Making myself busy and productive to escaped the reality of what happening around the world. News from my country adding pain and worries to myself. Even online way of living that I earned affected me so I kept myself away a little time but honestly, being here is different and difficult to leave. For 7 years, I been here fruitful. It's normal to experienced heartbreak, hurts failure, disagreement or some else along the way but we need to fight for what is needed and do what is better.
Excusing myself in writing, using my phone, I planted some vegetable so I will not buy again. I have these all long time ago but my boss removed it and changed for an Arabian Jasmine flowers.Now I replanted some and now they are all alive waiting to bloom.
Sweet potato.
*Now I know how to make my plants healthy. Every time we have tea and coffee left over, I kept it and water the plants.
*Adding two slot of moringa outside the gate , in the street side. I have 1 big tree there but not enough for all the people who steal or like to harvest without permission. We saw the people in the cctv but its okay. Before I have two big tree inside but they pulled and uprooted it. Now, it is in demand from their family.
What's lovely pink and white bougainvillea and the tall moringa like a Christmas tree.
I have lemon grass and spring onions too but I forgot taking picture.
The garden made me happy everytime I am not feeling bad. And I already harvested some and cooked nilaw oy (soup from leafy veggies).
That's my late upload for #beautifulsunday for @ace108 , #hiveph and @asean.hive