This is my attempt at writing the freewrite short fiction using the prompt.
Gorman ranch was far away setup into the border of Utah. No water lines, no electricity and no transport options. They had to set all those things on their own. They relied on the solar panels for the nightlight.
Image source
Roger gorman noticed a black car coming towards the ranch. And he stood up from the chair in his porch to see who came into his ranch. He noticed two men who came out the car reached the house slowly.
"We need your clearance so that we can have a road nearby this mountain Mr Gorman". One of the man in black suite in a slow voice said.
"Why? What road when this entire desert is open?" said gorman.
"We need making a tunnel so that we can have specific transport in and out of the earth below. Rest of the details you don't want to know. Either you support us or you move".
"Hell no. What are you an alien diplomat? What you guys are building here a portal for aliens to travel in and out? Is that why this quartz mountain is being dug by you guys?