in #hive-1810173 years ago


So recently I was having a conversation with my girlfriend about starting a family of our own--just the two of us for now--and we went over what it would take (financially) to start this journey. Unfortunately, It so happens that we don't see eye-to-eye on the matter.

While she thinks we need to earn more money than we currently do to start a family, I thought we had what it takes to start. She has a job and a side business (plus she does hive occasionally now) and I am not doing badly as a content creator. I do have plans of starting a side hustle sometime this year as well.

I know couples who do not have half of what we do collectively and they are still able to afford a decent life--I even visited one yesterday. So I was taken aback that she thought we could not handle the responsibility of being partners and even parents.

One of the issues she raised was the welfare of the children we would bring into the world and wanting to give them the best life possible, which is valid. I do want my kids to have the best life possible, it is every parent's dream.

However, this might sound odd, but I don't prioritize having or raising children. Don't get me wrong, procreation is important, but getting married doesn't immediately equate to having kids.

I certainly don't want kids for at least the first four years of marriage. I would rather spend those years with my partner and plan for the kids and our future. There is no rush to have kids. I have spent most of my life catering to other people, I think it isn't selfish just wanting to be with my partner alone.

Based on our current financial status, my partner and I have what it takes to live a decent life together and even enjoy some luxury and still have time to plan for our kids and we are only having them when we are ready financially and emotionally.

Nothing prepares you for parenthood, so I heard. Mistakes will be made and we would have to live through them. The same applies to our relationship. We are not perfect people, we make mistakes now and then but that hasn't stopped us from being together.

I think people put undue pressure on themselves, especially in this part of the world where people expect so much from you. However, living by those standards is the perfect recipe for stress.

I don't want to have everything before I settle with the woman I love. I want, more than anything else, to grow with her, financially and emotionally. That for me is the joy of partnership.

So at some point, my partner and I are going to have kids. But before that will happen certain things must be put into place. First, we both must have migrated to the country of our choice because I don't intend on having kids here in Nigeria, for so many reasons I can't share now.

Secondly, we must make sure their education is covered to a certain level, so we could save up for the next level of their education. Every child has the right to an education so this is not negotiable.

I know people get married and lose themselves but that will not be our case. I think we are well-educated and disciplined enough not to make the common mistakes of young couples. It is all about planning. We cannot figure it all at once and that is the beautiful thing because we get to learn as partners and parents (hard lessons too).

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The problem is .. That amount may never be really fix if you check. How much does she or you think you may need.

The cost will keep rising.

I once chipped the matter to a client and she was laughing and clearly stated that children are expensive.

I think a good preparation can be done for them but fixing that capital deposit and moving on is something least done.
That said, my suspicion is on fear.

She's probably afraid to push through, bring someone here and not be able to cater. I believe some little faith will help.

It sure takes a lot more than money to cater for a child.

Nothing prepares anyone for marriage and parenthood.

I am my partner agreed to wait 2 years after marriage for a child, we were so careful but here I am 1yr and 5 months later with a 6 month old son..DO THE MATH😂

baby came so fast we had to adjust..what I am trying to say is when making plans include the possibility of a child or children sooner because these things happen🥺

I get what you are saying and it is very valid. However, I think if we are intentional about these things we can make it work. There are medical procedures, and other measures to stop a baby from coming when you don't want to. I like to think if I and my partner are on the same page we could explore those options.

Well, it’s a good thing you both are making ends meet one way or the other for one . If you both decide to start a family together to an extent you have the financial freedom to do so which is very important..

Yeah that's my thought but I do get her point and I will work with her to make sure we get to a level she is comfortable with as well. Thanks for stopping by.

I understand her point of view though, I feel like before getting married as a woman I want to be earning a certain amount, I think most women jump into marriage without having anything financially to add.

Valid. However, I think in the case of my partner she isn't doing bad financially. However, it is not my place to determine what's ideal for her but I believe we can get to that point together--we are better together.

Exactly, what you feel is good might not be the same for her, but still, I guess y'all still have to discuss and plan on a way to move forward.

earning a certain amount

How much?

It depends on a lot of factors so I can't put a tag.

Exactly my point..

You can't base your decisions of factorials you can't easily derive, I quite agree one needs to have a set motive, but a target too will help.

All these factors beyond control are what causes the fear from the inception.
Plan with faith..

I have a target, I just don't have to say it here, also they are very achievable.

Marriage isn't just something to enter or plan with faith, people do these and regret it.

Tell us now abi which kind of thing is this, Oya plis

😆 I want to have a million naira or more saved up that's aside from what I earn monthly, monthly at least in the beginning 100-150k.

It isn't much but I don't want to be a liability.

That’s fine. I totally understand. Infact I feel like 1m is small o, maybe 3 🤧

Typical, that’s what they do, good luck.

Women are wired differently. Waiting for 4 years in marriage before giving birth might sound off to her because she is not barren.
They also want to get it done and be free.
In all, Best of luck bro but that institution has unforeseen expectations, do not conclude/decide alone, always make sure both of you are on the same page.

kids change the dynamics of a relationship which is something many never consider. Plus, most people do not have what it takes to be good parents. They might be good partners but awful parents

Secondly, I am not getting married to have kids. I am getting married to my partner--to love and share my life with her, whatever comes out of this union is a bonus.

In all, Best of luck bro but that institution has unforeseen expectations, do not conclude/decide alone

certainly not, there is no rush. marriage is only a formality if you ask me.

The cost of the marriage depends upon what you and your special one desire in a wedding. I've seen weddings done at a bottom dollar so the couple could honeymoon like royalty. I've seen other weddings where no expense was spared to have a royal wedding. In my opinion, if you have the money do what you want. However, if you don't, then you should realize that fact and plan accordingly. Debt will break up a marriage if you're not paying attention.

Thanks for the advice @scholaris.pob. We dont plan on having a large wedding when we finally settle. However, most of our debate is about our lives after the wedding and things of that sort. Well, I believe we can make things work out (and stay debt free)

How much would it cost?

How about your soul and peace of mind.
Just kidding.

But there is truth in the statement too. Whatever you do will never be enough. If you are thinking in terms of money, then just take a look at Jeff Bezo. Even the richest person failed to keep it together. But on the other hand, Marriage is more than two people going public announcing man and wife (Or man and man, women and women... Not sure how the marriage thing works for the people who identify differently. I mean I already have difficulty addressing people. Ah!!! Went off-topic.)

What I mean to say is Life is not easy. And it is even more difficultlt if you are trying to solve it alone.
It would be easier if you and your better half working towards the same goal. And that is all there is, Marriage is two people coming together and solving life equations. Work-Life balance, kids, formal and moral educations, savings and what not.. All these is to be solved. If you are going in with all the mentioned issues addressed I am not sure what you guys be doing later.

My best wishes and regards.