It's just a matter of time really.
Jumping on the hot topic of AI and technology it's inevitable really. The robots will take over at some stage, it's more a matter of when and not if.
There are very few jobs or industries that will be safe from the technological revolution and it's been happening for a long time already.
Almost anything that you want in life there is an app for it.
Want a meal - just eat
Want a date - tinder
Want a service - bark
Want to know anything - google
Want to earn money - hive.
Machines have replaced workers and computers have replaced thinking.
Chatgpt replacing writers in just the latest in a long line of technological efficiencies.
Want an article - chagpt.
Want graphics - aiimagegenerator.
It is the natural evolution really. We can't pretend to be surprised that our necks are now on the line similar to all of the other industries that have already been disrupted.
Quicker, cheaper, easier.
And this is the first generation of writing app as well. Over time it will get better and less obvious that it is a computer at all.
Or not.
If we can't beat the AI we need to differentiate.
There is no substitute for class and quality. Even in this day of mass produced garbage people always like the boutique items. The homely cafe, the handmade jewellery, the custom content.
There is something to be said for opening an article by any author and knowing that you're reading their thoughts and their opinions.
A computer might be able to tell you the ten most popular phones but can it tell you about it's life, it's experiences how you used that phone to video your childs first steps and the quality that it brought to that event. No the AI will give you specs and stats, not thoughts and emotions.
It's the same in manufacturing. While most products are mass produced in the factories by machines, there is a thriving market for homemade goods and one of items. It's the human factor that makes them even more valuable and this can be a niche for hive as well.
Real people, real communities, real experiences. AI will dominate the industry but it doesn't have to dominate our community.
I don't care if people are using it to write but i won't be voting for it. I'll be saving my votes for the writers that show up every day and comment on posts and share their lives with us.
Real people that deserve real recognition.
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