The heart disease diagnostic exam procedure called catheterization was finally scheduled for March 8th.
The same was requested in the Brazilian single health system (SUS) on 08/17/2023 and it always takes a few months to be scheduled.
I will describe the events that led to this situation.
On 05/18/2023 at 9 am I was admitted to the Monsenhor Dourado Hospital in Beberibe, state of Ceará, the city where I have lived for 20 years here in Brazil, with chest pain and high blood pressure above 20.
An electrocardiogram was performed and indicated changes requiring medication. After 30 minutes of taking the serum and the prescribed medications, I went for a Troponin test, which came back negative for a heart attack.
The doctor requested an echocardiogram to investigate the clinical picture. The echocardiogram was performed on 05/19/2023 with the following result.
On that date, the cardiologist requested a coronary angiotomography with calcium score. I made the request to the Unified Health System (SUS) through my family doctor and it was rejected because it was not included in the covered exams.
So I went back to the cardiologist and requested and carried out an ergometric test, also called an exercise test, which gave the following result.
In view of the results presented, the cardiologist sent me to request a catheterization, which
I am already in the preparation phase for, carrying out tests, a stricter diet and protection with a mask and avoiding contact with other people. All with the aim of preventing the spread of COVID, flu, and colds, which prevent me from carrying out catheterization.
Em face dos resultados apresentados o cardiologista me encaminhou para solicitar um cateterismo o qual já estou em fase de preparação com realização de análises, dieta mais rigorosa e proteção com máscara e evitando contato com outras pessoas. Tudo com o objetivo de me precaver com o contágio de COVID, Gripe, e resfriado, que são impeditivos de efetuar o cateterismo.
Gif by @aleister
All photos by @pataty69
Gif by @doze