in #hive-1502109 days ago

The story continues. this will be the final. If you missed the previouse parts, you can read it here.

I went straight to the place where i bought the fan, but the the person that sold the fan to me was not there.

Where is this is the guy that sold me this fan? i asked the person that i saw there, with rage. calm voice, but the authority displayed along side, was enough to meke the co-seller tremble in fear. He told me that the person went out and would come back tomorrow.

I brought out my phone from my back pocket, dialed a number, and asked my guys to come around. i gave them the location and they came, prepared to fight to the death.

The numbers was overwhelming, 5 of them, ready to bring down the shop if the seller didnt come. The pressure and threats grew worst, as every breathe taken, was inhaled with a spice of tension. Nobody knows what to expect. My guys were already ready to demolish the shop if it comes to that.

After much pressure, the seller came from whereever he went to. Interrogation took place, with me asking him the questions. He answered with a shaky voice. I could feel the fear he let out, and i was ready to take that to my advantage. I'm sure that the guy prolly pissed his pants out of fear. Our presence was intimidating, my calm, authoritative and threatening voice, was piercing through his eardrums to his heart, to subconsciously induce fear out of him. Appologies rained from his mouth like a river flow. i was not hearing any of it as i wanted a refund.

After a some time, i got a refund, and took my guys out of there. When we left the place, every body bursted into laughter. Our threat worked. We actually did not want to fight. lol. nobody has that strength, not in this hardship. we began to make fun of the sales man and his co-workers.

later that night, i took them out to a bar, where we went to chill out and laugh over what happened earlier.











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