It's funny how what i usually watch on Tv and movies actually happened in real life.
Two days ago I lost a friend, and this friend of mine is married, he also have a daughter. Last week my friend and his wife was at home, his wife wasn't inside with him so when she came in she met her husband on the floor unconscious, she called him and he wasn't responding.
His wife panicked, and she started calling for help, she was able to get help quickly, with the help of the neighbors and close family members, she was able to rush her husband to the hospital.
They took him to the first hospital, they refuse to admit him and referred him to another hospital, at the second hospital, they accepted to treat him. One crazy thing about Nigeria general hospital, they can delay a patient without giving proper attention to the patience.
They took a whole lot of time in the hospital, it took seven hours before they could attend to my friend. This was really sad, his wife was already crying and panicking. Finally the doctors gave them attention. My friend's name is Paul.
During this whole delay by the doctors, one part of my friend's body was already paralyzed and it was said that it is caused by stroke. The doctors transferred Paul to the ICU ward (intensive care unit). Paul stayed in the ICU for four days. On the fifth day, the doctors decided to transfer him to another hospital .
I was worried already, because the doctor said Paul is not getting better. His wife and daughter were also worried too.
On the sixth day, the doctor informed us Paul couldn't make it 💔. It was a terrible day, the year is just starting I'm losing someone was a least that could happen to us. We broke the news to the rest of the family members, I guess this was where we made a mistake.
Tribulations of Rebecca
Paul's wife Rebecca, broke the news of her husband death to the rest of the family members, and they were so upset. They began to accuse Rebecca of killing her husband Paul. It wasn't even funny. Paul's siblings started attacking Rebecca and her daughter, the accused her of being responsible for her husband's death.
I never imagine something like this would happen to someone close to me in reality, I only watch things like this in movies or hear them in stories. This time it's happening in reality.
Paul's sisters were the ones making trouble with Rebecca. At this point Rebecca was just a confused young widow, she has cried her eyes out, no one seems to believe her.
The following day, Paul's sisters came to Rebecca's house to make trouble with her, this time they came with hoodlums. They went into Rebecca and Paul room, they turned the room upside down, they took most of the valuables Paul had, including the documents of his land.
Rebecca pleaded with them to leave Paul's property's alone, but they turned deaf ears and continued with what they were doing. They took all the expensive clothes Paul had, they didn't want Rebecca and her daughter to gain from Paul's asset and his inheritance.
Rebecca with a heavy heart, allowed them to do whatever they liked, she didn't have the strength to keep asking them to stop. Rebecca's senior brother was in her house at the time this things were going on, he decided to speak up for his sister. Immediately he made an attempt to stop them, one of the hoodlums bounced on him violently.
Rebecca's brother Solomon refused to allow them over power him. He picked up a sharp object to fight back, Rebecca didn't want any trouble, so she told her brother to drop the weapon, Solomon reluctantly dropped the weapon.
Paul sisters started demanding for Paul's mobile phone, meanwhile, Paul's daughter Abigail has hide the phone far away from the house, she was so smart to quickly hide the phone.
I couldn't sit back and watch them maltreat my friend's wife in such manner. I went to the police station and reported the whole situation, the police officers came and arrested Paul's sisters, some of the hoodlums escaped, while some got arrested, reporting to the police made the whole situation calm down, i guess A stitch in time save nine.
I feel so bad about the whole situation, Paul's sisters are still in police custody, Rebecca has been on medications, because she developed a chest pain, due to the whole situation.
I guess some movies were acted based on real life events or experience.
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