Wistoria's wand and sword review(ENG/SPA)

in #hive-158489yesterday

I remember one of the things I wished for when I was younger was to be a musketeer or a knight like barbie in barbie and the musketeers movie. Me and my sisters, we'd tie a piece of cloth around our necks and shoulders to serve as a cape,then we'd use the iron sticks from the clothe hangers as our swords to fight each other, saying the word, "engarde" multiple times. Sometimes, we'd go magic against sword. I'd be the knight,with a mop stick in between my legs to serve as my horse and my trusty sword and my sisters, the mages with pencils as their wands.

Watching this anime took me back to when we used to grapple for the invincible prize. Honestly,when I first saw the cover image I was unconvinced it was going to be a good anime.Never judge a book by its cover!. I got the recommendation to watch it from someone here and I decided to give it a try.

Wistoria:wand and sword is a fiction anime series,aired its first episode on the 7th of July 2024 and ended it around September. It has a total of 12 glorious pieces of fiction. It revolves around a teenager, Will Serfort. Will attends a school for upcoming mages, a school that grooms its students on how to use magic. In this world,magic is infinite. The highest of the highest, those who can't do magic are looked down on, stomped and crushed. With Will unable to do any form of magic,he has to battle creatures in the dungeon to earn credits for school. He's really good with a sword but swords aren't really a thing in magic academies. It all comes down to these two questions; Will's sword against wands? Or Will's sword and wands?

I wish to talk some more about the plot of this anime but it's a short one and it's a really simple plot so exposing a bit more might be considered spoilers and I wouldn't really like to read that, I'm sorry. Wistoria: wands and swords is a simple and beautiful anime. Of course, you'd definitely be able to predict the main thing here:the weakest will eventually strive to be the strongest. It's the most obvious thing in the series but apart from that fact,every other thing is incredible. The creativity of this anime is so good,I love how the mangaka managed to turn it into something exciting and breath taking at the same time. Although,it did remind me a bit of solo leveling when I saw the dungeons and beasts,they had some similarities with the ones in it except this dungeon was beneath their school.

Overall, I'd give this anime a solid 7 out of 10, there wasn't any bad episode and it gave me a little adrenaline pump.

Thanks for reading.

Recuerdo que una de las cosas que deseaba cuando era más joven era ser mosquetera o caballero como Barbie en Barbie y las mosqueteras. Mis hermanas y yo nos atábamos un trozo de tela alrededor del cuello y los hombros para que sirviera de capa, luego usábamos los palos de hierro de las perchas como espadas para luchar entre nosotras, diciendo la palabra "engarde" varias veces. A veces, jugábamos magia contra espada. Yo era el caballero, con un palo de fregona entre mis piernas para servir como mi caballo y mi fiel espada y mis hermanas, las magas con lápices como sus varitas.

Ver este anime me hizo recordar cuando solíamos luchar por el premio invencible. Honestamente, cuando vi la imagen de la portada por primera vez, no estaba convencida de que fuera a ser un buen anime. ¡Nunca juzgues un libro por su portada!. Alguien aquí me recomendó verlo y decidí darle una oportunidad.

Wistoria: varita y espada es una serie de anime de ficción, emitió su primer episodio el 7 de julio de 2024 y terminó alrededor de septiembre. Tiene un total de 12 gloriosas piezas de ficción. Gira en torno a un adolescente, Will Serfort. Will asiste a una escuela para futuros magos, una escuela que prepara a sus estudiantes sobre cómo usar la magia. En este mundo, la magia es infinita. Los más altos de los más altos, aquellos que no pueden hacer magia son menospreciados, pisoteados y aplastados. Como Will no puede hacer ningún tipo de magia, tiene que luchar contra criaturas en el calabozo para ganar créditos para la escuela. Es muy bueno con la espada, pero las espadas no son algo común en las academias de magia. Todo se reduce a estas dos preguntas; ¿la espada de Will contra las varitas? ¿O la espada y las varitas de Will?

Quisiera hablar un poco más sobre la trama de este anime, pero es corta y es una trama muy simple, así que exponer un poco más podría considerarse spoilers y realmente no me gustaría leer eso, lo siento. Wistoria: varitas y espadas es un anime simple y hermoso. Por supuesto, definitivamente podrías predecir lo principal aquí: los más débiles eventualmente se esforzarán por ser los más fuertes. Es lo más obvio en la serie, pero aparte de ese hecho, todo lo demás es increíble. La creatividad de este anime es muy buena, me encanta cómo el mangaka logró convertirlo en algo emocionante y asombroso al mismo tiempo. Aunque me recordó un poco a la nivelación en solitario cuando vi las mazmorras y las bestias, tenían algunas similitudes con las que estaban en él, excepto que esta mazmorra estaba debajo de su escuela.

En general, le daría a este anime un sólido 7 de 10, no hubo ningún episodio malo y me dio un poco de adrenalina.

Gracias por leer.


You wanna be a musketeer?😂😂
Asper with swords, riding a horse and shit...

This one no easy😂😂


😂😂😂😭I want to be a lot of things.

@omokhafue! @seki1 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @seki1. (1/5)

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muy bueno este anime, la animación, la trama, todo bueno!

very good this anime, the animation, the plot, everything good!

@nattosenpai thanks for the recommendation,glad I watched it.

Great! I'm glad you loved it. It's the best of the fantasy genre this year. We'll see in a few months what's in store for this new season.

Yosh!😉 On my way to watch Bleach cour 3 right now, beautiful piece of art😔❤️

Great! I haven't watched any Bleach yet, just some clips. Yes, I know, it's the only popular Shōnen anime of my time that I haven't seen, besides One Piece. But I plan to watch it someday because I saw the new movie they're about to release on social media and it looks fantastic.

I'm hearing good review about this anime on FB too. Coz of that it caught my attention that I downloaded. But I can't really feel it yet. I'll try to start this anime soon. Thanks for the review.

Try watching it for like five minutes first and if you're not still feeling it, don't watch it. You'll feel it eventually,this happens to me a lot!😂
Yeah, it's part of the top 2024 anime right now.

I'll do that yeah, sometimes too I really to be in the mood to really feel it 🙉

visualmente se ve bonito, en su momento me llamo la atención su animación pero su sinopsis no me convenció, creo que le dare una oportunidad con lo que dices, la premisa del personaje sin magia en un mundo mágico siempre puede resultar divertida y hasta emocionante.

jajaja me causa gracia tu anécdota de los juegos de pequeños, me recordó a la época cuando jugaba con mis amigos a batallas con espadas usando palos y siempre terminábamos golpeándonos las manos xD

visually it looks nice, at the time I was attracted to its animation but its synopsis didn't convince me, I think I'll give it a chance with what you say, the premise of the character without magic in a magical world can always be fun and even exciting.

hahaha I find funny your anecdote about the games when I was little, it reminded me of the time when I used to play with my friends in sword battles using sticks and we always ended up hitting each other's hands xD

visually it looks nice, at the time I was attracted to its animation but its synopsis didn't convince me, I think I'll give it a chance with what you say, the premise of the character without magic in a magical world can always be fun and even exciting.

This was the exact same thing I thought when I first saw it. It looked weird,I don't know how to put it without insulting the show but it was really wholesome when I watched it.

hahaha I find funny your anecdote about the games when I was little, it reminded me of the time when I used to play with my friends in sword battles using sticks and we always ended up hitting each other's hands xD

So 75% of us in the entire world all lived the same life in a way?😂

Wizard anime usually don't disappoint, but this must have elements that distinguish them from others, I guess this one has them. And well, the animation looks pretty good.

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Oh yes,it was a really wholesome show not gonna lie. It wasn't mind-blowing or something with a surprise,it was simple, heart warming and good. And I guess those should be part of the qualities of a good anime. And yes,I binged watched it cause I felt I wouldn't have peace of mind if I didn't 😭😂.

Thanks for sharing, please remember to visit and support other users' posts. greetings!

Alrightyy, I'll do just that. Thanks for reading and commenting, I appreciate the support.