UNBELIEVEABLE: Watch This Amazing Short Interview with my 23-months old! Con subtítulos en español

in #hive-1657573 years ago

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“Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun.”
— Mignon McLaughlin

"Sólo donde se reúnen los niños hay una posibilidad real de diversión ".
- Mignon McLaughlin

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Hello guys, this is my little baby girl Soso and she is 23months old. She will be turning 2years this March. Watch what she does at her age. She is so smart. She started school in late January and in the space of a month, she has learned so much.

Hola chicos, esta es mi pequeña Soso y tiene 23 meses. Cumplirá 2 años en marzo. Miren lo que hace a su edad. Es muy inteligente. Empezó el colegio a finales de enero y en un mes ha aprendido mucho.

I got back from work today and she was so excited to share with me all she had learned from her class in this 1 month of schooling. I was blown away and had to make a video to document her progress and journey.

Hoy he vuelto del trabajo y estaba tan emocionada de compartir conmigo todo lo que había aprenddo en su clase en este mes de escolarización. Me quedé impresionada y tuve que hacer un vídeo para documentar su progreso y su viaje.

I hope you enjoy this and it brings smiles to your face as much as it lightened my day.

Espero que lo disfrutéis y os haga sonreír tanto como a mí me ha alegrado el día.

🔷❤️ The Interview || La entrevista 🔷❤️

Interviewer: What is your name?
My baby: Soala

Entrevistador: ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
Mi bebé: Soala

Interviewer: What is the name of your school?
My baby: Stepping Stone Educational Center

Entrevistador: ¿Cuál es el nombre de tu escuela?
Mi bebé: Centro Educativo Stepping Stone

Interviewer: What are the primary colours?
My baby: Red, Blue, and Yellow

Entrevistador: ¿Cuáles son los colores primarios?
Mi bebé: Rojo, Azul y Amarillo

Interviewer: Raising a nursery rhyme-"I Know, I know"
My baby: "I know, I know, the little I know I will never forget"

Entrevistador: Levantando una canción infantil: "Lo sé, lo sé"
Mi bebé: "Lo sé, lo sé, lo poco que sé nunca lo olvidaré"

Interviewer: Raising another nursery rhyme- Once I saw a little bird
My baby: Once I saw a little bird, Will you stop, stop, stop? I was going to the window to say "How do you do?" But he shook his little tail, And away he flew!

Entrevistador: Levantando otra canción infantil- Una vez vi un pajarito
Mi bebé: "Una vez vi un pajarito, ¿Quieres parar, parar, parar? Iba a la ventana a decir "¿Cómo estás?" Pero agitó su colita, ¡Y se fue volando!

My baby: Starts singing rhyme on her own
1,2 buckle my shoe
3,4 pick up sticks
7,8 lay them straight
9,10 a big fat hen'
She gets carried away and starts singing something else and dancing 😅😅
13,14 shoot your gun

Mi bebé: Empieza a cantar la rima por su cuenta
1,2 abrochar mi zapato
3,4 recoger palos
7,8 ponlos rectos
9,10 una gallina grande y gorda
Se deja llevar y empieza a cantar otra cosa y a bailar 😅😅
13,14 dispara tu arma

Interviewer: Raising a nursery rhyme-"Row Row"
My baby: Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

Entrevistador: Levantando una canción infantil: "Row Row"
Mi bebé: Rema, rema, rema tu bote
Suavemente por la corriente
Alegremente, alegremente, alegremente
La vida no es más que un sueño

Me: Come and Give me a Hug
My baby: Runs to give me a hug.

Yo: Ven y dame un abrazo
Mi bebé: Corre a darme un abrazo.

The End!

El final!

▶️ 3Speak


A happy birthday to the little princess on her day ♥️

Thank you so much Liz.
Her birthday is in 17days.
I'll send your love to her @elizabeths14 😊😊

😂😂😂 That's fine.
We are in her birth month.
So it counts Liz 😊😊😊

learnt that in space of a month, she is really smart, po po shoot your gun lolz

Indeed, I’ve always known she’s a smart kid.
But this right here, blew me away 😊😊😊

She's really a smart kid and a joy to watch. I was smiling all through the video. Nice.

She is ohhhh
I was having a really tired day and she instantly lit up the day for me 🥰

I’m glad it brought smiles to you as well.

Yay! 🤗
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