Crazy conspiracy theories, I couldn't forget

in #hive-1538509 hours ago

Hello Everyone in this amazing community

I hope this post met you well


I honestly can't forget some crazy conspiracy theories I believed when I was younger, some even when I grew up I still believed it until I finally learnt the truth that those theories are just fake as it can be. Conspiracy theory is the belief that some secret and influential organization is responsible for an event or occurrence.


Here are the Top conspiracy theories that really scared the shit outta me.

The World will End in the Year 2000. Okay this happened like 24 years ago. I was very young then, but I can vividly remember how I was so scared that I couldn't sleep on that day, it was actually 31st of December 1999, We all went to church on that day,what was really making me super scared? there was this theory that the world will End immediately we enter the year 2000.

Just like I was narrating earlier, I was very small then but the fear of the world ending traumatized me, different thought was running through my my like: a catastrophic events around the world like a massive Earthquake, the Earth breaking into two or a big fire will just fall from hell to devour everything on earth lol 😅. We were in the church for the cross over from the year 1999 to Year 2000.

It was a Very cold night, every one was busy doing Thanksgiving and praying, I was so busy panicking, after the Happy New year shout in church, my heart beat increased rather intensely, I was literally waiting for the inevitable end of the world lol.
After church, we drove home, all this whole time my eyes was wide opened waiting for the impending doom but to my shock days passed without any catastrophic events, it took me the next 3 months before finally getting over My End of the year scare. Right now I can only laugh out loud at how dumb I was to believe such stories.

My Next conspiracy theory that really got me hard is The COVID 19 Vaccine and Salt cure.


I am sure everyone know about the Unfortunate COVID 19 occurrence that happened in the year 2020, may all the souls of the dead Rest in Peace. The Pandemic itself was a massive scare. Millions of people lost their life to the unfortunate events. During the pandemic time scientists came with a breakthrough of a vaccine that was able to stop the spread and contain it. It took several months to reach Africa but that was the theory itself, the theory was that the vaccine contains microchips which was produced by the world illuminati to mark people for the 666 Antichrist Mark and doom people for Hell lol, Apart from that it was also said to kill people and make them to be controlled, just like a puppet, there was actually a speculative information that salt will cure and protect people from the Covid Virus too. Yeah it's a crazy conspiracy theory but I believed it.


After the vaccine reached here, I totally refused it because of my deep believe on the theory, it took me the physical observations of almost 10 people who took the COVID 19 vaccine in my presence before I finally got my own vaccine too lol. It then that I totally see how dumb how was for believing that conspiracy theory lol.
Conspiracy Theories can be so dangerous because they are usually deeply convincing and uncontrollably effective in Making people so wrong direction, Taking for example the COVID 19 Vaccine was rejected by a lot of people because of the conspiracy theories. It's so very dangerous, for me the best way to get out of the claws of Conspiracy theories is to seek for the truth.

Knowledge is Truly power

I hope you enjoy reading and do have a great day 😘



It is a fact that during the time of Corona, nothing was understood and every person was talking about his own words and there were some people who were spreading false things and scaring people, so many such theories in the country.

This is so true