But let's look. at something here which is "DISTANCE" well from the little physics I learnt while in college I was told that the definition of distance is that gap between two points e. g Point A and point B. So today I want us to talk about that gap between Telling or saying the truth and telling a lie or lies. Firstly I will to define truth in my own language as the Real part or side , fact of any story.
It is the actual thing that took place that was either witness by two or more, but painful side of it is when two people that are having clashes with each other are summoned for reconciliation. Both of them will refuse to say everything exactly as it is therefore making it hard for the judges to pass judgment.
Truth Be told manage people know to garnish stories and statement that will sooth them.
While a lie is the forge part of any story either with the interest to win a case, argument or to bypass the rid of the law.
Now let me hit the nail at the head But before I will do that let's look at a few stories firstly let's take biblical ones.
We wer told in our Sunday school, catechism or sermons that Isaac had two sons namely ESau and Jacob and he was old and couldn't see again, and wen it's was time for him to bless them the mother was too in love with the younger one , so she decided to manipulate the whole thing. Follow gently we're almost at the point, Her motive was to make Jacob superior.
Question? Did you tell the husband she wanted Jacob to take his brother right? The answer is a big "NO"
Now ur wondering why I brought this? is to tell us and show us the distance between Truth and lie.
let's look at another case of the story of two women who were struggle a baby and they took the matter to king Solomon and he said he wants to divide the baby into two but the other woman decline and that proves she's the rightful mother of the child.
Now let's look at the last instance but this one reflect and recall the so many times we have done things in our favor with thinking how the other person's will feel , Recall how we have maybe have been In top positions and use it to oppress people.
Now hear this the distance between Truth and lie is "Secret" BUT But let's all know this there's not hidden under the sun it's just a matter time it will be revealed.
Now ponder on this a little the things you kept secret some time ago you're using now to teach the young generations or people around and you didn't know why really you were keeping it as a secret?
Please let's stop keep secrets with the intention to destroy others.
Now think of this:What if Esau didn't make it two in life?
What if king Solomon divided the child?
Always apply the truth in all you do.
Telling the truth is a gate way to recommend you for better things ahead.
STAY TUNED FOR MORE...................