Good morning fellow travelers! Today I bring you a post full of beautiful natural photographs but at the same time it is quite curious because we are going to see a river that is literally born out of "nothing", the Lis river is very famous in Leiria because we can only see it in winter, and it is born from the soil made up of limestone rock, come with me on this short and exciting adventure!🌊🌅🚩
Buenos dias amigos viajeros! hoy les traigo un post lleno de hermosas fotografias naturales pero que al mismo tiempo es bastante curioso porque vamos a ver un rio que nasce literalmente de la "nada", el rio Lis es muy famoso en Leiria porque solo podemos verlo en invierno, y nace del suelo constituido de roca caliza, acompañame en esta corta y emocionante aventura!🌳🌷🌴🌏
Parish of Cortes🙇♂️🧭/Freguesia de Cortes🚩🌍
To get to the source of the Lis river we must first visit the parish of Cortes which is located in the municipality of Leiria in Portugal, if you stay in Lisbon to get to Leiria it would take you about an hour by car! However, you can do all this adventure by public bus since you have access to the village of: (Alqueidao) and then walk a few kilometers to the source of the river, which is actually a small route of less than two kilometers to reach the exact place where the river emerges from between the rocks!🌊🌳🌷
Para llegar al nacimiento del rio Lis debemos primero visitar la freguesia de Cortes que se encuentra en el municipio de Leiria en Portugal, si te hospedas en Lisboa para llegar a leiria te tomaria como una hora en carro! sin embargo puedes hacer toda esta aventura en autobus publico ya que tienes acceso a la aldea de: (Alqueidao) y luego caminar unos kilometros hasta el nacimiento del Rio que en realidad es una pequeña ruta de menos de dos kilometros para llegar al sitio exacto donde el rio surge de entre las rocas!🤔👨🏫🧭
A little walk🙇♂️🧭/Una pequeña caminata🚩🌍
The view of the river to cross the village🌊
If you come to the center of Portugal you have to live this beautiful experience because it is not every day that you see a river rising from the rocky soil, as its flow grows it becomes stronger and more beautiful, the walk is approximately two kilometers in shape circular and you will pass through the village that has old houses built around the river making a fantastic landscape, you can also stay in some hotels or restaurants, the village is small but complete!🌍🧭
Si vienes al centro de Portugal tienes que vivir esta hermosa experiencia porque no todos los dias se ve un rio nacer del suelo rocoso, a medida que va creciendo su caudal va tornandose mas fuerte y mas bonito, la caminata es de aproximadamente dos kilometros en forma circular y pasaras por la aldea que tiene casas antiguas construidas alrededor del rio haciendo un paisaje fantastico, puedes tambien quedarte en algunos hoteles o restaurantes, la aldea es pequeña pero completa!📚🌍
Inside the village🙇♂️🧭/Dentro de la aldea🚩🌍
This tourist area is recent and it was just inaugurated in 2017, it was clearly an investment by the municipal chamber to attract tourists to the village of Cortes, and it worked because both in winter and summer many people come here to follow the trails that start here in the river! and it was my intention only that the post would be very long and I ended up dividing it, the village is very small and has few inhabitants and those who live in the houses all year round are retired or are dedicated to agronomy!🌅🚩🧭
Esta zona turistica es reciente y apenas fue inaugurada en el 2017 claramente fue una inversion de la camara municipal para atraer turistas a la aldea de Cortes, y funciono porque tanto en invierno como en verano muchas personas vienen aqui para realizar los senderos que comienzan aqui en el rio! y era mi intencion solo que el post seria muy extenso y acabe por dividirlo, al aldea es muy pequeña y tiene pocos habitantes y los que habitan las casas todo el año es porque son personas jubiladas o se dedican a la agronomia!🌷🌳🚙
Description of the Lis River🙇♂️🧭/Descripcion del Rio Lis🚩🌍
The Lis River belongs to the west of the "Iberian Peninsula" and its mouth culminates in the Atlantic Ocean, it has a length of more than 40 kilometers and the surface of its basin is almost 1000 km2, incredible, right? to be a small river that is born from the ground, it is practically at a height of 120 meters, this river is born by the process of "alluvial plains" which is the overflow of water in a cause around a valley; later the Lis joins the famous Lena river.🌷🌳
El rio Lis pertenece al oeste de la "peninsula iberica" y su desembocadura culmina en el oceano atlantico, tiene una longitud de mas de 40kilometros y la superficie de su cuenca es de casi 1000km2 increible no? para ser un rio pequeño que nace del suelo, practicamente esta a una altura de 120metros, este rio nace por el proceso de "llanuras aluviales" que es el desborde de aguas en un cause alrededor de un valle; posteriormente el Lis se une al famoso rio Lena.🌅🌊🌊🌄
little adventure🙇♂️🧭/Pequeña aventura🚩🌍
And here our little adventure begins, right next to this electricity post marked with a "path" sign and actually to get to the source of the river we must go through a small path that is a quite beautiful natural park, many come here to exercise in the middle of nature, others seek inspiration, then there are birdwatching lovers, and finally tourists and adventurers like me! There is no loss, just follow the river until you reach the point of origin!🌏🌳🌊
Y aqui comienza nuestra pequeña aventura, justamente al lado de este posta de electricidad marcado con una señal de "sendero" y en realidad para llegar al nacimiento del rio debemos pasar por un pequeño sendero que es un parque natural bastante bonito, muchos vienen aqui a hacer ejecercicio en medio de la naturaleza, otros buscan inspiracion, luego hay amantes del birdwatching, y por ultimo los turistas y aventuremos como yo! no hay perdida es solo seguir el rio hasta llegar al punto de origen!😎😎🌺
My friend Jose in his natural experience🌊
Today I was lucky to be with a friend, he is like my adventure partner and we always go to all the most "extreme places in Portugal" and we climbed mountains, we did diving, but for some time we wanted to visit this village to see the river and then climb the highest mountain range in Leiria, or one of the highest!🌍🧭
Hoy tuve la suerte de estar con un amigo, el es como mi compañero de aventura y siempre vamos a todos los sitios mas "extremos de portugal" ya escalamos montañas, hicimos buceo, pero desde hace algun tiempo queriamos visitar esta aldea para ver el rio y luego subir la sierra montañosa mas alta de Leiria, o una de las mas altas!📚🌍
Here the river "appears"🙇♂️🧭/Aqui "surge" el rio🚩🌍
As you can see we reached our final destination and that is when the river appears from the ground, a rather curious natural event! The most interesting thing about all this is that it can only be seen in winter! In summer the river is completely dry, incredible, right? and that is why living this experience is something that will remain in your trunk of memories! One more activity if you come to Portugal in winter escaping the cold! Let me tell you that at this point in January you can still come across sunny days and a very high thermal sensation!🌊🌳🌏
Como puedes ver llegamos a nuestro destino final y es cuando el rio aparece de entre la tierra un evento natural bastante curioso! lo mas interesante de todo esto es que solo puede ser visto en invierno! en verano el rio esta totalmente seco increible no? y es por eso que vivir esta experiencia es algo que quedara en tu baul de los recuerdos! una actividad mas si vienes a Portugal en invierno escapando del frio! dejame decirte que a esta altura de enero aun puedes toparte con dias soleados y una sensacion termica muy alta!🌷🌅
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Referencias bibliograficas / Sources:
The description of the park was taken from the cited pages!