Mi Diario: 26 mayo 2024 // My Diary: May 26 2024

in #hive-1092884 months ago

Hola, querido hiver.

He recibido mil y un golpes pero continuo sobre el cuadrilátero. Me mantengo en pie, luchando por lo que creo que es una buena opción de vida para mí. Sin imponerle nada a nadie. Respetando al tiempo que me hago respetar.

Encuentro difícil enfocarme debido a mis propias labores de colaboración en diferentes proyectos. Sin embargo, también compruebo que cada vez me cuesta menos regresar al lugar y momento en el que estoy. Vivo el aquí y ahora con más consciencia que nunca, he aprendido a disfrutar del presente como el regalo que es. Para esto me he ayudado de la meditación. Un breve rato diario antes de hacer mi reflexión estoica es suficiente para que en un par de semanas haya notado sus beneficios.

Por otro lado trato de atraer mi suerte no dejando de trabajar todos los días en aquello en lo que quiero avanzar. Es imposible recibir exactamente lo que cada uno se merece acorde al esfuerzo dedicado, esto lo he aprendido por experiencia y lo veo a menudo. Pero también sé que la suerte llega cuando menos la esperas siempre que hagas bien tu trabajo y solo eso sea tu objetivo.

Me traen alegría las acciones que dirijo hacia los demás, me hace feliz ayudar. Espero poco a cambio y de este modo agradezco cualquier cosa que me llegue de vuelta. Suele ser más de lo que entrego, al menos así lo siento. La fórmula del interés compuesto también se cumple en lo personal y es donde mejor invierto.

Hasta la próxima publicación. Mientras tanto, ¡cuídate!

Herramientas: Cámara iPhone 13 Pro, editor de fotos Mac.
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©️Copyright 2024 Paloma Peña Pérez. Todos los derechos reservados.

Hi, dear hiver.

I've taken a thousand and one knocks but I'm still in the ring. I stand up, fighting for what I believe is a good life choice for me. Without imposing anything on anyone. Respecting while at the same time making myself respected.

I find it difficult to focus because of my own collaborative work on different projects. However, I also find that it is becoming less and less difficult for me to return to the place and time where I am. I live in the here and now with more awareness than ever, I have learned to enjoy the present as the gift that it is. For this I have helped myself with meditation. A short time every day before I do my stoic reflection is enough for me to have noticed the benefits within a couple of weeks.

On the other hand, I try to attract my luck by continuing to work every day on what I want to advance. It is impossible to receive exactly what everyone deserves according to the effort put in, I have learned this from experience and I see it often. But I also know that luck comes when you least expect it, as long as you do your job well and that alone is your goal.

The actions I direct towards others bring me joy, it makes me happy to help. I expect little in return and in this way I am grateful for whatever comes back to me. It is usually more than I give, at least that's how I feel. The formula of compound interest also applies to me personally and is where I invest the best.

See you next time. In the meantime, take care!

Tools: iPhone 13 Pro camera, Mac photo editor.
Translated with DeepL
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©️Copyright 2024 Paloma Peña Pérez. All rights reserved.

Posted using Ecency Love


🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Cada que leo sus post definitivamente es como un pequeño suspiro debido a que me llevan a reflexionar Pero aún más siento cierta Paz, creo es la mejor forma de definirlo.

Guau, qué bonito saber que sientes paz al leerme. Es todo un honor y me llena de alegría. ❤️🤗

Si, suelo leer sus post y siempre siento eso al momento de leer y siempre me lleva a una reflexión y creo eso es muy importante.

You are absolutely right.
Sometimes luck comes when we least expect it. The important thing is to keep trying and keep giving your best. Thanks for the guidance, this is very useful. Thank you for sharing ❤❤

I have gone through many disappointments until I reached this point, but that's right, fewer expectations mean fewer disappointments. So what arrives is more appreciated.

Thank you for your time reading and commenting. 🤗

You're welcome my friend❤

Estupendo levantarse y seguir, me parece oportuno y valiente. Un gran abrazo.


Seguir, siempre seguir mientras pisemos este mundo. ❤️🤗 !LUV !PIZZA


$PIZZA slices delivered:
sacra97 tipped palomap3
ekavieka tipped palomap3
@palomap3(3/15) tipped @sacra97
palomap3 tipped hivebuzz
palomap3 tipped ekavieka

Muy sana forma de pensar, saludos✌️

Ha costado muchos disgustos llegar a este estado, pero gracias a ellos llegué hasta aquí. 😃

🤣 puedo hacerme una idea

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These are so much comments! 🎉🤗❤️ !LUV !PIZZA

15k comments is a major milestone! Keep shining @palomap3! 🌹🌹🌹

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I like your positive vibes Ma'am @palomap3 "I have learned to enjoy the present as the gift."

With the passage of time we can only learn to live better. It is the learning we get from each experience. Thank you for your time reading and commenting.


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Thank you!!

Wes & Grindan

Curated by wesphilbin

Thank you, my dear! 🙏❤️

It is impossible to receive exactly what everyone deserves according to the effort put in

very well said, life might not be a perfect as we all wanted to be or what we imagine, often times good thing happen when it was the least we expected it, just like you said. as long as we do the best, the result will follow, although it might be a little bit later.

sending some !LUV and !PIZZA to you.
a !LOLZ to laugh as well

Lowering expectations reduces the chances of feeling disappointed. ☺️ It is more satisfying to thank the good that comes to us and not expect anything.

Thank you for your support, I send you a big hug and of course a lot! LUV and a little !PIZZA 🤗