in #hive-1057862 years ago

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Hello family!

Hope we are all doing great?
As for me, I'm very well and I'll like to seize this moment to thank God for restoring my voice.
I was kind of down for the past few days and I also had a very painful dry cough!
This cough injured my voice that I couldn't sing at all!
I sounded like frog for the past 48 hours.
I had to use cough syrup and also take blood tonic to help recover from the illness
My voice is gradually recovering due to the little vocal excercise I did earlier today!

So this is week 128 and the theme is "heartbreak".
Heartbreak comes from broken trust.
Whenever our trust in someone we confide in is broken, we tend to get heart broken and it mostly leads to depression.
I composed an original song this week titled "Sad breakup"
I recorded it with my guitar after the little vocal excercise I was able to do.

This song means a lot to me and I hope you find it relatable!
Thanks for tuning in.


I went to the doctor
I complained to him that
I feel a sharp pain in my heart
Oh oh oh oh

All the drugs that he administered
For me to use
Didn't work for me
Didn't work
The pain that you left
For me in my heart
To seal with is still fresh there
And it's so painful

Everyday by day
I go through this pain
Of being broken down
All the memories of what we share
Are still fresh in my heart
Are still fresh
In my heart oh oh
Tell me how to heal
Tell me how to heal from this

I miss the way you use to look at me
I miss the way you use to tell me that
Baby I love baby I love you
I miss how I use to jack you close to me
And look at you close in the eye
And tell you how beautiful you are
I miss eating your food
And telling you that the food is so delicious
And looking at your smile so so

All these memories
Wanna drive me insane
I don't know
What to do
Someone help me
Someone help me
Oh oh oh
Someone help me

It's a sad breakup (3x)
But I wish you well
Any where you are I wish you well
In anything you do I wish you well
Everything you do I wish you well
And I hope I get over it cos
It's a sad breakup
I hope I get over it
I get....
I'm alone to myself (4x)



¡Hola familia!

Espero que todos estemos bien?
En cuanto a mí, estoy muy bien y me gustaría aprovechar este momento para agradecer a Dios por devolverme la voz.
¡Estuve un poco deprimido durante los últimos días y también tuve una tos seca muy dolorosa!
¡Esta tos hirió mi voz que no podía cantar en absoluto!
Soné como una rana durante las últimas 48 horas.
Tuve que usar jarabe para la tos y también tomar tónico para la sangre para ayudar a recuperarme de la enfermedad.
¡Mi voz se está recuperando gradualmente debido al pequeño ejercicio vocal que hice hoy!

Así que esta es la semana 128 y el tema es "desamor".
La angustia proviene de la confianza rota.
Cada vez que se rompe nuestra confianza en alguien en quien confiamos, tendemos a romper el corazón y, en su mayoría, conduce a la depresión.
Compuse una canción original esta semana titulada "Triste ruptura"
Lo grabé con mi guitarra después del pequeño ejercicio vocal que pude hacer.

¡Esta canción significa mucho para mí y espero que la encuentres identificable!
Gracias por sintonizar


Fui al doctor
yo le reclamaba que
Siento un dolor agudo en mi corazón
Oh oh oh oh

Todas las drogas que administró
para que yo use
no funcionó para mí
no funcionó
El dolor que dejaste
Para mí en mi corazón
Para sellar todavía está fresco allí
Y es tan doloroso

Todos los días
yo paso por este dolor
De ser descompuesto
Todos los recuerdos de lo que compartimos
Todavía están frescos en mi corazón
todavía están frescos
En mi corazón oh oh
dime como sanar
Dime como sanar de esto

Extraño la forma en que me miras
Extraño la forma en que solías decirme eso
Bebe te amo bebe te amo
Extraño cómo solía acercarte a mí
Y mirarte de cerca a los ojos
Y decirte lo hermosa que eres
extraño comer tu comida
Y decirte que la comida es tan rica
Y mirando tu sonrisa tan tan

Todos estos recuerdos
¿Quieres volverme loco?
No sé
Qué hacer
Alguien ayúdeme
Alguien ayúdeme
oh oh oh
Alguien ayúdeme

Es una ruptura triste (3x)
pero te deseo lo mejor
Dondequiera que estés te deseo lo mejor
En todo lo que hagas te deseo lo mejor
Todo lo que hagas te deseo lo mejor
Y espero superarlo porque
es una ruptura triste
espero superarlo
Yo obtengo....
Estoy solo para mi (4x)

▶️ 3Speak


Wow this is beautiful 🥺
You rock

Thanks a lot dear @meyateingi

Oooh Me ha gustado mucho y posee una letra algo sentida esta canción, creo que pega perfectamente con el tema de esta semana.


Gracias por visitar a mi amigo.
Aprecio tu apoyo.


Gracias mi amigo

What a beautiful voice, good composition, congratulations my friend.

Many successes!

Thanks a lot dear friend.
It's s pleasure to have you around.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @obaro ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Dear Obaro, wow, I think I have told you before, you have the most beautiful voice, you are one of a kind brother.
We love that you are encouraged to bring these songs of your own, and that sweetness and expression in your singing just blows me away. It's easy to close your eyes and it looks like you are an established artist singing and winning many awards! you could easily be one! thanks for your commitment! never stop!

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-08 at 10.21.54 PM (1).jpeg

Thanks a lot for these great words of motivation and encouragements.
I really appreciate.
I'll keep giving it my all and I will never stop!

A song full of the melancholy and frustration so scorching in the breakups, the melody is incredible, and your voice is very sweet, the lyrics are heartbreaking jasdj, great contribution!

Yeah, the lyrics are really heartbreaking in relation to the week's theme.
Thanks for stopping by as it is really appreciated

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  • You will be featured in one of our recurring curation compilations and on our pinterest boards! Both are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within and outside of the DIY scene of hive.

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Stay creative & hive on!

I'm grateful for this selection @diyhub

Amigo @óbaro que buena interpretación y excelente letra de tu canción muy acordé a la temática , amigo que bueno que hayas mejorado a pesar de venir de tremendo cuadro gripal tu voz se escucha estupenda. Espero te recuperes en tu totalidad . Dios te bendiga🎶🎶🌹💔😔🎙️🌻😁🌟💫🌿🎧🤗😊🌷❤️🧡💚💜💞

Friend @óbaro, what a good interpretation and excellent lyrics of your song, I very much agreed with the theme, friend, it's good that you have improved despite coming from a tremendous flu, your voice sounds great. I hope you fully recover. God bless you🎶🎶🌹💔😔🎙️🌻😁🌟💫🌿🎧🤗😊🌷❤️🧡💚💜💞

Hey friend, It's such a pleasure to have you around and drop this good comments.
I'm pleased to go through that comment.