It's been a bright sunny morning and I have been so much in awe of my garden with all the plants that have been growing. It's been quite a lot of learning for me in this space. When I share pictures of my Garden on my Insta story, I get tips from my friends on doing certain things that will help my garden grow. I am trying to implement the ones which I feel will work for my garden after doing some research.
The point is that those tips are good, but every soil is different and hence maintenance techniques will also change with that. One of my friend has a big farm house in another state, she has a lot of veggies and fruits growing in her garden, but all of that does not grow in my garden, the main reason being the difference in soil and climate. Where her farm is there it is black soil and where my place is, it is red soil, so the whole dynamics change. Again at her place there is not much of rainfall, whereas in my place we have very heavy rainfall for 4 months.
I listen to everyone but then what I implement is after doing some research, because initially I would try to do everything that people would tell me and lot of things were not working and I would feel disappointed and in some cases, my plants would even die. The first gardener I had also was trying to sell me everything by giving me false information, and then after planting I would see no growth of that plant. With all of this I am learning and making my garden better by the day.
There is a very big Tomatoes tree growing, they have not ripe up yet, probably in a week's time I am hoping they will ripe. I think I will have almost 20kgs of tomatoes coming out of this tree. Tomatoes are used on a daily basis in my kitchen so I will have no issues in using them up, and I can also share some with my neighbors.
They are in abundance
There are Capsicums growing. The first growth was very good but the second I am not finding it so good.
Chilies are also growing in abundance, again an ingredient regularly used in the kitchen in almost every food.
This is the last cucumber left on the plant, we plucked all of them and used it up. My gardener told me that now this plant will not bear any more of cucumbers.
That's the flat beans tree, the vegetable is growing but slowly, there are many flowers right now, so in a few days time the tree will be full of beans.
The Brocolis are also in abundance and now I use them regularly in almost every food.
I will share some more updates of the garden in the days to come. Hope you all enjoyed my garden.
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