Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 147

in #hive-1277882 years ago

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Welcome to the 147th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)

I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.

The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.

The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)

Obviously, there is no way for me to verify whether the photo that you submit in the challenge is really fresh or if it was even taken by you so I am relying on your honesty guys. The prizes for the winners (as described below) are more symbolical than overly motivating so I don´t expect too much fraudulent behavior in this challenge anyway.

I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:

Only one entry (photo) per person per round.

The photo must be yours and not older than one week.

Add a few words about the photo, at least where and when you took it.

You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round.

Prior to publishing the next round post, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvote on their entries and feature them in the next round of the challenge. As long as the response is not too overwhelming, I will also try to give some smaller upvotes on all of the other entries to reward all participants.

I might change the concept and/or the rules of the photo challenge later on, depending on how things go. I usually host the challenge on Thursday but when needed for some reason, I can host it on some other day so better check my blog regularly not to miss out on it ;)

To keep up with you guys, I submit my own fresh natural photo to every round´s post too :) Here is my contribution to start out this round:


A couple of days ago, we got another load of snow here in Prague. It was snowing quite heavily last Friday but it was already dark outside so I couldn´t take any pictures that day. Therefore, I headed out to nature the next day, on Saturday morning, to enjoy the snow before it melts away again. Unfortunately, I´m not exactly an early bird so I ended up outside as late as just before the lunch and by that time, a decent part of the fresh snow blanket already did melt away but I still managed to capture some snowy scenes. Here is one of them. Taken at one of the entrances to the famous Prokop Valley here in Prague, Czech Republic.

In the last round, we had 8 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:

@tommyl33 with this entry from Malaysia:


I always see this bee every morning getting honey from flower around the house but I decided try to take her picture last weekend. After chasing her a few minutes, I managed to take her picture while she was resting. This carpenter bee says hello from Sabah, Malaysia.

@malos10 with this entry from Venezuela:


Here is my entry for this week, I took this photo yesterday in a pine forest in Venezuela, Tachira State. I'm planning to make a post tomorrow about this adventure too! I will tag your contest, hopefully more people will be encouraged to join too.

@onlavu with this entry from the Czech Republic:


Hey @phortun, very fresh entry from my today´s trek through my beloved Jeseniky Mountains (Czechia). All day long, milky weather on my journey. Except this moment when the sun showed up for a couple of minutes. Photo taken at the Lost Stones (1250 m.a.s.l.) a very popular hiking spot of the mountains.

Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries :)

I am looking forward to what you will come up with in this round.

Have fun and appreciate the beauty of nature!

I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Traveling, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)



A completely random photo that I took a couple of days back when I visited the Karachi Port. In this picture you can see some fishermen returning back from the open sea with their catch ladden on their heads.

Cool, thanks for your entry! And sorry for not getting back to you on Discord yet, unexpectedly busy times lately :(

Thanks dude.

It's completely fine

Cool pic!

Thank you

Congrats to the winners!

Thanks for checking out their shots! :)

This is from a today´s short walk near where I live (Vienna, Austria). It was sunny, but pretty cold!


Sunny but cold, I know this weather :) Beautiful entry, thank you.

Another round of beautiful shots and yet another beautiful mountain top shot from onlavu. That carpenter bee shot had so much detail and saturation I’m in love with it!

Thanks for stopping by man! I appreciate your regular visits, seems that you really enjoy the entries :) Yeah, @onlavu is working hard on building this reputation of a mountain top clicker :D

The photos, it's very beautiful.

Glad that you like them :)

Huh! So last Friday it snow? We left Prague by noon and indeed the sky was grey and looked as it will snow! To bad we missed it! Still, by the time we arrived in Wien it snowed! And most of the 4hr drive time from Prague to Wien!

Here is my photo! I hope you like it! Hahaha. Today its exactly one week!
Its a snapshot taken in Prague, while having a small walk on the shore of Vlatva River. I loved this spot!
One cute little feather fellow right here! Beautiful colors!


Wow, what a nice surprise! I´m happy to see you here with this lovely entry :)

Then it started to snow just a few hours after you left Prague :)

Thanks! 😊

I saw your post and I thought why not sharing a photo myself? Hehe

@tipu curate

Začínám nabývat dojmu, že Prokopák je pro tebe to nejdůležitější místo v celé Praze :-)
za použití #aroundtheworld

Nejdůležitější asi ne, ale je tam hezky a mám to teď kousek za barákem, tak jsem tam poměrně často :)

Je dobré mít takovou odpočinkovou zónu po ruce :-)

Hey @phortun nice to see you keep doing the Appreciate Beauty of Nature, The Job have kept me away for some time now, but I hope I can return soon. Nice pics by the way.

No problem man, join whenever you want :) The new round will be published tomorrow.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll try

Taking my dog for walkies in the snowy neighbourhood, Czechia.

Thanks for piking my last photo😉

Vidím, že u vás taky cosi napadlo :) Momentálně je bílo i tady v Praze, kalamita jak na Sibiři, jak by řekl Jaryn :) Dík za entry!

Hi @phortun I took the photo in the last weekend at a seaside of Istanbul. It was cold and windy, but people were doing windsurfing on the sea.

Cool, thanks for your entry!

Thanks you really much for the featuring !! i apreciate it a lot!

invite my friends @jlinaresp @vincentmfotos to participate !

Thank you very much for inviting friend @malos10!!! :)

Con much gusto amigo! And thanks for informing your friends about my challenge :)

thank you very much for tagging me bro I've been a bit away this week for work but I'll be posting again soon.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Last Saturday when I was in my hometown. I usually stand by here in the afternoon for sunset sightseeing. I had the chance to jogged and did some simple stretching since the place was empty and quiet and stayed there until the darkness came and enveloped the entire scenes.

Amazing colors, thanks for another stunning entry :)

Šedivý šedivák.. aj taký musá byt:)

Musí, aby si pak člověk zase víc vážil slunečních slunečňáků :)

Good morning @phortun!

Last night I saw the moon in the east at almost 7:00pm maybe. I went to the garden to water the plants and I found the interesting subject again from the east. Last time, I was taking the picture when the moon was still moving from east to west and it was 11:30pm.

The leaves of the dates tree, the moon with the colorful flowers gave a beautiful natural beauty of the night.

Thank you😇!

Another moon shot, wow, this one is even more beautiful with those palms and flowers :) Thank you!

Thank you @phortun

I'm told Victoria is the garden city not only because of the council's reserve or botanic garden (abundance of) but every house and residence seem to take pride on their own land creating beautiful gardens. I'm lucky enough to be living in an area with all of this, plus mother nature has created creek of water running though area bringing more beauty naturally taste. I share with you a walk through the area with our Jetti last sunny Weekend here in Seabrook, Melbourne :)


Thanks for this lovely entry Trang! You have so many beautiful places over there in Australia :)

Hello @phortun friend, This challenge is a lovely initiative, thanks for that!... I was invited yesterday by @malos10 (thanks friend) and today I've made this photo which I took very early today during my morning daily walk...


I have called it: "The rock and the moon"... It is a view of the moon approaching to set on the horizon formed by the mountains to the west of my town (Montalbán, Carabobo State, Venezuela)... It was made with my old Nikon D7000 cameras and a Nikkor 55-300mm zoom lens at 6:50AM (local time) on December 09, 2022... It's a lovely sight in my opinion and usually occurs during the full moons of December and January, when the moon hides aligned to that rock formation.

Thank you very much for this opportunity to participate... A hug for you and everyone here... Greetings!

Hey there, welcome to my challenge! What a stunning entry as your intro, wow! Incredible shot, thank you :)