Let's look at meeting the Challenge of Cleanliness. It is not always easy to maintain a regular cleaning activity more especially in most African countries.
Scenes of uncleanliness are common in Africa in even the poorest of neighborhoods. However, maintaining hygienic standards is not always easy. The oppressively hot African climate makes the work of cleaning doubly hard. Dust storms cover every crevice of a house with fine brown powder. Deteriorating economic conditions make the cost of cleaning supplies, repairs—and even water—out of reach for many. In areas where women must walk miles each day to fetch water, they are understandably reluctant to use the precious commodity for washing.
Furthermore, a lack of knowledge of proper hygiene and sanitation is widespread. People contaminate water supplies without realizing the lethal consequences. Rats and other disease carriers are tolerated—even played with by children. Therefore leaving our surroundings unkept is detrimental to human health.
Cleaning at large should be our priority to build a better world and better planets to inhabit. We should also save our planets by our joint efforts to clean our surroundings on a regular basis.