What is Farming Tales?
Farming Tales is a NFT-based farming simulator on the WAX blockchain that uses Unity as a 3D graphic engine. You can visit your farm with an avatar and check out the great ingame graphic.
The beautiful graphic and the Metaverse setting combined with farming makes this game to a special experience next to other farming games with staking and only with user interface to click and collect.
My favour for farming games and this exceptional concept convinced me to play and invest in this game.
@farmingtales has an account on HIVE and created a community here. In the Farming Tales Discord they have a channel where people can request for a free HIVE account. With the promotion in the discord and current contests in the community they bring new people from WAX to HIVE.
The farmingtales devs also want to bring the game onto the HIVE Blockchain as a future goal in their roadmap.
Harvesting Intervals
In my previous posts I have talked about my start with Farming Tales a WAX Blockchain Game and my Investment and Earnings in Farming Tales.
This Farming Game requires to harvest your animals and plants at different intervals, depending on the animal type and the rarity. Commons and Rare have to be harvested every one or two hours to unfold their total earning potential.
With epic and legendary rarity it's possible to extend the interval, but they are also more expensive to start with.
This convenience, better SEST per slot and the ingame SEST price also ends up in a higher price per animal and sometimes less profitability compared to common or rare if you can harvest with no downtime.
Ingame Market Animal prices:
- common: 2,500 SEST
- rare: 6,000 SEST
- epic: 14,000 SEST
- legendary (Blend epic + Voucher): 18,000 SEST
In the table you can see that a White Cow (Common) requires 16 harvests per day in the time period 08:00 - 23:00 to get out the maximum. Compared to this some legendary only requires 1 or 2 harvests per day!
It's possible to start Farming Tales on a mobile device, but it's not so easy to manage like on the computer and also takes some time to click through all the buildings and harvest all animals.
If you start playing and you don't have access to a computer all day long you might miss out on earnings or you are forced to invest into higher rarity animals.
This was also my biggest concern at the start, how to get all this harvests done even if I am travelling or at work.
Taco Utility App
Searching through the Farming Tales Discord I have noticed that they have partnered up with Taco, a project on the WAX Blockchain that wants to connect several projects in one application.
Taco is a multi-purpose project living on WAX blockchain. The aim of the project is giving rewards to Taco community on their daily WAX blockchain operations. This is done integrating Taco with different dApps using the Taco mobile app.
With the Taco app you can manage your wallet and NFTs of the WAX blockchain. It's also possible to swap, transfer and track the charts. The Taco app with wallet overview and swap is free, but for different Taco tools you only get access with purchasing the Taco Sauce NFTs in the Taco Shop or in the Taco App.
All Sauces are NFT and you must holding them in your Wallet to get access to the specific App tools. As NFT they are also tradeable and you can buy or sell them on the secondary market like Atomichub. If you going to buy one always compare the WAX price and the current TACO/WAX price to get the best deal!
If you have more than one WAX account you don't need to have a Taco Sauce on every wallet. Just one linked account need to have the Taco Sauce NFTs. You can link unlimited Anchor wallet adresses (https://greymass.com/en/anchor) and one WAX Cloud Wallet (https://all-access.wax.io/cloud-wallet/login/). (Due to technical limitations it's at the moment only possible to link one WAX Cloud Wallet adress)
The TACO token is tradeable like every other token at the Alcor Exchange. Within the Taco App you have access to the Liquidity Pools and can swap tokens and also get TACO as cashback for using it.
Taco Sauce NFTs for Utility
Taco App for Farming Tales
The Taco App has tools for some games and this also includes one of my favorite games Farming Tales! Like for the Utility tools it's also required to hold the Taco Sauce NFT in your wallet to get access to the specific games.
For Farming Tales you need the Farming Tales Sauce which cost 60 TACO, but you can get it at the moment cheaper on AtomicHub for around 15 WAX.
With this NFT in your Wallet you are able to manage your Harvests in the Taco Utility App. From now on you only need your phone with the app and can harvest from everywhere and anytime!
Farming Tales Tool - App Overview
Within the App you have access to your WAX wallet and your Farming Tales ingame Wallet. You can Deposit and Withdraw your SEST and CBIT between both wallets.
It's also possible to manage your SEST staking and you can immediately stake after harvesting as well.
You can see the current food and water amount in the Silo / Water Tower and can refill them in the app.
All your animals that are placed in a building are listed and the countdown for the next harvest is shown. If the animal is ready for Harvest the button enables and you can approve this action to the blockchain and earn your SEST.
It's also possible to add or remove animals from the buildings that are already placed ingame. Because of the map with the positioning of the buildings it's required to place them in the game itself and can't be done in the Taco app.
For me the Taco App has a lot of benefits and it was worth to invest the 15 WAX for the Taco Sauce NFT. The additional harvests I am able to manage through this App are worth it.
The vegetable gardens are already listed in the app, but can't be harvested right now, because this is still in development after the new Greenhouse and seeds system.
The devs said they will work on it after they have solved the problems with the Apple approvement system.
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