olvides que esto es una blockchain, cada transaccion queda registrada en un bloque y eso es lo que puedes ver en esta parte, tanto en general como en tu cuenta, u otra cuenta especifica que quieras ver, tambien resumenes de tus batallas, los Top Holders de activos y un historial de tus compras y tus rentas, aparte de un dashboard con mucha informacion sobre las estadisticas del juego.

  • 4: Explore

Don't forget that this is a blockchain, every transaction is recorded in a block and that's what you can see in this part, both in general and in your account, or other specific account you want to see, also summaries of your battles, the Top Holders of assets and a history of your purchases and your income, apart from a dashboard with lots of information about the statistics of the game.



  • 5: ¡Mas!

La ultima sección agregada, puedes abrir tus packs directamente desde el sitio, combinar varias de tus cartas al mismo tiempo, analizar la apertura de packs, acceso al FAQ y Guias para todo lo que te haga falta aprender a hacer.

  • 5: More

The last section added, you can open your packs directly from the site, combine several of your cards at the same time, analyze the opening of packs, access to the FAQ and Guides for everything you need. need to learn how to do.



  • 6: Balance

Aqui vas a poder la cantidad de creditos y DEC que posees en tu cuenta, y su valor en dolares con el precio en tiempo real, simple, util y sencillo.

  • 6: Balances

Here you will be able to the amount of credits and DEC that you have in your account, and its value in dollars with the price in real time, easy, useful and simple.


  • 7: Transacciones propias

Usaras esta pestaña para listar las cartas que selecciones, bien sean para rentar o vender en el mercado (o como un set), tambien para quemarlas, retirarlas del mercado, transferirlas, delegarlas y/o bloquearlas, todo lo que sea referente a tus cartas lo vas a confirmar en este apartado.

  • 7: Own transactions

You will use this tab to list the cards you select, either to rent or sell in the market (or as a set), also to burn them, withdraw them from the market, transfer them, delegate them and/or block them, everything related to your cards You will confirm it in this section.


  • 8: Transacciones de mercado

Seleccionaste alguna (o algunas) cartas para rentar o para comprarlas? esta es la herramienta que usaras para confirmar esa transaccion, dandote un pantallazo final de los datos mas importantes de esa transaccion, por ejemplo:

  • 8: Market transactions

Did you select any (or some) cards to rent or to buy? This is the tool that you will use to confirm that transaction, giving you a final screenshot of the most important data of that transaction, for example:



  • 9: Tu Perfil

Si no has tenido suficientes datos y estadisticas entonces ven a esta seccion donde encontraras mas informacion referente a tu cuenta, ademas puedes revisar las autoridades que has dado a Peakmonters y para que sirve cada una, cerrar cesion y tambien un enlace a tu monedero de Hive, es que este sitio tiene de todo.

  • 9: Your Profile

If you have not had enough data and statistics then come to this section where you will find more information regarding your account, you can also review the authorities that you have given to Peakmonters and what each one is for, close assignment and also a link to your Hive wallet , is that this site has everything.


Mas datos sobre el sitio.

Tienen una cuenta de Hive en el que estan constantemente enviando informacion de utilidad para sus usuarios (aunque solo en ingles, no seria mala idea traducir el sitio a otros idiomas) y en el sitio nos dice que sus creadores son @jarvie y @asgarth, felicitaciones por ese trabajo que han hecho, ademas de eso tambien tienen un servidor de Discord y una cuenta de Twitter (Tienen un giveaway en vigencia en su Twitter, por cierto).

Esta transparencia en tantos medios diferentes es de las cosas que mas me agrada de esta plataforma porque genera confianza en el usuario, he probado su sistema de rentas y funciona 10/10, si una carta listada es alquilada antes de que tu lo hagas pero tiene una carta a un precio similar, el sistema la selecciona por ti y te avisa que lo ha hecho, para que decidas alquilarla o no, estos pequeños detalles hacen la diferencia porque hacen sentir que el sistema esta automatizado en tiempo real, ademas de que puedes verificar muchos datos.

More data about the site.

They have a Hive account in which they are constantly sending useful information for their users (although only in English, it would not be a bad idea to translate the site into other languages) and in the site tells us that its creators are @jarvie and @asgarth, congratulations for that work they have done, in addition to that they also have a Discord server and an account from Twitter (They have a giveaway going on on their Twitter, by the way).

This transparency in so many different media is one of the things that I like the most about this platform because it generates confidence in the user, I have tried its rental system and it works 10/10, if a listed letter is rented before you do it but it has a letter at a similar price, the system selects it for you and notifies you that it has done so, so that you decide to rent it or not, these small details make the difference because they make you feel that the system is automated in real time, besides that you can verify a lot of data.



Algunos mini-tutoriales.

  • ¿Como comprar una carta?

Es bastante sencillo la verdad, solo ve a la seccion BUY y bien eligiendola en la lista o usando el filtro de busqueda, elige la carta que quieras, eliges la opcion BUY o VIEW LIST (depende del modo de vista que tengas seleccionado, pero funciona igual) se desplega la lista de cartas en venta, y tu la seleccionas haciendo click en el carrito:

Some mini-tutorials.

  • How to buy a card?

It's really really simple really, just go to the BUY section and either by choosing it in the list or using the search filter, choose the card you want, choose the BUY or VIEW LIST option (depends on the view mode you have selected, but it works the same) the list of cards for sale is displayed, and you select it by clicking on the cart:


¿Recuerdas la seccion de Transacciones de mercado? el paso final es hacer click ahi para confirmar tu compra (puedes elegir pagarlo con Creditos o con DEC) y una vez hecho eso, el sistema verifica la transaccion y unos segundos despues ¡tendras tu carta!

Remember the Market Transactions section? the final step is to click there to confirm your purchase (you can choose to pay with Credits or with DEC) and once that is done, the system verifies the transaction and a few seconds later you will have your letter!


  • ¿Configurar alquiler de Poder de Colección?

Esto está en la seccion RENT y luego CONFIGURE CP BID, sirve para hacer una bid global por CP y no por cartas especificas, es decir la pagina buscara por ti las cartas listadas con las especificaciones que tu elijas y las rentará por ti. Esta parte puede ser un poco confusa si eres nuevo o si no estas familiarizado con su uso, pero es bastante simple:

  • Configure Collection Power Rental?

This option is in the RENT section and then CONFIGURE CP BID, and it is used to make a global bid for rent Colection Power and not by specific cards on the market, that is, the page will search for you the cards listed with the specifications that you choose and will rent them for you. This part can be a bit confusing if you're new or unfamiliar with its use, but it's pretty simple:


Alli te lo dice explicitamente:

Alquile una rango especifico de CP:

  • Concede la 'Rental Authority'' de Splinterlands a PeakMonsters.

  • Seleccione un rango de Poder de Coleccion (CP) y ajústelo según sea necesario.

  • Indicar una tasa CP/DEC para alquileres.

  • Daremos prioridad a las ofertas según el CP/DEC más bajo, pero se pueden cumplir varias ofertas al mismo tiempo.

  • Encontraremos Cartas a esa tasa o mejor (en o por encima de ese número).

  • Ayudaremos a los propietarios a aumentar simultáneamente las tasas bajas y bajar las tasas altas.

  • Cualquier cancelación de alquiler comenzará a recargarse 3 horas antes de que las tarjetas salgan de su cuenta.

¿Pero... como funciona el sistema?

En la seccion YOUR BID vas a colocar el rango estimado de CP/DEC que quieres alquilar, esto calculara el CP y no el precio, y lo ajustara de acuerdo a los datos que ingreses asi que analiza bien y piensa lo que estas ingresando al sistema, por ejemplo si estas buscando rentar CP para Plata III (15k CP) debes colocar una bid mas o menos asi:

There he tells you explicitly:

Rent a specific range of Collection Power

  • Grant the Splinterlands 'Rental Authority' to PeakMonsters.

  • Select a range of Collection Power (CP) and adjust as needed.

  • Indicate a CP/DEC rate for rentals.

  • We'll prioritize bids based on the lower CP/DEC, but multiple bids can be fulfilled at the same time.

  • We will find cards at that rate or better (at or above that number).

  • We will help the owners of the cards to simultaneously raise low rates and lower high rates.

  • Any rental cancellations will begin to be re-filled 3 hours before the cards leave your account.

But... how does the system work?

In YOUR BID you are going to place the estimated range of CP/DEC that you want to rent, this will calculate the CP and not the price, and will adjust it according to the data you enter, so analyze well and think about what you are entering into the system, for Example if you are looking to rent CP for Silver III (15k CP) you should place a bid something like this:


¿Por qué?

Tener el YOUR BID en 499 te buscara las mejores ofertas del mercado, se puede probar con un numero mas alto pero sera mas dificil conseguir las cartas, el minimo en 15000 que es lo necesario para Plata y maximo 17000 para que no se pase demasiado y no terminemos pagando demas, y el minimo por carta en 25 para nos consiga cartas subidas de nivel ya que si lo colocamos en 5 por ejemplo, nos puede rentar un monton de cartas comunes de nivel 1 de Chaos Legion.

  • (El CP/DEC se calcula automaticamente en la pagina dividiendo el CP que te da esa carta entre el precio de alquiler de dicha carta, de esta forma se deduce que mientras mas alto es el CP/DEC mejor, porque estamos gastando menos dinero en alquilar mas CP)


Well, by having the YOUR BID section at 499 CP/DEC will look for the best offers on the market, you can try a higher number but it will be more difficult to get the cards, the minimum is 15,000, which is necessary for Silver, and the maximum is 17,000 so that you do not spend too much and let's not end up paying too much, and the minimum per card is 25 to get us level up cards because if we put it at 5 for example, we can rent a lot of common cards of level 1 from Chaos Legion.

  • (The CP/DEC section is calculated automatically on the page by the system by dividing the CP that this card gives you by the rental price of said card, in this way it is deduced that the higher the CP/DEC the better, because we are spending less money on rent more CP)


  • ¿Como vender o alquilar tus cartas?

Vas a ir a la seccion MY CARDS, si tienes cartas rentadas debes filtrar las que son tuyas (en la parte baja del filtro a tu derecha veras una opcion que dice OWNED, marcala) veras entonces las cartas que tienes en tu poder, haciendo click en Select All las eliges todas o lo haces manualmente si quieres vender o rentar solo algunas:

  • How to sell or rent your cards?

You will go to the MY CARDS section, if you have rented cards you must filter the ones that are yours (at the bottom of the filter to your right you will see an option that says OWNED, mark it) you will then see the cards you have in your possession, by clicking in Select All you choose them all or you do it manually if you want to sell or rent only some:


Veras como se seleccionan en la parte de Transacciones propias alli eliges SELL o RENT de acuerdo a lo que quieras hacer, otra cosa maginifica de esta pagina, puedes listar varias cartas al mismo tiempo y ademas elegir que el sistema busque de forma automatica el precio mas bajo para ti (claro que tambien puedes hacerlo manual):

You will see how they are selected in the part of *** Own transactions *** there you choose SELL or RENT according to what you want to do, another magnificent thing on this page, you can list several letters at the same time and also choose what the system looks for automatically the lowest price for you (of course you can also do it manually):


Seleccionando esas opciones el sistema te va a calcular los precios mas bajos actualmente, asi puedes vender tus cartas al precio mas bajo del mercado, por lo cual se venderan muy rapido y haciendo solo un par de clicks. ¡Eso es proactividad!

By selecting these options above you will see how the system will calculate the lowest prices currently, so you can sell your cards at the lowest price in the market, so they will be sold very quickly and with just a couple of clicks. That's proactivity!



Bueno amigos esto ha sido todo por ahora, si todavia les queda alguna duda les invito a dejar un comentario y les ayudare a resolverla, si te ha gustado el post compartelo para que otros usuarios lo vean y no olvides dejar tu voto, espero que esta guia te haya sido de ayuda ¡y nos vemos en un siguiente post!

Well friends this has been all for now, if you still have any questions I invite you to leave a comment and I will help you solve it, if you liked the post share it so that other users can see it and do not forget to leave your vote, I hope that this guide has been helpful and see you in a next post!



Click the image  you wanna play Splinterlands!


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Excellent post. Will feature/share this on my daily Splinterlands Digest post and on Twitter.

thank you very much for the support, it's much appreciated, I was going to ask for your user to follow you but it turns out I was already doing it before, very nice job with those tweets by the way.


Just a little guy trying to contribute to the community. Thanks

That is an amazing post! Thanks for sharing it and writing about all those topics

Thanks to you for reading it, it makes me happy to see that my posts are useful for others, that's the idea.

You are welcome and thank you! Yeah, I like it as well, if people can get some value out of my posts!


!gif value

You wrote a really helpful post especially for new Splinterlands players who may not know about the helpful Peakmonsters site!
Thanks for sharing

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Tremenda y muy útil información, te super agradezco! Me mareaba un poco el tema del BID cp/dec y ahora lo entiendo para aplicarlo a la siguiente temporada.

Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27

great overview of PeakMonsters! Good job!


That's a great overview of PeakMonsters. We also love that it's written in two languages! Thanks for providing great value to the community :)

We'll be sharing this in twitter and reddit. Looking forward to more of your PeakMonsters related posts!

Thanks to you for providing such a great service to the players, if you want to translate your site contact me, I was involved in the translation of the game website, I would definitely love to work on a Spanish translation of Peakmonsters, I don't follow you on Redit yet, I will check that now, and again, thanks for the support.


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