"Se acerca el día, no siento miedo"/"The day is coming, I feel no fear."

in #hive-1611557 months ago


La imagen fuente, es IA generada por @wakeupkitty para este concurso.

Sentada entre trastos viejos, libros y cortinas, con la mirada perdida, sueño.

Tengo la tortura del tiempo, presionando mi espalda, y yo mendigando segundos.
No quiero morir de angustia, de soledad, de tristeza.
Estoy rodeada de rosas, mustias, rosadas, como las mejillas, de una moza enamorada.
Mi cabello no luce los rizos dorados de antaño. Hoy, caen como cascadas colmadas de blanca espuma.
Las paredes me aprisionan, siento el chirriar de las puertas, con cerraduras gastadas.
Las lámparas y farolas, queriendo ahuyentar la noche, se ocultan tras las cortinas, raídas, deshilachadas.
La que fuera alfombra persa, en épocas muy lejanas, no soporta más el polvo, ni la lluvia de hojarascas.
Libros sagrados, libros amados, entre poemas, cuentos, relatos, buenas novelas, huellas grabadas en la solapa, de tanto usarlos.
Ya mis memorias contienen polvo, telas de arañas, que las protegen del cruel misterio que esconde el tiempo.
Mi viejo amigo, ya casi ciego, siempre adivina mis sentimientos, él se enternece y me acompaña, como si viera lo que me espera.
Aquellos cuadros, medio colgados, traen recuerdos y mil pesares. Nunca los veo, por no llorar, pues el pasado vuelve a gritar,
La luna llena me está llamando, su voz sutil de encantamiento, da escalofríos, causa aspavientos.
Ya ni mis huesos simular puedo, mi largo traje no luce blondo, solo mi cuerpo lo va llevando, en gran caída hasta el frío suelo.
No sé si hoy, saldré a su encuentro, solo Dios sabe ese momento.
Mientras yo pienso, y me desvelo, se va agotando todo mi anhelo.
No hay esperanzas, ya no hay consuelo.
Se acerca el día, no tengo miedo.


Describe lo que ves...

Veo una habitación muy grande, cubierta de mustias flores, paredes con cuadros antiguos, viejos adornos en madera, y repisas colmadas de libros polvorientos y descuidados. Un farol y una lámpara, para alumbrar un poco la penumbra de la noche. La anciana que mira hacia el cielo como pidiendo ayuda, y a su perro fiel aguardando el momento para levantarse.

Describe lo que sientes

El panorama que he visualizado es signo de tristeza y mucho abandono. Desesperanza y pesimismo. Siento que no hay deseos de avanzar, sino de sucumbir.



Sitting among old junk, books and curtains, staring blankly, sleepy.
I have the torture of time, pressing on my back, and me, begging for seconds.
I don't want to die of anguish, of loneliness, of sadness.
I am surrounded by wilted roses, pink as the cheeks of a girl in love.
My hair does not wear the golden curls of yesteryear. Today, they fall like waterfalls filled with white foam.
The walls imprison me, I feel the creaking of the doors, with worn locks.
The lamps and street lamps, wanting to chase away the night, hide behind the curtains, threadbare, frayed.
What was once a Persian carpet, in times long past, can no longer withstand the dust, nor the rain of leaves.
Sacred books, beloved books, among poems, stories, tales, good novels, prints engraved on the flap, from so much use.
My memories already contain dust, cobwebs that protect them from the cruel mystery that time hides.
My old friend, now almost blind, always guesses my feelings, he is moved and accompanies me, as if he could see what awaits me.
Those pictures, half hung, bring back memories and a thousand sorrows. I never see them, so as not to cry, for the past cries out again,
The full moon is calling me, its subtle voice of enchantment, gives shivers, makes me shiver.
I can't even simulate my bones, my long suit doesn't look blond, only my body is carrying it, in a great fall to the cold ground.
I don't know if today, I'll go out to meet him, only God knows that moment.
While I think, and I wake up, all my longing is running out.
There is no hope, there is no more consolation.
The day is coming, I feel no fear.

Describe what you see...

I see a very large room, covered with wilted flowers, walls with old pictures, old wooden ornaments, and shelves full of dusty and neglected books. A lantern and a lamp, to light up a little the gloom of the night. The old woman looking up to the sky as if asking for help, and her faithful dog saving the moment to get up.

Describe what you feel…

The panorama I have visualized is a sign of sadness and much abandonment. Hopelessness and pessimism. I feel that there is no desire to move forward, but to succumb.


Ha sido mi participación en el concurso de escritores libres, llamado Una imagen vale mas que mil palabrasPuedes pasar y participar. Aún hay tiempo, amigos.

It's been my entry in the free writers contest, called A picture is worth a thousand wordsYou can stop by and enter. There's still time,folks




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The way you put it it sounds as if she knows she will die soon. Did she leave the flowers for her own funeral? I hope she leaves the back door open so the dog can go outside and she will fill his bowl.

A touching story. Thank you for joining.

Hi @freewritehouse! Indeed, she is an older woman, worn out and looking at what she has around her that was once important to her. She has deteriorated like her body, which is on its way to death. I imagine that the dog that is already blind, as I place there, may survive and not die of sadness. Greetings, and thank you for your kind visit.😍