Hello everyone ! My Collage is about Surrealism Collage. This is my photo collage entry for taking part in the Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 136 - ✨256 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨. Here it is:
Do you like creating unique and amazing collages? Come join this week's contest, you can read the rules at the following link LMAC Contest Round 136 Announcement - ✨256 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨☀️. Here are some photos and their sources that I used to create this collage:
LMAC Library / Gallery:
Contributed to the #LIL by @quantumg.
Contributed to the #LIL by @edgarafernandezp.
Contributed to the #LIL by @edgarafernandezp.
Contributed to the #LIL by @edgarafernandezp.
Contributed to the #LIL by @mballesteros.
Contributed to the #LIL by @mballesteros.
The Other Sources
Template / Original Image by @shaka
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