Sorry for not posting last week's giveaway but I will pick it back up from where we left off. Seems like I overestimated the amount of Rift Watchers packs that were sold after the release of the cards, I was expecting a lot more people to start buying packs once they could open their packs.
As ijatz pointed out in my last giveaway the release schedule for new splinterlands assets is just too intensive for investors/players to keep up with. The Chaos Legion sale is still ongoing, and on top of that, they added the licenses, the splinterfest tickets, Riftwatchers, tower defense, and Runi Sales. These are all the sales going on at the moment and pretty soon we will also have the pre-sale for the Genesis soccer league.
Flooding the market with all kinds of different assets doesn't seem to be the best strategy for Splinterlands. It is hard just to keep up with all the information and new sales going around, let alone find the money to participate in a meaningful way in any of the sales. Since there are so many options now most players are choosing to focus only on one specific asset and ignore the rest of the Splinterlands Ecosystem.
I think it would have been way more beneficial to phase out the sales so that everyone can participate in all of the aspects of the game.
That being said I'm very excited for Genesis Soccer League, the game will be a huge success with such an experienced team creating it from scratch. I will be throwing most of my money into the game instead of buying tower defense packs or Runis.
⚔️ The rules:
- Minimum Reputation of 50
- Only one comment per person
- Upvote / Follow or Re-post is not mandatory but it is greatly appreciated.
- You just have to comment. If you use a different username on Splinterlands please mention the account where you want to receive the cards.
The winner will be picked by a randomizer and will be announced on next week's giveaway post.
⚔️ Cards for this week:
Cards will rotate splinter every week, Fire -> Water -> Earth -> Life -> Death -> Dragon -> Neutral. This week if you win you will receive 1x Arachne Thug.
⚔️ Last week's winner:
I'm currently using this tool to randomly pick one comment to win the giveaway.
@ijatz was the lucky winner from last week's giveaway! I will send your reward right away!
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