My Neighbours & I: A Love-Hate Relationship?

in #hive-1928063 years ago


Image by Clu Soh From Unsplash

“Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends”.
-Alphonse de Lamartine

Being born into a family of musicians (father, mother, brother, sisters, and I) exposed me to a whole lot of singing and musical instruments at a very young age.

I remember how little I was when my dad told the then choirmaster of my Anglican church that his two little children (my brother and I) are going to join the choir as soon as possible. This became a reality as soon as my brother and I turned 11years and 8years old respectively.

At a tender age, it was easy to spot that I had a high-pitched female voice so I was sent to sing the soprano part while my brother had a high-pitched male voice and was sent to sing the tenor part.

At first, I did not enjoy it as it was a lot to commit to as a child or so I thought at the time. We were required to go for choir practice three times a week, learn new songs, and get tested on them. Soon enough I started to fall in love with it and this became my life. The older I grew, the better I got and today I am here.

In response to my lovely Gab and one of my favourite pianists @mipiano’s prompt, please enjoy my answers to her question prompts on musicians and their neighbour.
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Are you a Musician or Have a neighbour that is a Musician?
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I would describe my neighbours as soundcians, if there is a word like this. They make sounds that are either pleasant or unpleasant to the ears. Sometimes, it is the sound of loud music playing non-stop from a broken speaker or it is the sound of loud chats, quarrels, and kids crying non-stop. And Yes, I am a musician.

@Peaq doing her thing 😅...

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Does someone in your close family play an instrument?
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Yes, my dad played the pipe organ in church, we even bought a Hammond Electronic Organ with 3-keyboard and foot pedals for our house-use as the pipe organ is really expensive. Although he sold it after so many years. My mom plays the drums and is learning how to play the keyboard she purchased shortly before my dad passed.
Playing simple songs like "Mary had a little lamb" on mom's keyboard 😄

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Is it difficult to listen many times to the practicing sessions?
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For my dad, No. It was not since he knew his way around the organ. For my mom, sometimes especially when she plays the keyboard. It is a funny yet slightly cringy feeling when she plays really off-key notes while practicing.
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Is it nice, do you find joy in that?
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In my dad’s case, it felt really nice as he would accompany us with his instrument during morning devotions as we sang hymns, praise, and worship songs. On the other hand, my mom just plays the drums and with the two of them combined, it is a full music band with us the singers in action.
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Did you have some funny moments?
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Oh Yes! There was this time my mom was playing the drums and went into the spirit and by that I mean, we had all finished singing while my mom continued playing the drums with her eyes closed as everyone waited in silence and awe.

I can't even recall what I was playing on mom's drums 😄

By the time she realized and opened her eyes, she realized we had finished singing ages ago, she threw the drumsticks up in the air due to excitement. One of the sticks landed on my dad’s head as he was standing right in front of her. My dad responded with “Kids this is what we get for being patient” and we all laughed.
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Have someone ever complained of you if you study your musical instrument?
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Actually No. For one, my house has sound-proof doors and windows which usually keeps the sound confined within the house. Also, on the topic of listening to loud music, I personally prefer listening to my music with ear pods, so I shut out all the noise.
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Peacefully disturbing my neighbours as they never complain 😅😂...

The only thing that could disturb my neighbours is when I sing high-pitched songs outside and in such cases, if the song is familiar, I hear someone hum to it or sing along from the other compound (they are cool like that). If it is unfamiliar, they do not complain. However, I rarely sing outside.
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What was the wildest thing you made in your flat, bothering the neighbours?
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There was this time when we decided to demolish the bungalow we grew up in and rebuild it into a 2-story duplex with a Penthouse where we currently live in. So the noise from the construction during those months must have disturbed them.

I would say it was more of a non-musical act but they never complained to the best of my knowledge.
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What is favourite music I listen to very loudly?
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It would be afrobeats/Nigerian music. I like my classical pieces more personal and solemn. However, I like to listen to afrobeats in the confines of my room and mostly when my windows are closed as they are sound-proof.
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Has someone called the police?
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Lol. No. Even if they did, I doubt the police would respond except it concerns some highly placed or influential individual in the society or if it were to be a “serious” crime like armed robbery, murder, and the likes with such gravity of offense.
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What do your neighbours listen to & do you like it?
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I live in a very serene and secured area of my city, although the influx of lounges, bars, and clubs to the area has affected the calmness of some surrounding areas. Oh well, everyone literally minds their business except your business becomes their business and vice versa then an interaction or altercation occurs.

A view of my neighbourhood from my balcony ❤️

Although, I cannot remember ever listening to my neighbour's playlist before because I am always in-doors with the external sound shut out and while I am outdoor I am going out of the house.

You are welcome to take part in this thought-provoking prompt here and on that note, I draw the curtain here.

“Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn.”
-Charlie Parker

Blessings to you all.
Till I come your way again.
Love & Light, Hugs & kisses!

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

All photos are mine except otherwise stated.


Sister! How interesting to know that you come from a well-defined lineage of musicians. 😃 I don't think the police would respond here either for the same reasons 😆.
How wonderful to appreciate your experiences and that you have joined this challenge. 😄🙏🎶🎹🎵😎💯🤩🙌

I don't think the police would respond here either for the same reasons 😆.

Oh wow, that is crazy! The police are a nutcase here as well.

How wonderful to appreciate your experiences

Thank you so so much brother.
You are awesome!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

That's wild.. Your mum plays drum.... I wish I could hear her play...

Talents do run in the family

Your mum plays drum.... I wish I could hear her play...

Whenever you're in PH and we manage to convince her on a chilled day as she is always busy😂😂😂😂.
Thank you Esther ♥️♥️♥️

I can see why you sing so angelically, you are very fortunate to have a family that is entirely of musicians, as I would have wanted it to be the same for me, in my case 50% of us are musicians. You are also fortunate to have practically no problems with your neighbors. Thanks for sharing, I had a lot of fun. Cheers!

I would have wanted it to be the same for me, in my case 50% of us are musicians.

How fly? That's not bad. Magic can be created. I mean look at you.
You are really blessed!

You are also fortunate to have practically no problems with your neighbors.

My dear, it's a huge blessing I don't take for granted.

Thanks for sharing, I had a lot of fun.

Thank you for always engaging.
You both are amazing ♥️

Thanks for sharing! !1UP !PIZZA

Thanks a bunch @ivarbjorn 😊😊😊

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Thanks a bunch 😄


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
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Thank you for the pizzzzzaaaaaaaaa.
Super delish 😉

Oh My Peaq!!!!! I could say Oh My God, but here just my OH MY PEAQ indeed!!! Heeeeeey, you entered my writing initiative 🤗 Thank you much much much and more 😇

So the whole family musicians, well, that explains why you are soooooooooo good at what you do! Girl, your post made me laugh a lot 🙌

The story of your mom still playing the drums when everyone finished, and then the drumstick landed on your dad's head and his comment 😂😂😂 Hahaha, that was more than funny!

The same as @khaleesii , the police thing... so they don't come if someone calls them... :/ what if you really need them?

And how cute you are playing the keyboards and the drums, the singing pose is what I already know very well :))) 💙

If you need them, well, most people try not to.

Heeeeeey, you entered my writing initiative 🤗 Thank you much much much and more 😇

Yes I did.
And it was super exciting and nostalgic answering these questions. It brought back fond memories and laughter as I penned down my thoughts 😊

Girl, your post made me laugh a lot 🙌

I am so glad it did.
I was scared I was too serious in my answers 😂

The story of your mom still playing the drums when everyone finished, and then the drumstick landed on your dad's head and his comment

I’m sure the drumstick must have hurt a bit but he made humour out of the situation 😂

what if you really need them?

That’s the sad part because it becomes a life or death situation.

And how cute you are playing the keyboards and the drums,

I was learning how to play and the instructor took a couple of photos in the moment.

Thank you so so much for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this Gab💕

It stirred up laughter and joy in me just reflecting on old times ♥️

You had both serious and funny answers. Well balanced :))

Yeah, the police part and help is a sad story, I hope you will not need them.
Once again, thank you for your story shared with us 🎶🤗

Yeah, the police part and help is a sad story, I hope you will not need them.

I hope so too because it's a crazy world out there.

Once again, thank you for your story shared with us

Thank you so so much for this amazing opportunity once again.
You are the best!♥️♥️♥️


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Thank you 😉

Oh wow, now I see where you got all those talents from.

It runs in the blood. 😂

Indeed it does.
My parents inspired me a lot growing up..
Thank you for your kind words 🙂

You’re welcome

Super talented and blessed..very amazing

Thank you so much 😊

Your mom must be full-on passionate about playing the drums! Not even listening to anybody else, just the drums... Or maybe she was travelling to all sorts of 'places' with the drums guiding her on her discoveries and mind travel? Did she ever tell you what actually happened inside her on this occasion?

Did she ever tell you what actually happened inside her on this occasion?

Indeed you are not far from the truth...
She said she just got into it and all she could hear was the sound of the drums even long before we stopped singing.
It was simply hilarious.

how funny, but this is what music can do. well, I can enter such state when I listen to music, with mind and all in places far away from planet earth, shutting down all my other senses. Great state to be in 🌻

Indeed 😁
It’s a mini escape from reality and a portal to a whole new world.

Thanks a bunch for dropping by 😊😊😊