Hola compañeros de Hive Food acabo de unirme a la comunidad y a modo de presentación hoy les quiero compartir una deliciosa receta de Brownies Chocolatosos.
Me gusta esta receta, en especial porque son rendidores y también muy prácticos para un cambio de rutina. Podemos llevarlos en la lanchera para el almuerzo fuera de casa o para una tarde de té.
Además, se pueden hacer en menos de 1 Hora en caso de que surja una merienda express.
Les cuento la receta y el proceso en el video.
Pero también la tendrán disponible acá: Directo a la receta clic aquí.
Quisiera confesarles que me encanta cocinar…
Así que les contaré una pequeña anécdota de como me di cuenta de mi gusto por la cocina.
Era el año 2018 por ahí… no recuerdo muy bien. Trabajaba a prueba como auxiliar de cocina sin saber apenas cocinar.
Lo único que podía hacer bien era calentar agua para el mate y a duras penas me quedaba bien.
Entonces me enseñaron más o menos a manejarme en la cocina. Preparar los ingredientes, cortar, pelar, preparar, etc.
En esos momentos no entendía nada y sigo sin entender qué hacía. Pero el tema es que recibía muy buenos comentarios de los clientes sobre los platillos.
Pues lo único que hacía era seguir las instrucciones de un gran cuaderno lleno de recetas.
Un buen día. Me dijeron que podía llevar un parlante para escuchar música mientras trabajaba. A lo cual accedí, y al otro día lleve mi parlante con el que escuchaba Metal regularmente.
Cuando empecé a con mis cosas mientras escuchaba música me sentía muy contento y trabajaba de manera amena, pues la música me hizo sentir gusto por cocinar y aprendí que el expresar cariño mientras haces algo que te gusta ayuda a que eso quede excepcional.
Ahora siempre que cocino algo prefiero hacerlo escuchando buena música y así me concentro mucho más, el Metal 🤘 le da buen sabor a la comida 🍲 XD
Sin más cháchara vamos a preparar unos ricos brownies. Quiero contarte que estos brownies los hice mezclando varias recetas, primero hice unos que me quedaron espantosos porque se quemó todo y se pegó, después de esa receta se me ocurrió la idea de usar los moldes de Margaritas, la segunda la vi en YouTube, pero no me gustó, pues llevaba muchos ingredientes. Así que un día me calenté y le pregunte a Chat.GPT una receta para brownies. ¡Esta sí que me gusto!
Entonces la mejoré y en síntesis es la que les voy a presentar.
Cómo había comentado aquí está la receta al vuelo.
Receta para 14 Porciones de Brownie.
1/2 taza de cacao en polvo. (Si no tienes, usa 1 taza de Cocoa)
1 taza llena de harina de trigo. (Cualquier calidad)
1 taza de azúcar. (Mas amargos 1/2 taza)
250g de manteca sin sal derretida. (o 200g si prefieres)
2 huevos.(grandes Mejor)
1 o 1/2 cdta. de sal.
Un chorrito de extracto de vainilla.(OPCIONAL)
1 cdta. de Bicarbonato de sodio. (OPCIONAL)
1 cdta. de polvos para hornear. (OPCIONAL)
Utilizaremos 2 Bowls para cocinar, un cernidor, cubiertos para hacer la mezcla y una asadera pequeña o moldes para magdalenas, así las porciones ya queden separadas.
- Procedimiento -
Vamos a depositar el azúcar y la sal en un bowl.
Tomamos el Cernidor para echar un poco de Cacao y harina, damos pequeños golpecitos en un costado y movemos así, vamos cerniendo en el bowl con azúcar hasta que no quede más por cernir.
Esto evita que se formen grumos desagradables, aquí agregamos el bicarbonato y los polvos de hornear.
Ahora usaremos el otro bowl para Derretir la Manteca en el microondas o si lo prefieres también puedes hacerlo en una sartén.
Luego de tener la manteca derretida romperemos los 2 huevos y los dejamos caer dentro del bowl, eto lo vamos a revolver un rato hasta que se vea unido. Ahora vamos a ir echando la mezcla sólida de a poco con el líquido mientras vamos revolviendo. Poco a poco mientras más vallamos agregando lo sólido se empezara a hacer más fuerte la masa y requiere un poco más de fuerza, por eso recomiendo un tenedor.
Ya tenemos la masa de los Brownies lista, ahora falta muy poco.
Prendemos el horno a precalentar a 180°c mientras ponemos la masa en los moldes de Magdalenas o en una azadera pequeña. Si vas a usar una Azadara primero enmanteca la superficie y luego vierte la masa de brownie ahi, esto ayudara a que no se peguen tanto. Luego de rellenar los moldes o azadera ya podemos ponerle un dip arriba como coco rayado, chispas o nueces.
¡Casi listo! Ahora podemos meter los brownies al horno para que se cocinen.
Llevamos al horno nuestros brownies a la misma temperatura o fuego medio, durante 25 minutos hasta que los brownies terminen la coccion, luego de que pase el tiempo puedes pinchar el brownie con un escarbadientes de madera para ver si queda masa pegada. ei es asi dejalos 5 minutos mas. Pero si no queda ndad apegado debo informarte que tus brownies ¡ya estan prontos para salir del horno! ¡Felicidades!.
¡Ahora que tenemos los brownies listos, hay que dejarlos que se enfríen un rato y ya los podemos fraccionar o comer! ¡WIII!
Quedan como estos:
Eso es todo… Si se te antojaron unos ricos brownies te invito a probar esta receta y me cuentes que te parece.
¿Qué le agregarías o le quitarías? ¿Cómo te quedaron? ¿Los probarías?
Espero que este sea el primero de muchos blogs para compartirles.
Soy nuevo haciendo contenido aquí así que si hay algo que quieran aconsejarme soy todo oídos.
¡Un saludo gigantesco desde Uruguay!
El intro y outro lo hice yo con este recurso de
Wikipedia (Hive logo)
Programa de edición de Video Música Mi Camara Traductor Miniatura
Sony Vegas Pro 17 Thor's Hammer - Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone - Ethan Meixsell - Big Car Theft · Audionautix - Barge - Gunnar Olsen NIKON D3200 DeepL PhotoShop CS6
Hi fellow Hive Food members I just joined the community and by way of introduction today I want to share with you a delicious recipe for Chocolaty Brownies.
I like this recipe, especially because they are yielding and also very practical for a change of routine. We can take them in the boat for lunch away from home or for an afternoon tea.
In addition, they can be made in less than 1 Hour in case an express snack comes up.
I tell you the recipe and the process in the video.
But it is also available here: Direct to recipe click here .
I would like to confess that I love to cook...
So I'll tell you a little anecdote about how I became aware of my taste for cooking.
It was 2018 around there... I don't remember very well. I was working on a probationary basis as a kitchen assistant with barely any cooking skills.
The only thing I could do well was to heat water for mate and I could hardly keep it well.
So they taught me more or less how to handle myself in the kitchen. Preparing the ingredients, chopping, peeling, preparing, etc.
At that time I didn't understand anything and I still don't understand what I was doing. But the point is that I received very good comments from customers about the dishes.
All I did was follow the instructions in a large notebook full of recipes.
One fine day. I was told that I could bring a speaker to listen to music while I worked. To which I agreed, and the next day I brought my speaker with me, with which I listened to Metal regularly.
When I started to do my things while listening to music I felt very happy and I worked in a pleasant way, because music made me feel pleasure in cooking and I learned that expressing affection while doing something you like helps to make it look exceptional.
Now whenever I cook something I prefer to do it listening to good music and that way I concentrate much more, Metal 🤘 gives a good taste to the food 🍲 XD
Without further ado, let's prepare some delicious brownies. I want to tell you that I made these brownies by mixing several recipes, first I made some that were terrible because everything burned and stuck together, after that recipe I came up with the idea of using Margarita molds, the second one I saw on YouTube, but I didn't like it because it had many ingredients, so one day I got hot and asked Chat.GPT for a recipe for brownies. So one day I got hot and asked Chat.GPT for a recipe for brownies. I really liked this one!
So I improved it and, in summary, this is the one I am going to present to you.
As I had commented here is the recipe on the fly.
Recipe for 14 Servings of Brownie.
1/2 cup cocoa powder (if you don't have it, use 1 cup Cocoa)
1 full cup of wheat flour (any quality)
1 cup sugar (more bitter 1/2 cup)
250g melted unsalted butter (or 200g if you prefer)
2 eggs (large - best)
1 or 1/2 tsp. salt.
A dash of vanilla extract (OPTIONAL).
1 tsp. baking soda (OPTIONAL)
1 tsp. baking powder (OPTIONAL)
We will use 2 bowls for cooking, a sifter, cutlery to make the mixture and a small baking pan or muffin tins, so that the portions are already separated.
- Procedure -
Place the sugar and salt in a bowl.
We take the sifter to pour a little cocoa and flour, we tap on one side and move it, we sift it in the bowl with sugar until there is no more to sift.
This prevents unpleasant lumps from forming, here we add the baking soda and baking powder.
Now we will use the other bowl to melt the butter in the microwave or if you prefer you can also melt it in a frying pan.
After melting the butter, break the 2 eggs and drop them into the bowl, stir them for a while until they are united. Now we are going to add the solid mixture little by little with the liquid while stirring. Little by little the more we add the solid, the stronger the dough will become and it will require a little more force, that's why I recommend a fork.
**We already have the brownie batter ready, now we are very close **.
Preheat the oven to 180°c while we put the batter in the muffin tins or in a small bowl. If you are going to use an Azadara first butter the surface and then pour the brownie batter there, this will help them not to stick so much. After filling the molds or bowl we can put a dip on top such as shredded coconut, sprinkles or nuts.
**Almost ready! Now we can put the brownies in the oven to bake **.
We take our brownies to the oven at the same temperature or medium heat, for 25 minutes until the brownies finish cooking, after the time has passed you can prick the brownie with a wooden toothpick to see if the dough sticks. if it does, leave them 5 minutes more. But if it doesn't stick I must inform you that your brownies are ready to come out of the oven, congratulations!
Now that we have the brownies ready, let them cool for a while and then we can split them or eat them! WIII! **
They look like this:
That's all... If you're craving some delicious brownies, I invite you to try this recipe and let me know what you think.
What would you add or subtract? How did they fit? Would you try them?
I hope this is the first of many blogs to share with you.
I'm new to making content here so if there's anything you want to advise me I'm all ears.
A gigantic greeting from Uruguay!
The intro and outro was made by me with this resource
Wikipedia (Hive logo)
Video editing software Music My Camera Translator Thumbnail
Sony Vegas Pro 17 Thor's Hammer - Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone - Ethan Meixsell - Big Car Theft - Audionautix - Barge - Gunnar Olsen NIKON D3200 DeepL PhotoShop CS6
▶️ 3Speak
Además, se pueden hacer en menos de 1 Hora en caso de que surja una merienda express.
Les cuento la receta y el proceso en el video.
Pero también la tendrán disponible acá: Directo a la receta clic aquí.
Quisiera confesarles que me encanta cocinar…
Así que les contaré una pequeña anécdota de como me di cuenta de mi gusto por la cocina.
Era el año 2018 por ahí… no recuerdo muy bien. Trabajaba a prueba como auxiliar de cocina sin saber apenas cocinar.
Lo único que podía hacer bien era calentar agua para el mate y a duras penas me quedaba bien.
Entonces me enseñaron más o menos a manejarme en la cocina. Preparar los ingredientes, cortar, pelar, preparar, etc.
En esos momentos no entendía nada y sigo sin entender qué hacía. Pero el tema es que recibía muy buenos comentarios de los clientes sobre los platillos.
Pues lo único que hacía era seguir las instrucciones de un gran cuaderno lleno de recetas.
Un buen día. Me dijeron que podía llevar un parlante para escuchar música mientras trabajaba. A lo cual accedí, y al otro día lleve mi parlante con el que escuchaba Metal regularmente.
Cuando empecé a con mis cosas mientras escuchaba música me sentía muy contento y trabajaba de manera amena, pues la música me hizo sentir gusto por cocinar y aprendí que el expresar cariño mientras haces algo que te gusta ayuda a que eso quede excepcional.
Ahora siempre que cocino algo prefiero hacerlo escuchando buena música y así me concentro mucho más, el Metal 🤘 le da buen sabor a la comida 🍲 XD
Sin más cháchara vamos a preparar unos ricos brownies. Quiero contarte que estos brownies los hice mezclando varias recetas, primero hice unos que me quedaron espantosos porque se quemó todo y se pegó, después de esa receta se me ocurrió la idea de usar los moldes de Margaritas, la segunda la vi en YouTube, pero no me gustó, pues llevaba muchos ingredientes. Así que un día me calenté y le pregunte a Chat.GPT una receta para brownies. ¡Esta sí que me gusto!
Entonces la mejoré y en síntesis es la que les voy a presentar.
Cómo había comentado aquí está la receta al vuelo.
Receta para 14 Porciones de Brownie.
1/2 taza de cacao en polvo. (Si no tienes, usa 1 taza de Cocoa)
1 taza llena de harina de trigo. (Cualquier calidad)
1 taza de azúcar. (Mas amargos 1/2 taza)
250g de manteca sin sal derretida. (o 200g si prefieres)
2 huevos.(grandes Mejor)
1 o 1/2 cdta. de sal.
Un chorrito de extracto de vainilla.(OPCIONAL)
1 cdta. de Bicarbonato de sodio. (OPCIONAL)
1 cdta. de polvos para hornear. (OPCIONAL)
Utilizaremos 2 Bowls para cocinar, un cernidor, cubiertos para hacer la mezcla y una asadera pequeña o moldes para magdalenas, así las porciones ya queden separadas.
- Procedimiento -
Vamos a depositar el azúcar y la sal en un bowl.
Tomamos el Cernidor para echar un poco de Cacao y harina, damos pequeños golpecitos en un costado y movemos así, vamos cerniendo en el bowl con azúcar hasta que no quede más por cernir.
Esto evita que se formen grumos desagradables, aquí agregamos el bicarbonato y los polvos de hornear.
Ahora usaremos el otro bowl para Derretir la Manteca en el microondas o si lo prefieres también puedes hacerlo en una sartén.
Luego de tener la manteca derretida romperemos los 2 huevos y los dejamos caer dentro del bowl, eto lo vamos a revolver un rato hasta que se vea unido. Ahora vamos a ir echando la mezcla sólida de a poco con el líquido mientras vamos revolviendo. Poco a poco mientras más vallamos agregando lo sólido se empezara a hacer más fuerte la masa y requiere un poco más de fuerza, por eso recomiendo un tenedor.
Ya tenemos la masa de los Brownies lista, ahora falta muy poco.
Prendemos el horno a precalentar a 180°c mientras ponemos la masa en los moldes de Magdalenas o en una azadera pequeña. Si vas a usar una Azadara primero enmanteca la superficie y luego vierte la masa de brownie ahi, esto ayudara a que no se peguen tanto. Luego de rellenar los moldes o azadera ya podemos ponerle un dip arriba como coco rayado, chispas o nueces.
¡Casi listo! Ahora podemos meter los brownies al horno para que se cocinen.
Llevamos al horno nuestros brownies a la misma temperatura o fuego medio, durante 25 minutos hasta que los brownies terminen la coccion, luego de que pase el tiempo puedes pinchar el brownie con un escarbadientes de madera para ver si queda masa pegada. ei es asi dejalos 5 minutos mas. Pero si no queda ndad apegado debo informarte que tus brownies ¡ya estan prontos para salir del horno! ¡Felicidades!.
¡Ahora que tenemos los brownies listos, hay que dejarlos que se enfríen un rato y ya los podemos fraccionar o comer! ¡WIII!
Quedan como estos:
Eso es todo… Si se te antojaron unos ricos brownies te invito a probar esta receta y me cuentes que te parece.
¿Qué le agregarías o le quitarías? ¿Cómo te quedaron? ¿Los probarías?
Espero que este sea el primero de muchos blogs para compartirles.
Soy nuevo haciendo contenido aquí así que si hay algo que quieran aconsejarme soy todo oídos.
¡Un saludo gigantesco desde Uruguay!
El intro y outro lo hice yo con este recurso de
Wikipedia (Hive logo)
Programa de edición de Video | Música | Mi Camara | Traductor | Miniatura |
Sony Vegas Pro 17 | Thor's Hammer - Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone - Ethan Meixsell - Big Car Theft · Audionautix - Barge - Gunnar Olsen | NIKON D3200 | DeepL | PhotoShop CS6 |
I like this recipe, especially because they are yielding and also very practical for a change of routine. We can take them in the boat for lunch away from home or for an afternoon tea.
In addition, they can be made in less than 1 Hour in case an express snack comes up.
I tell you the recipe and the process in the video.
But it is also available here: Direct to recipe click here .
I would like to confess that I love to cook...
So I'll tell you a little anecdote about how I became aware of my taste for cooking.
It was 2018 around there... I don't remember very well. I was working on a probationary basis as a kitchen assistant with barely any cooking skills.
The only thing I could do well was to heat water for mate and I could hardly keep it well.
So they taught me more or less how to handle myself in the kitchen. Preparing the ingredients, chopping, peeling, preparing, etc.
At that time I didn't understand anything and I still don't understand what I was doing. But the point is that I received very good comments from customers about the dishes.
All I did was follow the instructions in a large notebook full of recipes.
One fine day. I was told that I could bring a speaker to listen to music while I worked. To which I agreed, and the next day I brought my speaker with me, with which I listened to Metal regularly.
When I started to do my things while listening to music I felt very happy and I worked in a pleasant way, because music made me feel pleasure in cooking and I learned that expressing affection while doing something you like helps to make it look exceptional.
Now whenever I cook something I prefer to do it listening to good music and that way I concentrate much more, Metal 🤘 gives a good taste to the food 🍲 XD
Without further ado, let's prepare some delicious brownies. I want to tell you that I made these brownies by mixing several recipes, first I made some that were terrible because everything burned and stuck together, after that recipe I came up with the idea of using Margarita molds, the second one I saw on YouTube, but I didn't like it because it had many ingredients, so one day I got hot and asked Chat.GPT for a recipe for brownies. So one day I got hot and asked Chat.GPT for a recipe for brownies. I really liked this one!
So I improved it and, in summary, this is the one I am going to present to you.
As I had commented here is the recipe on the fly.
Recipe for 14 Servings of Brownie.
1/2 cup cocoa powder (if you don't have it, use 1 cup Cocoa)
1 full cup of wheat flour (any quality)
1 cup sugar (more bitter 1/2 cup)
250g melted unsalted butter (or 200g if you prefer)
2 eggs (large - best)
1 or 1/2 tsp. salt.
A dash of vanilla extract (OPTIONAL).
1 tsp. baking soda (OPTIONAL)
1 tsp. baking powder (OPTIONAL)
We will use 2 bowls for cooking, a sifter, cutlery to make the mixture and a small baking pan or muffin tins, so that the portions are already separated.
- Procedure -
Place the sugar and salt in a bowl.
We take the sifter to pour a little cocoa and flour, we tap on one side and move it, we sift it in the bowl with sugar until there is no more to sift.
This prevents unpleasant lumps from forming, here we add the baking soda and baking powder.
Now we will use the other bowl to melt the butter in the microwave or if you prefer you can also melt it in a frying pan.
After melting the butter, break the 2 eggs and drop them into the bowl, stir them for a while until they are united. Now we are going to add the solid mixture little by little with the liquid while stirring. Little by little the more we add the solid, the stronger the dough will become and it will require a little more force, that's why I recommend a fork.
**We already have the brownie batter ready, now we are very close **.
Preheat the oven to 180°c while we put the batter in the muffin tins or in a small bowl. If you are going to use an Azadara first butter the surface and then pour the brownie batter there, this will help them not to stick so much. After filling the molds or bowl we can put a dip on top such as shredded coconut, sprinkles or nuts.
**Almost ready! Now we can put the brownies in the oven to bake **.
We take our brownies to the oven at the same temperature or medium heat, for 25 minutes until the brownies finish cooking, after the time has passed you can prick the brownie with a wooden toothpick to see if the dough sticks. if it does, leave them 5 minutes more. But if it doesn't stick I must inform you that your brownies are ready to come out of the oven, congratulations!
Now that we have the brownies ready, let them cool for a while and then we can split them or eat them! WIII! **
They look like this:
That's all... If you're craving some delicious brownies, I invite you to try this recipe and let me know what you think.
What would you add or subtract? How did they fit? Would you try them?
I hope this is the first of many blogs to share with you.
I'm new to making content here so if there's anything you want to advise me I'm all ears.
A gigantic greeting from Uruguay!
The intro and outro was made by me with this resource
Wikipedia (Hive logo)
Video editing software Music My Camera Translator Thumbnail
Sony Vegas Pro 17 Thor's Hammer - Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone - Ethan Meixsell - Big Car Theft - Audionautix - Barge - Gunnar Olsen NIKON D3200 DeepL PhotoShop CS6
▶️ 3Speak
In addition, they can be made in less than 1 Hour in case an express snack comes up.
I tell you the recipe and the process in the video.
But it is also available here: Direct to recipe click here .
I would like to confess that I love to cook...
So I'll tell you a little anecdote about how I became aware of my taste for cooking.
It was 2018 around there... I don't remember very well. I was working on a probationary basis as a kitchen assistant with barely any cooking skills.
The only thing I could do well was to heat water for mate and I could hardly keep it well.
So they taught me more or less how to handle myself in the kitchen. Preparing the ingredients, chopping, peeling, preparing, etc.
At that time I didn't understand anything and I still don't understand what I was doing. But the point is that I received very good comments from customers about the dishes.
All I did was follow the instructions in a large notebook full of recipes.
One fine day. I was told that I could bring a speaker to listen to music while I worked. To which I agreed, and the next day I brought my speaker with me, with which I listened to Metal regularly.
When I started to do my things while listening to music I felt very happy and I worked in a pleasant way, because music made me feel pleasure in cooking and I learned that expressing affection while doing something you like helps to make it look exceptional.
Now whenever I cook something I prefer to do it listening to good music and that way I concentrate much more, Metal 🤘 gives a good taste to the food 🍲 XD
Without further ado, let's prepare some delicious brownies. I want to tell you that I made these brownies by mixing several recipes, first I made some that were terrible because everything burned and stuck together, after that recipe I came up with the idea of using Margarita molds, the second one I saw on YouTube, but I didn't like it because it had many ingredients, so one day I got hot and asked Chat.GPT for a recipe for brownies. So one day I got hot and asked Chat.GPT for a recipe for brownies. I really liked this one!
So I improved it and, in summary, this is the one I am going to present to you.
As I had commented here is the recipe on the fly.
Recipe for 14 Servings of Brownie.
1/2 cup cocoa powder (if you don't have it, use 1 cup Cocoa)
1 full cup of wheat flour (any quality)
1 cup sugar (more bitter 1/2 cup)
250g melted unsalted butter (or 200g if you prefer)
2 eggs (large - best)
1 or 1/2 tsp. salt.
A dash of vanilla extract (OPTIONAL).
1 tsp. baking soda (OPTIONAL)
1 tsp. baking powder (OPTIONAL)
We will use 2 bowls for cooking, a sifter, cutlery to make the mixture and a small baking pan or muffin tins, so that the portions are already separated.
- Procedure -
Place the sugar and salt in a bowl.
We take the sifter to pour a little cocoa and flour, we tap on one side and move it, we sift it in the bowl with sugar until there is no more to sift.
This prevents unpleasant lumps from forming, here we add the baking soda and baking powder.
Now we will use the other bowl to melt the butter in the microwave or if you prefer you can also melt it in a frying pan.
After melting the butter, break the 2 eggs and drop them into the bowl, stir them for a while until they are united. Now we are going to add the solid mixture little by little with the liquid while stirring. Little by little the more we add the solid, the stronger the dough will become and it will require a little more force, that's why I recommend a fork.
**We already have the brownie batter ready, now we are very close **.
Preheat the oven to 180°c while we put the batter in the muffin tins or in a small bowl. If you are going to use an Azadara first butter the surface and then pour the brownie batter there, this will help them not to stick so much. After filling the molds or bowl we can put a dip on top such as shredded coconut, sprinkles or nuts.
**Almost ready! Now we can put the brownies in the oven to bake **.
We take our brownies to the oven at the same temperature or medium heat, for 25 minutes until the brownies finish cooking, after the time has passed you can prick the brownie with a wooden toothpick to see if the dough sticks. if it does, leave them 5 minutes more. But if it doesn't stick I must inform you that your brownies are ready to come out of the oven, congratulations!
Now that we have the brownies ready, let them cool for a while and then we can split them or eat them! WIII! **
They look like this:
That's all... If you're craving some delicious brownies, I invite you to try this recipe and let me know what you think.
What would you add or subtract? How did they fit? Would you try them?
I hope this is the first of many blogs to share with you.
I'm new to making content here so if there's anything you want to advise me I'm all ears.
A gigantic greeting from Uruguay!
The intro and outro was made by me with this resource
Wikipedia (Hive logo)
Video editing software | Music | My Camera | Translator | Thumbnail |
Sony Vegas Pro 17 | Thor's Hammer - Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone - Ethan Meixsell - Big Car Theft - Audionautix - Barge - Gunnar Olsen | NIKON D3200 | DeepL | PhotoShop CS6 |
▶️ 3Speak