Dreams are extraordinary phenomena that occurs to to humans while sleeping, and scientists are nevertheless searching for a systematic clarification about dreams and the bond it hold between the person and their daily life, connecting them to a few messages and metaphysical matters despatched to the person, As a discharge of the person's inner desires or wishes.
Physiologists analyzed dreams as a physiological reaction to the body stimulated through external influences, and depended on their basically sensible experiences, the use of gadgets and remark devices, and what they located of their visible abilities, however did not deal with the fact that they did not see with their eyes.
Today, researchers try to find out every day, new records related to dreams but do you know that;
Some people tend to forget approximately about 50% of their dream when they wake up, and forget about 90% more after another 5 minutes, so it can be siad that we awaken first keeping in mind a few memories of the dream after which tend to forget about what they remembered.
someone can have many dreams in the night, but only try to remember the last dream.
Our dreams sometimes affects our physical being when we wake up. For instance someone may dream of eating or drinking and when awake starts to feel this hunger in them.
Some dreams can be a vision, ideas, creativity or inventions, just like Graham, who has an inspiration in his inventions. He puts them down the moment he gets up.
When someone dreams of his very own faces and those he thinks he does not recognize, he absolutely noticed them however can not remember them. Dreams comprises of things that crosses through the person at one stage.
Fact still remains that dreams come true, whether good or bad.