Waiting for daybreak.

in #hive-1949137 months ago

Come and step into the new day with me.

Let's wait for the sunrise to see the start of the day.

It is no fun to be woken up with leg cramps, and the only way to find relief, is to take a walk. It's very difficult to sleep in the hot temperatures, especially when a power cut is in progress, as then we cannot use the fan that we have in the bedroom. So, the only thing that one can do is to get up and that's exactly what I did and at 4am I went outside. Of course, my camera came with and throughout the morning. We got some interesting shots that I will show you here.

Ever so slowly, the sky started to lighten and here below some early birds came over on their way to the lake.

The sun started to creep up from behind the mountains, and soon all of this would be lit up by bright sunshine.

I heard a Harrier Hawk calling, but it was difficult to get it in the tree at a distance, as the light was still not good enough.

But like always, the light improved, and a couple of Egrets came over.

Now for something else.

You can see how the sunlight reflected off the moon surface, as the morning colors were now in full swing.

So, how's my luck? I was so hoping that the chopper would fly across the surface of the moon, as it would have made for a perfect picture.
But sadly it was just too high.

Then I heard another chopper coming in, and this one was just below the moon.

Even the birds coming over were nowhere near the moon, so I gave up and went inside to have breakfast.

But whoa, stop the lorry, 3 choppers came over at a dizzy height just to tease me :)
Also, nowhere near the moon!

Have you ever waited for a perfect shot in nature, only to almost get it? And then to get a second chance, almost to get it again, but not quite?
I am sure that almost all nature photographers know what I am talking about, and even though I am now salted in the trade, it still disappoints me. I mean, can you imagine what a helicopter on the surface of the moon would look like? Beautiful is all that I can say, but you know what? I console myself with the thought that tomorrow is another day and that I will get many more chances. The only thing to do is to make sure that I am ready for it.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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Those are some nice pictures of the morning :) I hope you will get the perfect one soon 🙏

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Thank you my friend, and yeah there are always other chances to get the perfect one.


Did you hear about the Scooby Doo villain who became an Olympic swimmer?
He would have won, if it weren't for all those medaling kids!

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The sky is an excellent source for photographing objects.

Yep, always a great source for pictures.

Early morning is the time when nature and animals wake up. It’s very nice to walk in the cool while it’s not too hot. The photos are wonderful!

Oh yes and at times one can even see a night animal on its way to sleep for the day. I love the cool, as South Africa is a very hot country, and it's so nice to see the start of a new day.
Thank you and I am glad that you liked the photos.



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Greetings my friend 🤝.

Very nice pictures you bring us today. The truth is they are super spectacular.🤩.

Those photos of the moon are wonderful. You can appreciate every detail with an amazing level. It's amazing.🙌.

They are also beautiful to frame and put on the wall of a house. Their elegance is very special.👌.

And of the other photos what can I say, just great 🙌🙌. I loved them very much too. Those birds flying and the little Alcon in his nest are stunning.

On the other hand, even though you couldn't capture the photo you wanted with the helicopter, it looks spectacular too. But don't be discouraged, I'm sure you'll get it another time 🙌🙌🙌🙌.

Now, follow up on the topic you started the post with, I know what it feels like to have a power outage in the middle of a hot night.

I am from cuba, and here it is very common to have power outages. For example from 6 to 12 hours a day. We are practically more in blackout than with electricity. In the last few months this problem has increased. As this is a tropical country of Niche, it is very hot, and no doubt there is no one who can sleep like this 😅😅. Sometimes I also feel like going outside to cool down a bit 😅.

Well, my friend, it's a great pleasure as always to be here. Best regards and have a great day 🤝.

Hey @tecnologyfan1, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Thank you for the praises, and I am rather a humbler person than you describe. Just an ordinary guy with a good camera and a passion for nature and all of the other fine things in this life.

Regarding the captures on the moon surface, I have had planes and birds on the moon surface, but never a helicopter. But I agree with you that there will always be another chance to get one.

Friends of ours went to Cuba on holiday, and they told us that they had a fabulous time. I like all of the old cars that are still around in your country, and South Africa has very good relations with Cuba.
At times we also have 8 to 10 hours per day, but they divide the power cuts into 2 and 4 hour durations.
Really debilitating and very bad for the economy. So bad that many small businesses are closing down and a big problem also with unemployment, as we have one of the highest unemployment figures in the world.

Best regards also to you, and may you have a great new week.


No doubt your content is great, I really like your pictures 🤝🤝.

Good to know that some of your friends had a good time here. I'm really glad 👍. The weather in general in this country is pretty good, not too hot and not too cold either. We would say a middle point. It is a characteristic that people who travel to the country like very much.

And yes, there are still a lot of old cars. Most of them from the 50's. The truth is that they are a few decades old. But the owners keep them running. Some are still well cared for.

On the other hand, definitely a power outage is wearing. For example, you wake up wanting to work and in less time than you think the power goes out. And since it's from 6 to 12 It's practically all day long.

For example, to make a publication in hive, I have to do it at times when there is electricity, at times and moments 😅.

And just like over there, here some companies and businesses are paralyzed due to lack of power. And some very important ones like the ones that belong to the food creation section.

Let's hope the situation improves in both countries soon.🙏.

Well friend, I wish you an excellent day. Best regards.🤝

Thank you for the appreciation of my photos !LOLZ

Yes, our friends regaled us with many stories about their Cuba visit and they certainly loved the visit.
They also liked the weather and you have now confirmed it as truth.

I love the old cars and every now and then I place a post about some of the old cars that are still seen on the roads here. Even some of the ones in the 30's. Many old guys keep their cars in top conditions.

I share your dismay about the power cuts, as it does indeed make life very difficult. What I do is that when we have power, then I schedule some posts, as it is a great help during the dark periods.

So many people also go bankrupt due to the power cuts, and they lose all that they have done in their businesses over the years. Especially those that invested their life savings and their pensions into their small businesses. Very sad.

We can only hope and pray that things will get better in both countries.

Best regards also to you!


I invented a new word today.

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Ah waking up with leg cramp was not good 🤣.
Currently in that situation, though not often due to pregnancy.

How the birds line up while flying always fascinates me.

Oh yeah, never pleasant to have one woken up by leg cramps. And I am not even pregnant !LOLZ
I hope that you are going to have a lovely baby.

The birds always have a leader, and when they fly long distances, then the lead gets changed according to the seniority of the birds in the line.


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I received straight Ds in all my biology classes in college
I guess I’m bio-D-grade-able

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The first picture is really nice! I can only look at it in awe thinking how far away it is from us

Thank you milady, I think that it's just across the big pond from you !LOLZ

Did you hear about the Irish guy who was assasinated at the antique store?
It was a knick knack paddywhack!

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