
Lol, first of all this isn't a crime as $2 bills are legal tender as much as any other denomination. If true, whoever did the arresting and charging is incompetent and should be fired.

In this case the bill was a very old bill that was given to the student by her grandmother, when the kids tried to use the bill at school the lunch lady tested it with the marker and it failed, she then called the police on the student

$2-bills aren't even rare, either. Anyone can get stacks of them from any bank. For some reason, we stopped seeing them as circulating currency-- but they are by no means rare; not at all.

I had a stack of them at some point and never had a problem using them, but I guess in this case the bill was so old that it failed the marker test and the cafeteria staff though it was counterfeit as did the police. Stupid really.

If the bill is really that old, you may be better off selling it to a coin/bill dealer. If the offer to buy it isn't worth it, use it as a teaching aid-- especially if it features changes in text such as for legal tender.

Yeah, I've heard that. But I don't think the kid was aware of that. At this point I'd rather just use crypto whenever I can

Charging an 8 yr old with felony seems a bit harsh.

extremely I'd say

Who charges the government when they lose track of billions of taxpayer dollars?

This sounds like clickbait. The only story I could find similar to this was from 2016 and it not progress as far as the student being arrested or charged.

I believe they threatened the student with felony charges, I believe the cops did not know this old bill was still valid and they believed the student was printing counterfeit money or that someone she knew was doing so.

The closest they came to threatening charges was to say she could be in "big trouble". See update at the bottom of:

Thanks for the info, let's keep in mind that if police make a threat even something like "big trouble" it means charges, and for using counterfeit money it is a felony charge. It is just a case of ignorance by school staff and police

The point I'm trying to make is of how ridiculous this is and how unfair, when there is legislation that can subject a citizen to felony charges for counterfeit money, meanwhile the government prints all it wants