The world is hacked.

in #hive-17687421 days ago

Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. Those days women you would not wish to be a woman because of how they were treated, though these traditions that treat women wrongly are still practiced in some parts of the world, but lately in some civilized part of the world, the world has been hacked in favor of women. Sometimes it feels as if the world only exists in the favor of women or girls and no longer favors a boy child or men at large. At some point women were treated badly, and the world came together to correct that, and they have made it clear about gender equality, but lately it even feels like it still exists, but this time around it is the opposite of what was happening; those days it was the woman or girl child that suffered this, but these days it is the boy child or men.


There are things the boy child or a man will do and not get away with, but the girl child will do exactly the same thing, and it will completely be overlooked like it was nothing. Some things play right before your eyes, and you get to realize the whole fight for gender equality helped hack the world in the favor of women. When it is time to celebrate the girl child, every firm and company handles it, and social media makes a post, but when it is time to celebrate the boy child, only a few remember to do that. When you go on social media, the fight is always about the girl child or women and how to empower them, with very little about how to empower the boy child or men, more like men don't exist or the boy child doesn't need empowerment, which is very wrong.

The world should not be made to only favor one side, as these days many firms are only after women's empowerment and will support programs or movements that support women's empowerment while those that are about men's empowerment get very little support. Last year on Twitter, some influencers tried to make a difference by celebrating the international boy child day and also questioning firms whose Twitter handle celebrated the international girl child day but did not do the same on the international boy child day.


As much as it is good to empower the girl child and women, it does not mean the boy child or men should be completely sidelined or left out, as they too need to be empowered as much as women. The world should favor both parties and not just one; favoring both parties equally might be difficult, but at least it is not like what we see today. A little favor to the boy child can help push him far and help achieve his dreams too.


I’m certainly surprised by this whole twitter brouhaha I think it should be a normal thing for men to be encouraged too. I understand why people push women all the time but I believe men should also be pushed as well.

Men need support too. Thanks for stopping by.