Today, I finished drawing 35 Kelly. I have drawn this picture as chibi version. In chibi version, I can not draw head position and hand position exactly like that because the head of chibi is big.
Now, when I draw her as normal picture, I tried to draw it exactly like in the card. I succeed it this time. My picture is similar to the picture in the card.
35 Keely is a common people card in rising star game. It has 25 fans, 10 skill, 0 luck and 0 im.
Firstly, I drew the body sketch first. I don't know if you notice this. My basic body sketch picture is changed from before. I am learning drawing, so my style and pictures will gradually changed.
Then, I added fans, skill, luck and im in the picture. I also wrote 35 Kelly at the top. I painted the word with white colour.
I continued to painture the picture, and I painted her shirt with crimson colour and light pink colour. I painted her trouser with grey colour. For her hair, I used light yellow colour to paint it. I just decided to paint her skin with fair skin colour. I also painted her mouth with red colour. I satisfied this picture and I completed the drawing and painting of 35 Keely.