Pretty tough start to the Splinterlands season, well smooth if you account for the fact that I started 1 or 2 days in from Novice played manually the first day to take it to silver and then I handed it over to @splintermate to play.
A bit after that I also added my Bronze account to Splintermate to play from novice to bronze and it ended it Silver also.
Bronze Account season rewards - Finish silver
I did make a mistake with the Bronze account though which technically makes it a Silver account now. I forgot to not allow it to auto-advance and the fucker went on to play silver.
That is fine though because I will just do Silver season chests now but keep it in Bronze to milk winning streaks or just more average wins if possible.
It does how me that unless I can play tier 2 or 1 of a League I still do not think it is good to play the next level up.
Silver 3, Gold 3 etc are trash to be in because of the increased FP per chest but minimal gain in FP per match.
Back to Gold maybe Diamond?
My main account had a bit of shuffling around, it is by far not of Gold 1 standard but gets the job done. With me renting it out completely previous season I had to start from novice and my season chests were for Bronze with a sprinkle of absolute shit RNG.
I let Splintermate manage it but definitely noted a downtrend once it hit gold.
So I took @anyn99 up on their offer to test a bot they made and got over the Gold 3 - 2 hump rather quickly with it pushing into Gold 1 without me even renting anything.
I still won't rent unless it is to fill ghost cards. Off the cuff anyn's bot handled gold a lot better and played a lot more adequate with finding the better lineups based on information at hand instead of global history.
So this season I will let their bot handle my main account and Splintermate can handle the bronze account, and possibly I will add another to it.
Riftwatchers and then some.
I think getting 50 packs of Riftwatchers is good if you can. Any less it is a waste. Cards will most likely be priced ok to purchase but if I am going to chase anything it might be a Validator license although I think that ship has sailed.
All in all I am pretty meh about it and do not care to sell off any assets just to get in on some Tower, Rift or whatnot airdrops.
I don't think they are for the normal player anyway and really not for anyone that is not either completely obsessed or earning an average salary.
Rising Star
I did buy some more cards specific to what I wanted especially cheap Pizza on Rising star and slow progressing to Level 100 to break the next barrier of missions.
For this next part I am though just going to stack a bit, @risingstargame has made a pool for STARBITS:STARPRO although it has no rewards yet I am just going to use it to "save" and pump all my Starbits into it.
No reason really I just think I want to do that and it would help me not spend it all. lol.
Possibly the next 10 levels will take up to a month so then I can see how much I have stacked and I guess decide to splurge to maximize daily rewards but if the next barrier seems a bit mediocre I might just keep it in the pool and hopefully there are LP rewards by then.