COM #10: Christmas Eve in the Toilet || Nochebuena en el baño (ENG-ESP)

in #hive-1641662 years ago


Image by Marc Schaefer From Unsplash

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.”
–Lord Byron

"Ríete siempre que puedas. Es una medicina barata".
-Lord Byron

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had an amazing week. If No, I am here to sprinkle some laughter on you on this beautiful day. What better way to end the weekend than with a bowl of joy.

Hola a todos,
Espero que todos hayan tenido una semana increíble. Si no, estoy aquí para rociar un poco de risa en este hermoso día. Qué mejor manera de terminar el fin de semana que con un tazón de alegría.

I have been itching to share this story for a while. Just thinking about it today brought laughter to my face and I remember it was not so funny when it happened.

Hacía tiempo que tenía ganas de compartir esta historia. Sólo pensar en ella hoy me ha hecho reír y recuerdo que no era tan divertida cuando ocurrió.

Also, the title may be misleading, and No! it is not what you think, so stay tuned to find out what the twist is. This is my entry for this week’s contest.

Además, el título puede ser engañoso, y ¡No! no es lo que pensáis, así que permaneced atentos para descubrir cuál es el giro. Esta es mi entrada para el concurso de esta semana.

Let’s dive right in…

Vamos a sumergirnos...


Image by Hello I'm Nik From Unsplash

A Fun Storytime || Una historia divertida

So this happened so many years ago when I was still in High school. It was the 24th day of December, my friends and I had made a deal to go out and have some fun as the hyped teenagers we were.

Esto ocurrió hace muchos años, cuando todavía estaba en el instituto. Era el día 24 de diciembre, mis amigos y yo habíamos hecho un trato para salir y divertirnos como los adolescentes exaltados que éramos.

I remember telling my mother that I planned to go to the cinema for a movie at past 6:00 pm that day and she refused on the grounds that my curfew was 6:00 pm. I pleaded and tried to convince her that I would be back before 8:00 pm but she did not budge.

Recuerdo que le dije a mi madre que pensaba ir al cine a ver una película pasadas las 18:00 horas de ese día y ella se negó alegando que mi toque de queda era a las 18:00 horas. Le supliqué y traté de convencerla de que volvería antes de las 20:00, pero no cedió.

After my failed attempt to try and convince her otherwise, I took my loss and went back to my room feeling so upset. In the heat of the moment, just as I was about to call my friends and give them the bad news, I immediately received inspiration. Aha!!!

Después de mi intento fallido de convencerla de lo contrario, me di por vencida y me fui a mi habitación muy disgustada. En el calor del momento, justo cuando estaba a punto de llamar a mis amigos para darles la mala noticia, recibí inmediatamente la inspiración. ¡¡¡Aha!!!

Without wasting much time, I dashed into the toilet with speed and jammed the door. My mother heard the bang and came to find out what happened. I quickly brushed it off with, "...I have a toilet emergency".

Sin perder mucho tiempo, me precipité al baño con rapidez y atranqué la puerta. Mi madre oyó el golpe y vino a averiguar qué había pasado. Rápidamente me lo quité de encima con: "...tengo una emergencia en el baño".

My plan was to stay in the toilet until my mother went to her room as she planned to have an early night's rest, then sneak out once the coast is clear, spend an hour with my girls and come back like I never left. Easy peasy right? Wrong!!!

Mi plan era quedarme en el baño hasta que mi madre se fuera a su habitación, ya que pensaba descansar temprano, y luego salir a hurtadillas cuando no hubiera moros en la costa, pasar una hora con mis hijas y volver como si nunca me hubiera ido. Fácil, ¿verdad? Error!!!


Image by 99.films From Unsplash

All was going well until it was time for me to sneak out. Guess what? The door refused to open. You have got to be kidding me. Do you mean to tell me, I just spent about an hour in the toilet for nothing?

Todo iba bien hasta que llegó el momento de escabullirme. ¿Adivina qué? La puerta se negó a abrirse. Tienes que estar bromeando. ¿Quieres decir que he pasado una hora en el baño para nada?

I kept trying to open the door, the more I forced it, the harder it became. Finally, I broke the door handle and that was it. I sat back down and felt like pulling my hair out one strand after the other.

Seguí intentando abrir la puerta, cuanto más la forzaba, más difícil se hacía. Finalmente, rompí el pomo de la puerta y eso fue todo. Volví a sentarme y sentí ganas de arrancarme el pelo un mechón tras otro.

Unfortunately, my mother was asleep, my brother and I did not have a phone at the time, and my older sister whose phone I was using to communicate was in the parlour with her eyes glued to the TV while her phone was in the room. There was no way to reach her.

Por desgracia, mi madre estaba dormida, mi hermano y yo no teníamos teléfono en ese momento, y mi hermana mayor, cuyo teléfono utilizaba para comunicarme, estaba en el salón con los ojos pegados al televisor mientras su teléfono estaba en la habitación. No había forma de localizarla.

I felt so defeated, I just wanted to go to sleep at this point but guess what? I could not. There was no way out! My only option was to pass the night in the toilet and I did.

Me sentí muy derrotado, en ese momento sólo quería irme a dormir, pero ¿adivinen qué? No podía. No había forma de salir. Mi única opción era pasar la noche en el baño y así lo hice.

It was one of the longest nights of my life. I slept standing for the most part and kept pacing back and forth in the toilet space when I was awake.

Fue una de las noches más largas de mi vida. Dormí de pie la mayor parte de la noche y me paseé de un lado a otro del baño cuando estaba despierto.

On the morning of 25th December, my mother was calling out my name as she did not find me in my room. I was so tired and with a faint voice, I managed to respond. She figured I was in the toilet and started asking me what I was still doing there.

En la mañana del 25 de diciembre, mi madre gritaba mi nombre porque no me encontraba en mi habitación. Estaba muy cansada y con la voz débil, logré responder. Supuso que estaba en el baño y empezó a preguntarme qué hacía allí todavía.

I explained that the door had jammed from the previous night and I could not open it. She tried to open it but she couldn't. She had to call a carpenter to break the door.

Le expliqué que la puerta se había atascado desde la noche anterior y que no podía abrirla. Ella intentó abrirla pero no pudo. Tuvo que llamar a un carpintero para que rompiera la puerta.

As soon as I came out I did not engage anyone in a conversation and just went straight to my room and slept the whole day. When I woke up I told my siblings and they could not stop laughing at me.

En cuanto salí no entablé ninguna conversación con nadie y me fui directamente a mi habitación a dormir todo el día. Cuando me desperté se lo conté a mis hermanos y no pudieron dejar de reírse de mí.

Thank you all so much for your time!

Muchas gracias a todos por su tiempo.


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Thank you P♥️♥️♥️

@tipu curate

Thank you very much Tobe!
I am always grateful for your unwavering support!😊😊😊

This story didn't go the way I expected 😂😄😄

@peaq proposes, toilet disposes

You see, I know most people would think it is a case of running stomach not knowing that it is one mad toilet door like that 😂😂😂

Ahhhh 😅😅😅

While you were planning planning your own, the toilet was planning coup for you 😅😅😅

This kind of Christmas will not be sweet again sef.

Hilarious 😂

While you were planning your own, the toilet was planning coup for you 😅😅😅

Can you imagine the nonsense...😂😂😂
I went through all types of emotions that day.

This kind of Christmas will not be sweet again sef.

I slept most of the day away.
I had to sleep away my sorrows of the previous night.😅😅😅

Thank you for reading!

I can imagine

You'll begin to ask yourself why did you you think about doing that in the first place.

This is pure 2 - 0; you didn't go for the outing, plus you didn't sleep well...

And infact, 3 - 0, because it scattered your Christmas plans also and enjoyment 😅😅

My dear...
I didn't even know whether to blame my mother or the toilet, my sister or my village people sef..
Everybody suppose collect 😅😅😅😅

As the old Yiddish proverb says "We plan, and the toilet laughs"

Thank you.

Wao! I think I like this..😂😂😂you had a big plans tho, but the the toilet door was so amazing to have shown you the big boss lol.. I just imagine the way you would have said the story that day😄😄

I was so pissed.
I needed to cool off with a long nap 😂

Lol ..I just can't imagine how that day will be😄😄 and I hope the sleep came tho..

It did.
Sleep is a coping mechanism for me when I feel down.

Wao! Unlike me.. I find it so hard to sleep I will either play game or just lie a bit

Oh wow.
When I'm tired or sad, sleep comes to me naturally!

You see, that's why we are different. Lol

Indeed 😅😅😅

Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

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Thank you so so much @bhattg
Always and forever grateful!

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