For most of us, our job takes about 70-80% of our time everyday, sometimes we make friends at our work places and as time goes on we end up realizing that our job has become a huge part of us. But I have equally observed that in most cases, there are usually benefits attached to some of our jobs.
For a job like mine, we are given free apartments in the barrack, and we equally get free utility services like electricity and water supplies. But even more than that, below are some few benefits that I have gotten thus far in the military job.
I Get Lots Of Opportunities To Travel |
As I was telling us the other day that I had travelled to virtually every state in my country (Nigeria), and most of the time I travel for military assignments or duties. The military job gives us the opportunity to explore various Local Government Areas in the country.
Sometimes I can be in a particular state for just 2 weeks and I would visit more than 5 Local Government Area in the state. I am a travel lover and I find this part of the job very entertaining and exciting.
The only time I am not excited about a travel is when we are been taken to fight wars or communal clashes. Sometimes we even go for peace-keeping missions outside the country, and this would allow us to see and experience other people's cultures and lifestyle.
It quite unfortunate that these peace-keeping missions to other countries have been suspended for now because we are currently facing insurgency in our country which we are yet to handle, so all major travels are been done within the country for now.
Free Medical Insurance |
One of the major challenges facing mankind today is that sicknesses and diseases has become a part of our growth. We see many people spend millions of dollars on their health and insurances every month because like the saying goes "Health is wealth."
But here in the military we have health insurances (NHIS) that covers all our medical expenses and that of our family members too. I do not necessarily spend money on drugs or medical services anymore, all I need to do is go to the military hospital (MRS) and I would be attended to for free, isn't that exciting.
In severe cases like surgeries of military personnels, the medical insurance scheme from my job would pay 90% while I would pay just 10% for the operation. For me, it's something very consoling for the stress we go through.
We Get The Chance To Learn And Train More |
Most people think being in the Army ends with holding guns and going to wars, but the military offers far more than that. We are allowed to further our educations to university levels and to seek knowledge from the various fields of study.
I am a very good example of the benefits to better education, as I am now a graduate of Computer science and I am seeking to do my best in the IT sector of the military.
The higher level of education we attain while in the military, the higher our chances of gaining more ranks and awards. With my current certificate, I have the opportunity to try out Direct Short Service Commissioning (DSSC), and if I get selected, I can confidently say "I am comfortable."
Generally my line of work isn't easy at all, it usually demands all your time and sometimes it might even demand your life. But we keep moving and some of these benefits consoles us to do better and stay active.
All images are mine.
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