My Son's D*ck Pics (PG: S,V)

in #hive-1949132 years ago



trigger warning - Violence / Sex

I have a son.

This comes with a great deal of learning about the male perspective and experience, as well as some sharing of a female perspective and experience in return.

Open conversation is how we learn around here.

My boy's education on consent, thus, began at around the age of five.




Initially the conversation on consent was motivated by his own safety.

And also with the end goal of growing him into his potential. A powerful, educated, conscious, gentle man. With a great sense of humour. Of course!

When he was five this discussion began while we were play fighting one day. It was explained, through play, that if someone said stop it was an immediate time out. No questions asked. Stop means stop. The end.

It was a simple lesson about personal autonomy over our own space and bodies.

I took this as far as to let him know he didn't have to hug family members. Or to kiss them hello if he chose not to.

Why we force children to do this when, more often than not, they're clearly uncomfortable is interesting. Especially when we know the dangers of a child feeling they are unable to say a firm no!

Forcing a child to hug someone they don't want to, is a lesson on how not to say no.




The conversation was expanded, some years later, to the obviously necessary conversation about different parts of his body, the anatomical names for both genders and how babies are made.

After he'd asked a bit more.

This was when he was six years old.



On we went to eleven years of age and his first cell phone.

We talk a lot, my son and I.

About pretty much everything.

I keep a really open dialogue going. I work hard on offering him a safe space to share. I also try to stay neutral, so as to not pass my own experiences on accidentally, when he asks questions.

He has, naturally, begun to ask more questions about sex and intimacy as he approaches his teens.

Since I have a daughter as well, who is almost twenty now, I'd already been informed of the new way of "getting to know each other", now happening before people have even actually met in person.

The sexting and d!ck pic craze.

This seems (after seeing some moms post in anguish, on mainstream social media, about really badly educated young men traumatizing their teenage daughters) mostly being punted by those with the d!cks to take pics of.


I was stunned


And it takes a f*ck ton to shock me, to be clear.

With my sense of adventure, and with the work I do, I've really just about seen and heard everything. So not much surprises or shocks me at all anymore.

My shock was more that this is the first experience of "intimacy" our teenagers are being exposed to. Straight into sexting. Straight into having the d!ck of a potential boyfriend exposed...

almost always unsolicited, of course.

And then an immediate demand (apparently) that the "favour" be returned... or apparently the, almost always, inevitable rejection for not submitting to the demand.

You either perform and play along, apparently... or the boys generally won't bother dating you.


That part (being rejected for not spreading your legs, or wide angle lens now) doesn't surprise or shock me at all.

It's the same old, same old - just in digital. And safe enough to not even have to be around for the consequences of said behaviour. The lowest of the low.

From the same old, same old mentality of some of the boys who, basically, are either being raised by misogynists or sexists. Or who have mommy issues themselves that clearly need resolving.

It's predictable and boring now. And it should be easy to blow off.

Excuse the pun. 😉


But the straight into the sex part?


Perhaps stunned is the wrong word.


That fits a bit more with the pity I feel for the youth missing out on first dates.

On holding hands for the first time. The anticipation as you feel the space lessening between the strangeness of a somebody new and intriguing. The pangs of uncertain yearning and joy of feelings, at last, being shared and reciprocated.

The dance of intimacy.


Love is supposed to be a beautiful thing.

And, sorry to burst your bubbles boys...

your d!cks just aren't that beautiful.

Unless we happen to love the person they're attached to. And then it's quite remarkable how beautiful they suddenly become.

Sadly... many of our girls may never get to see them any other way than "ugly" if this is their first glance.


Saddens is the word.

Because I don't think some of you have had this explained to you properly.


And I know that some of you have but do this anyway, because you want to hurt the girls you get hold of on purpose.

And that saddens me even more.


I talked to an experienced social worker about the youth and what was happening with regards to sexual activity some years ago. She claimed , back in 2015, that children as young as eleven years old were having full intercourse already.

Both vaginal and anal.

The kids of today are moving at lightening speeds and intimacy is no longer even a part of the experience. So I decided to educate my son on The Sex, as my daughter jokingly used to call it. And on intimacy.

And, of course, consent was a big part of this particular conversation as well.

Especially when he got his first cell phone after I'd heard, and read, about the very one-sided d!ck pic craze.


I shared about the times I was physically flashed at, on three different occasions.

I shared this so as to illustrate:

sending an unsolicited d!ck pick is exactly the same thing as (legally named and criminally liable) "indecent exposure".

They're about to make it properly criminal, by the way. "Cyber-flashing" they're calling it now. I don't know why we humans have to complicate things so much. 🙄

Flashing is flashing, no matter how you decide to do it.

I am stunned that criminalizing "cyber-flashing" is only happening in 2022.

But I guess that's government and beaurocrazy for you.

Still.. it is, or is almost, now illegal in whatever act in the U.K. I haven't checked the U.S.A, Canada or Australia, but they can't be too far behind.

Especially Canada and Australia, who seem to be quite proactive about protecting the special needs of women due to the ongoing "special needs" of some not so special men.

You should now have legal recourse to hold abusers criminally accountable, for sending you unsolicited pics of their clearly lonely d!cks. 👍

I say abusers because this is a form of violence.

That's a "no-brainer" if the behaviour is repeated despite negative feedback.


It is, however, up to victims to report crimes, withstand the possible social fallout (because... well... you know... we aren't quite there yet)...

and to grow the state and court (and usually community) education on this as well, in all likelihood. Not so fun when you've already been hurt and possibly traumatized. Especially if you're young and vulnerable.

And the real predators only target the vulnerable because they're still damaged, frightened children themselves in many ways. And are very cowardly because of this.

I don't think it'll be too difficult for normal people to understand though.

That this is violence and abuse (emotional and psychological).

My eleven year old was able to understand this, with his own reasoning, in just a few minutes.

But neither of us could really understand the motivation.




Why on earth would someone "get off" on exposing their genitals without being asked to? And not even in an intimate situation?

Nope. We couldn't find a rational explanation no matter how hard we tried.

"But why?" he'd asked, very confused.

He also thought it very funny because it was such a bizarre thing to do.

From the mouths of babes, huh?

Which just shows you how desensitized we've become to really unacceptable, weird sh!t. And so fast and unconsciously.

And I, not having researched this particular perversion much (because I mostly just find it kinda pathetic and not at all threatening), could not give him an informed answer.


The most rational explanation I could come up with was pretty much the same reason someone would rape someone else. So, without going into the rape discussion (which we will have to have in a few more years), I said something like:

Maybe because they aren't able to have actual intimate relationships with real women up close, because they're afraid of them somehow.

Maybe they have a lot of anger and rage towards girls because of this. And I think people like this prefer to degrade other people and assume a position of power and control to feel "safe".

And they maybe even like to hurt other people, because this makes them feel less hurt themselves.

Something like this anyway.


Nobody has ever dared send me a d!ck pic.

Although, in my day, we generally met before we showed each other our genitals.

We even met more than once.

And the small bit of online dating I've tried has had a profile that exuded a "don't even try to f*ck with me 'cause I'm just about done" vibe...

so nobody would try and go down that road, I guess.

I have, however, wondered what a good response to such a thing might be.


  • "Yes. I know you're a boy." (?)
  • "I didn't know those came in extra small." (?)
  • Or just a save to downloads, play busy and open a criminal case now, I suppose.


I wouldn't bother with it personally. I know they're either just ignorant or traumatized little boys. And bullies because of this. And you know what happens with a bully when you stand up to them, right?

They run away and find someone weaker to pick on. 👍

I might let them know that they probably won't have much luck with the approach. Just in case they really are only ignorant and don't know how women work very well.

Or if they became aggressive when I said no thanks and why not, I might consider reporting them to protect someone else who is less resilient.

If it were my daughter I would suggest she consider reporting it to the authorities of whatever.


This is what most professionals will suggest to victims of violence, in order for them to reclaim their power after being personally violated somehow. And it's a sound consideration if you don't want to walk through life possibly depressed and always afraid.

Criminal prosecution also creates awareness and prevents more people possibly being hurt.

Parents would be too scared to not educate their boys if court cases began to unfold. As would schools. And communities.

Reputation, and trust, is highly valued.

It's very hard to rebuild either of these...

and lawyers are f*cking expensive.


My heart


My son is almost twelve now.

He's an intellectual and emotional rocket scientist, this kid.

And it's not my doing, by the way. He follows some great Youtubers with incredible minds (Yes, I do check and I support the ones I like). His sister is one of the most educated people, socially and politically, that I know. And the ongoing conversation keeps us all on our toes.

He's pointed out my own gender-bias at times and we smile, I learn and on we go.

It took me a few days to remember how funny he also is, when he sent a message last week saying:
"here's some duck-pics".

He didn't even crack a smile.

Deadpan, I tell ya!


He asked me if I saw his "duck pics" when we caught up this weekend in person.

And then he did smile.

Or grinned actually!

And I smiled... but more like this.

Image source from Tenor


So, from the mouth and intellect of a someone who understands respect, violence, basic human rights, criminal behaviour, healthy relating, care and decency towards other human beings...

even if they are girls or especially if they are girls - but he loves his mama so...

at the ripe old age of twelve...

here are my son's "duck pics". *Proud mama! 😁

I was going to post them in the Feathered Friends Community but, since we're on an urban farm right now, I have some photos of magnificent cocks coming their way soon @hive-106444.

Solicited, (of course!) because that's what they have requested.

So until we post pics of our cocks... enjoy the ducks.




Original photos taken and sent to me by my smart, funny, courageous, gentle boy ❤️
Used with his permission for this post.


Eternal Seeker
Hardened Dreamer
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer


Beyond fear is freedom

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee


Featured image created by me


Well you had me there! I almost made the same sloth face when the D*ck pics were finally revealed!

My daughter recently got a camera, with a lot of the same advice passed down, I get the occasional sloth pics, melts my heart!

I don't really know what to say to this comment.

Other than it's going to sit with me for days as I try to unravel it.

Any clues? :)

Slothfqce, huh?


And yes though. We need to educated the kids to do better than we have. To surpass us. I think that's the point of having them...

Being "sloth" myself, i get a lot of the sloth smiling gif sent my way, thought it was a nice reference.


A Sloth smile I've had many a times with my little sloths, sorry for any confusion, I guess I got a little side tracked by sloths and ducks!


Thanks for clarifying! Yeah - that's one of our favorite scenes in Zootopia. Hilarious!

One can never bee too sidetracked by either sloths or ducks!

You're welcome to sidetrack me anytime. Hello, well met and happy Monday 🌸😁

My second favourite scene in zootopia, second only to the last scene/bonus clip where Flash is speeding in his car! Gotta love me some sloths!

Thanks for the follow, I look forward to more awesome posts, and if there are Duck, Sloths or pretty much any animal, you've got my attention!


Open-mindedness and courage has my full attention so ditto, fellow zoo lover.

More animals to follow for sure...


Things that make you go...


if you're talking the Nixon gif... his name is Dick = short for Richard! #justSaying 😁

I was thinking more along the lines of Watergate...

There are dicks everywhere 🙄😆

Hahahahahahahaha... right on

Where's this kid's dad? You probably think you understand Boys, don't you? Bless your heart.

I missed this because, it seems, nobody wants your opinion much around here.

My apologies for the delayed response. I only found it today :)

I didn't know you could get a minus in reputation. Well done 👏

Are you a dancing, singing one? Because I do so like those ones and then we can still be friends, perhaps. They're cute even when they're grumpy and music really can change the world ❤️



Or if you want to try this again and offer a reasonable comment, without just making it personal, so that we can possibly learn something from each other - do have another go.

If you're just gonna make personal jabs that really have nothing to do with the effort it took to offer a more social and political take on being a dick then I don't have the time for such things.

It's better spent on productive learning.

Thanks for stopping by. You can scroll on, with pleasure, moving forward.

Unless you sing and dance?

I'll take that as a no, he gets his father time in from YouTube.

These differences are known as the gender paradox of suicide. While women are more likely to experience suicidal thoughts, for example, men are much more likely to take their own lives.

Suicide statistics reveal that women are roughly three times more likely to attempt suicide, though men are two to four times more likely to die by suicide.2 Compared to men, women show higher rates of suicidal thinking, non-fatal suicidal behavior, and suicide attempts.3

Understanding Male Vulnerability to Suicide

A recent cross-country comparison of several industrialized nations examined the relationship between rates of youth suicide and specific social and cultural variables. These variables included quality of life, social attachment, and measures of individualism (e.g., personal freedom and control).2

Rates of suicide among males in these countries were strongly linked to levels of individualism. The authors suggest that this could be one possible factor accounting for the dramatic rise in male suicide rates in the past 50 years. These authors go on to suggest that common markers of "progress" in industrialized nations (e.g., materialism, mobility, individualism) are not always balanced with a corresponding commitment to social obligation and tradition. This may be particularly so for "newer" industrialized countries like Australia, New Zealand, United States, and Canada, all of which have witnessed a tripling of their youth suicide rates since the 1950s.

It is not clear from this study why the "costs" of individualism might be greater for young males than females in terms of increased risks for suicide. The authors, however, suggest that the failure of these Western societies to provide appropriate sources of social identity and attachment, while at the same time promoting unrealistic expectations of personal freedom and autonomy, might be contributing factors. It is possible that this combination of expectations and social circumstances may be more of a hazard for males than females.

Another study examined the issue of help-seeking among young males. This is of particular relevance in understanding suicide risk among males since we know that males tend to access formal mental health services less often than females.6 Based on a series of in-depth interviews with white, middle- class, American male high school students, researchers identified a series of key themes that may help shed some light on why young men are reluctant to seek help during times of emotional distress.6

A core issue for these young men was "the pressure to fit in," which often precluded them from asking for help for fear they would be perceived as weak. This was coupled with a desire to maintain a strong masculine image of success and independence.

Suggestions for making services more available and attractive to males included high-level soci-etal change, normalizing males' efforts to seek and receive help, and helping males find opportunities to experience a sense of purpose and empowerment.

(If you can't see my images, formating, or links on peakd or, as both frontends refused in the past to even display the link for my images or my formating, you should be able to see everything on the ecency. com frontend)

I got back from California today and slept most of the afternoon away. I'm a little jetlagged. Wide awake at 01h35 in the UK. Work is gonna be interesting tomorrow !LOLZ I figured I would scan through my notifications and read a few posts on Hive... you know.. to catch up as I have not been very active for a few weeks... and I saw the notification for this post and I thought... what is Nicky up to now?... cos I sure know she's not about to be sharing unsolicited explicit photographs of male genitalia 🤔😂. So I guess it's going to be another interesting and educational post... and it was 🙂 ... sincere, interesting, and educational. As you know, my Oli is 11 years old now and just started high school. I am trying to pour more and more into him so that he continues to understand right from wrong in this crazy world we live in. I also taught my kids from an early age that NO means NO! ... always. That means whatever you were just doing or saying when the person you were with says NO or STOP or anything similar... YOU STOP IMMEDIATELY. They use the phrase on my hubby all the time! He likes to tease them... and used to tickle them when they were younger... and they would both shout whilst laughing uncontrollably... ok stop daddy... stop! hey... NO means NO... ask MOM!!! hehe... and then I would step in and explain the greater underlying lesson of respect, self-worth, and personal ownership of our body. I think more adults and youngsters need to be taught these simple values of mutual respect. And I also don't make my kids hug anyone either, and neither do any of my siblings... but it is therefore such a joy when they do give their hugs willingly and joyfully because you know that they want to... my sister always asks my boys first if she can have a hug and if on any day they are resistant, she's like, that's completely fine. Still love you! But most days they can't wait to give their Aunts hugs and their Uncle a hug, fistbump, and secret handshake 😂😍. Tell your son, his duck pics are fabulous - made even more so because of the context hehe. !LUV !ALIVE

What do you call moving from the west coast to the east coast?
A depression.

Credit: theabsolute
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Those are some beautiful duck picks! Love the colors ( brown and green ) and the humor of your wise 12 year old.

Thanks 😊

He has my laughing out loud all day, pretty much!

He's very quick witted. I'm lucky to have him around 🥰

Combining these sentences from your post, I am glad that it seems to suggest that I am not the one being sick (not on this regard at least), but at the same time, sad that this world is so sick.

if someone said stop it was an immediate time out. No questions asked. Stop means stop. The end.

people like this prefer to degrade other people and assume a position of power and control to feel "safe".

And they maybe even like to hurt other people, because this makes them feel less hurt themselves.

If it were my daughter I would suggest she consider reporting it to the authorities of whatever.

I say abusers because this is a form of violence.

That's a "no-brainer" if the behaviour is repeated despite negative feedback.

someone who understands respect, violence, basic human rights, criminal behaviour, healthy relating, care and decency towards other human beings...

How very unfortunate that this kind of... mentality? Instinct? Or what whatever it should be called is governing many more behaviours than just unsolicited exposure. The most unfortunate part yet, is that some abuses are backed by or come directly from powers and authorities. Tell me this world is not f'd up.

What we accept by ignoring it... we perpetuate.

It's mostly just fear and ignorance. But both of these enable crimes against humanity so "just" shouldn't be included in that sentence.

It's not surprising that abuse is often supported by powers and authorities. They need the money to stay the powers and authorities. It's an old story that we all know well... "follow the money". 😑

I would yawn except for the innocent humans who keep being hurt as this is allowed to continue.

Love that you had the courage to reblog and comment. You're officially one of "my people". *salutes ☺️

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Thanks, HiveBuzz

Happy HivePUD 😘

You're welcome @nickydee, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍 Happy HPUD!

You're welcome @nickydee, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍 Happy HPUD!

I do really appreciate the eventual conclusion to this post, I really do.

Our kids (a girl, two boys) are now between 31 and 35, so we may just have missed out on the era of extremely casual approaches to sexuality, hereunder what we sadly refer to as "the separation of love and sex."

On the whole, what saddens me the most about this whole thing is that it feels like a gradual DE-volution back towards the era when we dwelled in cave and taking a mate (or so legend would have it) entailed a male clubbing a female over the head and dragging her back to the cave by her hair. Maybe that sounds a bit harsh... but really?


Posted using Proof of Brain

DE-volution back towards the era when we dwelled in cave and taking a mate (or so legend would have it) entailed a male clubbing a female over the head and dragging her back to the cave by her hair.


Thanks for your courage to engage and comment. 😁

It shows you're evolved enough to sit with the shadows. And that's how we bring them to light! Nice! Your kids are luck to have had you to guide them.

I think your comment is far from harsh 👆

I think you pretty much nailed it.

I don't know why this has become the way it is. Maybe it's the disconnection of digital that allows people to be less concerned about consequences / or just to fell less inhibited about conscious, considerate connection?

It's an interesting new addition to the dawn of a digital era. Best we chat about it now and guide the kids as best we can, I reckon.

It always makes me SO happy to find humans who aren't afraid of the dark! Hello! 😊

Thanks for the kind reply!

Technology certainly does feel like it causing a certain disconnect in interpersonal matters. Consider how often we see a group of youths sitting at a table in a fast food restaurant, and rather than talking to each other, they are texting each other and otherwise entirely focused turning their burger into a TikTok or Instagram reel.

I won't stoop to calling it a problem; just a reality I don't fully understand or appreciate...


Posted using Proof of Brain

I hear you. I've had teens riding in my car and texting each other sitting next to each other 🤨

It's weird.

I guess we can't talk about the simpler good old days either to them.

It's a different world.

I love tech. But I do really miss pre smart phones big time

I've also been thinking about this. We are going back to the days when love was nothing and "picking a mate" was a thing. I'm saying this as a young person myself... But kids these days are really separating love and sex. Yes, even when I was in high school 7 years ago things were bad, but with the stories I hear it sounds like it has gotten 10 times worse 🙈.

I'm afraid of what the future will hold. How will I educate my future kids? Will they ever be save? Will they be part if the problem? As someone who's been through a lot of trauma, I fear the day my daughter might go through it.

Hopefully in 10-15 years time, the world be see this is not to way to operate. And by then I'll know how to keep my kids save.

I'm so sorry I missed this comment :(

My only excuse is that I was moving in between places again and things were unsettled! So sorry and I'm so glad I caught it today!

We just educate them, my darling woman. We just keep the conversation going I think? If they can feel comfortable to ask questions and we can share openly they can learn from our experience. Storytelling is our history and we've lost that.

I was talking to someone only yesterday who said the same has happened in his culture since smart devices hit us. Maybe we need to make more time without them and to talk to each other again.

But who knows because this is all so sudden!

I'm sorry for your past. It's so sadly often we meet each other.

She will go through it, probably. Many people do as it's not uncommon. And if not your story, her own. But here's the thing I've learned... when I became healed and strong my kids learned the skills by rote. They learn from what we do, more than what we say.

So walking your knowledge and learning will, by osmosis, benefit her and either enable her to trust her instincts and stay safe... or to handle things as they arise.

You've got this ❤️

Aa thanks for taking the time to respond ☺️.

I do believe we have started to relay to much on technology and internet. And you're right, conversation and a safe space is what kids need. It will allow them to come to you if they have questions or if something happens.

Take care 🌸

You too, beautiful soul. 😊


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Wow. who knew.

It's because of all the inspiration around here to create!

Thanks, HiveBuzz and happy Monday to you ❤️😊

Such an important subject. The effect that social media is having on our kids and teenagers. How disconnected it can make them. It worries me a lot to be honest. My eldest is 13 now and her world is very different from the one I grew up in.
The why is a big on indeed, I think it is just seen as the next step in their relationship with social media, sad ahh. It's the new playground, where they think there is less consequences to their actions, as there is no one there to react to them.
They send those pictures and just forget bout them.
Lots to think about really.
Really happy to see those Ducks, they are great. Great post xxxx

Yeah me too. About my daughter. A very strong, very intelligent woman and not much interest in dating the guys around here

But ZA is very old school so... who could blame her?

She's filled me in on the social media and it sounds awful for them.

And imagine feeling as though you're being watched and can't make one mistake ever? Which is really how it is for them.

Your kids are lucky to have you. I can't stress that enough. Especially in such a complicated world. Open mindedness and conversation will guide them through it 👍

Glad you like the duck pics 😁

Not for the faint of heart and here you are regardless *salutes

Respect 🙏👏