in #hive-15385018 hours ago

Conspiracy theories, i have lots to talk about, ranging from religion to medicine, but then, some stones are to be left unturned.

Conspiracy theories can be more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. Its effects, eats up a comminity gradually and steadily untill the given community is no more.

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I grew up in a typical Nigerian home. Surrounded with many people, there are many lies that i was told while growing up.
I appreciate the fact that some lies were told to me, because it made me not do some certain thing, but then, I question the reason behind some of the lies that was told to me.

There are lots of conspiracy theories out there. Lots of them that have sent some people into their early grave.

One of these many conspiracy theories, is that; people, most times ladies, always say that after an unprotected sex, the ingestion of alcohol, or ampiclox, will help to avoid pregnancy.

keep playing with you future

I actually believed in this, because, ladies are responsible for childbearing, and as such, every of their comment about child bearing is inarguably true.

Time went on, and i entered medical school. I understood the effects of alcohol on the body, and the mode of action of Ampiclox, was taught to me.
I went further to understand that ampiclox is an antibiotic medication. as the word - antibiotic, implies, Ampiclox has a function of subdueing certain bacteria, and not inhibit pregnancy.

how i knew that the conspiracy theory is not true

When i was in my second year, we went for a reproductive health experience. There, we were taught many things. We were taught family planning and the methods of family planning.
That was were i first witnessed abortion and manual vacuum aspiration.

One day, we were in the lecture hall. Abortion was being taught. After the lectures, i went to personally meet the lecturer, and i asked her about the validity of this conspiracy theory, and she smiled. She explained it to me and told me that it is false.

She went further to say that; though when taken in excess, these substance may have effects on pregnancy, and in the maternal health in general, reseach have not yet shown that the substance can stop the process of fertilization and implantation.

After my discussion with the lecturer, i was not fully convinced, so, i went to carry out some personal research. I was disappointed to see that my lecturer was right all along.

This conspiracy theory has made people become mothers at a very early and unplanned age. People dropping out of school just to raise their chidren.

The rate of criminal abortion and death during the process of abortion was on the high rate. News of mother putting their babies inside the toilet, was rampant, all because, they could not use these substances to avoid pregnancy. When they finaly realize that they are pregnant, abortion will the inevitable.

Some persons lost their life to this conspiracy theory. i got to understand that, the cause of the maternal harshness towards her infant, is, basically caused by post partum depression/blues. A mental state problem that can be cured with time.

This is my entry for the hive learners prompt.

thank you for reading...

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I mean a lot of ladies do this without even knowing the risk, the way some of them talk about using these methods to avoid pregnancy you would think it was prescribed to them by medical practitioner

its quite alarming.
its causing much problems to the community

thanks for your amazing comment